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HongaarseBeer last won the day on July 27 2017

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About HongaarseBeer

  • Birthday 05/30/1997

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    The Netherlands. And no, I've never done drugs...
  • Interests
    Music, the Witcher series, philosophy, psychology... Lots more actually, just ask

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  1. Spotify has finally introduced their student discount in the Netherlands, yay. Only problem: you can only pay using a credit card. Which student has a credit card (if he/she doesn't have rich parents)??? I certainly don't.


    I guess I'll stick to paying the full price then :( 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      may the youtube playlist be with you

    3. Plok


      Having rich parents has nothing to do with being able to get a credit card. Depending on what your bank offers you can easily get card that you can use online (some sites won't recognize them in some countries) or you can always make a prepaid card that isn't connected to bank account

    4. HongaarseBeer


      @Njab that's correct, it doesn't necessarily have to be related. I should have specified it more actually.


      In the Netherlands, it's uncommon for students to have credit cards. If you request one/receive one, you will automatically be registered on a credit list (a list of an organisation that tracks the debts of all Dutch people) and banks will consult that list if you ever need a mortgage or a loan. This applies to other companies that give credit too. Even though it's a silly thing, it's just a credit card, companies/banks could be reluctant to give loans if you're still young, because you're not really creditworthy yet. That's why hardly any student has a credit card.

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