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Everything posted by Zey

  1. Zey


    Banned for all the green in your signature and avatar.
  2. Out of curiosity because I am thinking of making a new banner soon, are there any specific rules in regards to what is and what isn't allowed in your signature? I don't really see any, but at the same time I am absolutely hopeless in this regard and hopefully this doesn't sound like a stupid question? Thanks!
  3. Zey


    Heal Eve, hurt Noel Anna: 43 Arclight: 31 Cain: 29 Eve: 12 Lumi: 17 Luna: 24 Noel: 12 Shade: 23 Shelly: 44 Thank gosh it was this. Because otherwise it would have been a link to SAO abridged. (Condolences Noel)
  4. Zey


    Banned for a really cool and impressive sprite in your trainer card. Seriously, so cool.
  5. Nah I don't, but I guess my name is Alistair now. Casual thefting of such a brilliant name. BlueMoon?
  6. Funerals never change do they?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Alistair


      Depends on what you expect from funerals. But yeah the process is mostly is same every time.

    3. Zey


      Fair enough, probably too broad of a question I asked there which I apologize for. I've been to several this month alone, just got back from one. All pretty much the same.

    4. Alistair


      My condolences

  7. Boots for sure but it sucks because I can't wear them most of the time. Favourite character in Reborn?
  8. Being alive. I was nearly gone several times, but because of so many awesome people, I am still here. And... I am thankful for that. Permanent solutions to temporary problems never work.
  9. Freak out since it's my worst fear. Freak out because I wouldn't feel worthy enough to even try and avoid it from happening. Freak out because I just wouldn't know what to do, end up accepting what is going to happen and move on, onto the next life or however an afterlife works if there is one. Lighter topic. If you had the change to go anywhere for a holiday, where would you go?
  10. That is definitely an buster sword! I was curious to see if it could be fused with a power cell and see what the result is. Thanks for the comments guys!
  11. Unfortunately I am not the rad person you are looking for. Spine?
  12. There goes any chance of playing Sun and Moon. Oops

    1. Spineblade


      Hm, what happened?

    2. Zey


      My 3DS broke and I am financially broke.

  13. Feeling a bit more feminine in this photo. But I hate how I look so here's one for the record books.
  14. I gotta admit. Smack Down was a move I never used until this playthrough of Reborn, and it has so many uses. I preferred it over Stone Edge because of accuracy and secondary bonus's. It works as a brilliant substitute.
  15. Zey


    Banned for kickass signature.
  16. Why yes, yes I am. Future is alright I guess, no world wars or anything but it's pretty boring tbh. BlueMoon?
  17. Zey


    Banned for being a water type.
  18. G'day. Not Micky I'm afraid. Spineblade?
  19. @DemiIce Trust me I love how dark the game is. Man I could go on because of how surreal and realistic it is at the same time. Puts a huge cultural shock onto how dangerous Pokémon are and how shitty People can be for power and their beliefs. And thanks for the welcome!
  20. Zey


    Banned for being a psychic type
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