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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Dypatome

  1. Well welcome to the forums! Stay a while, the people here a great. If if you're ever looking for other things to do, be sure to check out some of the other fangames we've got!
  2. Welcome to the forums bud, you should fit in quite nicely here,
  3. Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay; if you're looking for some freinds or people to talk to, there are definitely a lot of great people here. My only suggestion would be to check out some of the other fangsmes here too, such as Rejuvenation, Desolation, and Spork to name a few. I hope everything goes well with the surgery and recovery!
  4. Getting your wisdom teeth out feels fantastic... not 

  5. Anyone else feel like the general number of comments has gone down somewhat now that the R system is gone?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mde2001


      The reason why people upvote things less is that the number of rep per day that people can give has been reduced after the site update. 

    3. Combat


      Wait, we had a limit to Rep on the old site? Huh. I've definitely noticed a large influx of new users.

    4. Shamitako


      I think it's mainly just a matter of the transition, not $R specifically

  6. Where the Brave Frontier people at? At least one of you have gotta play it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Okirua


      Some of them are fairly easy though! It's the 4 flag ones you need to actually start thinking on, some of them also require multiple run through to get 100%

    3. Dypatome


      I've finished the very first one, but haven't touched the others yet as I figured that they would take a lot of time.

    4. Okirua


      I just did quiad's GQ a couple days ago, that thing was a pain if you don't bring the right units

  7. Practice makes perfect, which means sometimes practice takes hours and you wish you were already perfect so it didnt take that long

  8. Welcome to Reborn! Even if you cannot stick around for very long, you'll still love it here.
  9. *when you realize one of the biggest holidays of the year is only in 11 days*

  10. Also, on a side note, I love eggnog. 

  11. Cool Guy Mczipo Enters the Battle! Hey, welcome to the forums bud! The people here are a blast. Be sure to check out a few of the other games while you're around!
  12. Welcome! Back? I know some of the people here are great; just stick around with them and I'm sure you'll have a blast. Usually I'd say to check out a few of the other fan-games too, but I'm sure you've already seen some of them, right?
  13. Welcome to the site! Even if you can only stay for a little while, you'll still love it here. Be sure to check out some of the other fan-games we have here too!
  14. Welcome to the site Dark and Dark man! You'll have a blast here. Be sure to check out a few of the other games we've got here too!
  15. Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you will have a great time here; the games are great and the people are even better. Be sure to check out some of the other fan-games we have here too!
  16. YouTube should make a checkbox on the homepage that lets you say "not interested" to all 24 recommended videos

    1. Arkhi


      I can get behind this.

  17. Great to know Caz; thanks for keeping us all in the loop.
  18. Do me a favor and help me out? Please? http://www.strawpoll.me/11856792

  19. So, my friends and I are having an argument about which Pokemon Generation is most liked by the community overall. We've been talking about it for a while now, and we figure that the best way to figure it out would be to make a strawpoll and get as many people to vote as possible. Would you mind helping us out? Vote here: http://www.strawpoll.me/11856792 Also, be sure to leave in the comments which generation is your favorite, and why! I'll start: My favorite generation is the original gen 3; just Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. While many people initially hated these games due to the lack of an ability to transfer pokemon over from the previous two generations, I found it enjoyable to only be able to play with the Pokemon that you're able to catch within the game. (Unless you have a friend who played it and had a Link Cable, but who had a Link Cable anyway?) I liked the uniqueness of the region and the especially liked the fact that there was a gym that included a double battle, which still has yet to happen in any other Pokemon game.
  20. http://www.strawpoll.me/11856792 So, some people and I are having a debate about which Pokemon generation is most liked by the people. Please do me a favor and vote so that we can get a good spread of votes!

    1. BIGJRA


      Right now my opinion sits like this: 3 > 7 > 5 > 6 > 2 > 4 > 1. May change, dunno.

    2. Dypatome


      I haven't played 6 or 7 yet, but my list is something like 3>6>2>7>4>5>1

  21. Kinda sad that Google and Bing aren't on the online users list anymore

    1. Spineblade


      Maybe they'll find their way back some day.

  22. Welcome to Reborn! If you think E16 is all we have here, you're in for quite the ride if you decide to check out some of the other fangames; they're pretty great
  23. Welcome to Reborn! I think you'll definitely like it here. Be sure to check out a few of the other fangames that we have here as well!
  24. Welcome to the light Welcome to Reborn! You'll have a fantastic time here. Be sure to check out some of the other fangames that are running around here too!
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