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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Egzample

  1. Luckily, there is this one, tiny freaking useful HM-mod.


    Still, it would be nice to see at last few HMs removed from Reborn; as noticed above, to explore areas like Ametrine we need either constant, aggravating shuffling of moves if we don't have HM-slave, or we need at last 2 HM-slaves (surf, dive, waterfall, strenght, rock smash, rock climb, fly would also be nice - to my knowledge, there is no single mon capable of learning all of them), plus in quite a few areas we need those terrain-altering moves, this boosts lists of obsolete moves to a staggering numbers. There is no computer anywhere around Luna, which is another nuisance after going through Iolia, there are more places like this. Also, lack of TMs also limits our capability to shuffle moves freely - we don't often get the combination of a mon that have a useful TM and also can learn few HMs, at last when we try to assemble a team of our own plan of idea.


    Even boosted effects of Cut or Strenght in few arenas doesn't compensate for this - while it would be hard to rewrite half of the game just to remove Strenght, Surf is logical and cool, can't we come up with something like, Personal Teleporter (to Pokemon Centers, Fly), Flashlight (Flash), Machette (Cut), Scuba Gear (Dive), or so? I can come up with a logical, good story explaining why not everyone is using those items and why we couldn't get it before in a matter of minutes, we may make it funny.


    We don't even need to completely remove HMs from the game, just at some point we might receive an alternative to it, so when we get to big exploration, we have it easier.

  2. I bet Sirius will die from sisters' hand, probably Charlotte - she will burn him alive for this one barbeque at their place that went a little bit out of hand. Or they will just dismember him, whatever.


    Guys, I gotta question, what areas are currently being mapped? I thought Agate and Labradorra were done some time ago already, so what is left to be done for this episode, except a few rock climb spots?

  3. To be honest, I understand OP's frustration - Reborn tends to utilize some cliches, like repeatable, overpowered mons in leader's/rival's roster, or abusing attacks that player has no early/easy access too (yes, I do mean Earthquake and a few others). BUT, as almost everyone above noticed, those are usually easy to by-pass in this way or another - like, give your minion a baloon and watch enemy mashing ground with EQ while you set up, gg.


    This has changed in the previous and latest episode and the inclusion of gen7, tough, so we are on the right track, I guess.

  4. The only HM moves that could remain are Surf and Fly, plus maybe Waterfall, cause I cannot quickly come up with anything portable and logical in their place (Surfboard, Town Portal Scroll? How can we go against the waterfall, tough?) and they are not totally useless like Rock Smash or Flash.


    Luckily, there is a mod for that.

  5. @Zander and others: guys, we cannot use mental instability as an excuse for trying to drown someone. Same goes for Tit/Ama relation, we cannot say ''it's cool, she just have a depression or so'' - some people are just toxic, emotional vampires.


    First of all, meddling Taka's and Amaria's stories in this way isn't working well. As I think of it now, it should be separated: battle or not Taka to get Zekrom/Reshiram paths, confront girls about the diary or not to get different Amaria/Titania stories. I don't know what happens next in Labradorra, so it is hard to say if this could or could not be implemented, it leaves us with 4 different paths. We can get this many options in Belrose House too, tough.

  6. 24 minutes ago, Amphibi said:

    Episode 18 is going to be big story wise. I think we'll get to fight both Saphira and Hardy

    Iirc, next episode = one leader, last episode = last leader + E4 + postgame content.


    21 minutes ago, Amphibi said:

    Lin can't kill everyone, can she?

    She can. Except the chars which didn't die in real life.


    23 minutes ago, Amphibi said:

    I suspect that Cain will betray us.

    Nah. EOT.



    P.S.: Surprise us, Ame.

  7. What concerns me for the last two episodes is the storytelling. Not even different major paths we may take, we haven't seen the conclusion of it (so far I don't like reasoning behind Reshiram path at all, Zekrom's painfully lacks in terms of content, but let's wait for the end of both paths), but


    Taka's death was senseless - I don't mean the death itself, but how he died - wtf, they didn't hear it is not Lin speaking? How could Titania know who is inside the armour? Also, I was more elaborate on that year ago in one of the posts, so in short: same goes for ZEL Pulse-Magnezone fight, the dialogue leading us to that fight was meh, if we told them no, why did they attack us? Pure suicide.

    In my opinion, those situations create holes in logic and it kills the atmosphere - what could be a great story arc is dished by the feeling that it just doesn't add up. As we already have a beautiful refurbished city, some nice locations, I do hope more focus will be put into story development, to tie up loose ends in a grande finale.


  8. At the end of Zekrom path, it seems like Amaria realised how toxic this whole drama caused by her is, yet she chooses to keep sucking vitality and happines from Titania, only because she feels better that way, she doesn't care about others at all. Titania chooses to play her role for the sake of keeping Dramaria alive, because in fact she is a good gurl. Rough, but good. #teamTitania




    (seriously wtf is up with this attitude of killing anybody you don't like why can't we just talk it out -_-)

    I'm cool with reducing the number of Meteor's - come on, those guys are behind the genocide of at last 3 districts in Reborn, they tried to destroy Apophyl etc. - there is very little that diplomacy can do here, you can't really talk them down, sometimes you just have to answer with power.




  9. 2 hours ago, yanmeng92 said:
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    Hey guys, i have two question here.


    1.) I've reach tiknite cave and got most of the item except the houndoomnite where you need to enter a secret room with waterfall and ride up on it i suppose? To find a lady. But the thing is, i found the waterfall inside the cave but I couldn't touch the waterfall due to the strong water current, I tried use blizzard to freeze the water but it won't work. Did I miss out something?


    2.) How does the Oasis for Mirage tower quest looks like? I've no idea how to start the quest, do I need to run through every area of the desserts to find the oasis or just specific area in northern east area?



    1) use power gem during a battle, you can activate bridge afterwards

    2) you need to activate oasis few times, they appear somewhere along eastern and western borders of the desert - some say tower will appear after even number of activations, some say the number must be odd. For me, 3 interactions with oasis worked. You interact with oasis by touching shiny stars (this one that heals your team).

  10. @andracass It is not a fantasy or boring choice when you battle Taka - you choose to stay true to your beliefs and to do what actually feels like doing the right thing; helping a man in need, who helped us before numerous times. By following your virtues, you are punished with isolation on a desert. So far, the only one happy in this path is Amaria, whose I don't like more and more with each episode.


    I wait for the outcome of this choice in E18, then I will judge, but so far I don't like reasoning behind Reshiram path.

  11. To sum up, we have 5 strong candidates which are Elias, Anna, Heather, Bennet, Laura (maybe 6 if we count Arc). There are four places in Elite Four (duh!), so this leaves us with a little bit of overpopulation. How do we resolve overpopulation problems in reborn? That's right, genocide is the correct answer.


    So place your bets - maybe it is going to be pathetic Bennet? Or old madman Elias? Maybe both? Little Anna? Or one of the sisters, there is too many of them anyway, isn't it. Arc already got his beating, I don't think he will go buh-bye. Any other thoughts?

  12. I'm not entirely sure if it is a bug - I was doing the Arc Mega Ring sidequest, I started with talking to Santiago/bald guy in Peridot, beat him, then I gave rogenrolla to McKree in Spinel, then I proceed to Jasper to give this girl Loudred and Jigglypuff. Then I went to Apophyl to give Mahukita back, but she wants an autograph first.

    And now: McKree speaks about ''total lack of service here'' only, girl in Apophyl wants an autograph, bald guy asks if I found a place for Jigglypuff, girl in Jasper wants headphones. I'm running in circles, is this a bug or am I missing something? Game.rxdata

  13. Could any of you advise me - I started with talking to Santiago/bald guy in Peridot, beat him, then I gave rogenrolla to McKree in Spinel, then I proceed to Jasper to give this girl Loudred and Jigglypuff. Then I went to Apophyl to give Mahukita back, but she wants an autograph first.

    And now: McKree speaks about ''total lack of service here'' only, girl in Apophyl wants an autograph, bald guy asks if I found a place for Jigglypuff, girl in Jasper wants headphones. I'm running in circles, is this a bug or am I missing something? Could anybody confirm this to me before I post in troubleshooting?

  14. Okay guys, I started with talking to Santiago/bald guy in Peridot, beat him, then I gave rogenrolla to McKree in Spinel, then I proceed to Jasper to give this girl Loudred and Jigglypuff. Then I went to Apophyl to give Mahukita back, but she wants an autograph first.


    And now, McKree speaks about ''total lack of service'' only, girl in Apophyl wants an autograph, bald guy asks if I found a place for Jigglypuff, girl in Jasper wants headphones. I'm running in circles, girl in Lapis sends me off to find Eustace only. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

  15. 1 hour ago, kithas said:

    I'm not sure how to navigate that, but sooner or later you'll find a ladder out.

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    And go prepared for the gym!


    @guidy wait a second, that leads to Titania's gym? Shame on me, I stormed through the story upon release, then stopped playing for a while and now I have time to properly explore, I totally forgot about this place. Couldn't find in the forums any info about it, no wonder now why :D . Geez, I'm shocked, my mind isn't working properly anymore :D

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