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Posts posted by Egzample

  1. 14 hours ago, murcrow said:

    My point is more towards the double standard that I believe some of the critics have. As I mentioned, i`m pretty sure lots of the people upset about it never felt this way when it is the other way around, fewer woman eg, and are doing it here

    Once again, it is not about the numbers. To put it into perspective: nobody says Tomb Raider would be better with a male main character, but female Agent 007 sounds ridicolous. Both of those ideas may have their fans, tough - de gustibus non est disputandum - but still it is a ridicolous idea, that would ruin the franchise (hello, Ghost Busters).


    6 hours ago, Jess said:

    It was the fact that almost all Reborn women are all either clever and courageous (e.g. Florinia, Charlotte), or sweet and nice (e.g Shelly, Anna) or simply badass, while almost all men are simple-minded, POWAH-approaching everything, or just on the other side of the law.



  2. You see, it is totally not about ideology, 50/50 parity, etc., as it was mentioned in this thread many times - it is about the general view and the impression this game briefly gives. It is about the 'screenwriting' and design - if the soundtrack, or any other element, is misplaced in a movie, most of the people notice that something is not right here, and here we got the same case - many people feel that simply the design of male characters in the game is not the best, or it simply sucks, there is some imbalance in it, and that's why this topic is brought up, it has nothing to do with personal beliefs - especially that Ame explained above why it is so, and she indeed might have subconsciously made it not really in the intended way.


    There is no need to see political correctness or anything here, really -

    5 hours ago, murcrow said:

    I totally hate political correctess and sjw but

    Mate, you care too much about it. And explain to me please what is an 'progressive' game.

  3. 1 hour ago, FairFamily said:

    You would be surprised in how easy it is on how to break someone's privacy.

    Nah, I wouldn't, by any means. Few years back maybe, but now - been there, done that.


    I had in mind releasing it 'officialy', in some kind of summary or something, not stalking people xD. I do realise it doesn't take much effort to dig reaaaally deep into someone's life... and simple google can save half of the effort.

  4. I always thought that the delay of the episode increases exponentially according to the formula: f (x) = z^2(x + y) where x is the number of queries 'when it will be done', y - number of new players, and z is a variable dependant on Ame's mood. According to this formula, next episode will be released somewhere in 2023, which is more or less accurate.


    Demographics aside - downloads count, regions, etc. could have been released without violating anyone's privacy, couldn't they? This question was inspired mostly by the recent translation thread - it would be funny if the translation team consisted with all of the players from a given country, but I'm curious what we could find there.




    40 minutes ago, FairFamily said:

    Unless Ame and her team is secretly gathering user information and sells it to the highest bidder.


    That's what I'd do!

  5. A thought came to my mind, do we have any statistics here? Like, from what part of the world comes the highest/lowest number of downloads, average age of forum member/player, what brought you here, how did you find Reborn/Rejuvenation, etc. - all sorts. I am asking out of pure curiosity, but still, some unforeseen conclusions may arise when we lay our hands on that.

  6. After Ame's explanation, now I understand - but during my first playthrough I felt the lack of something as early as near the first gym and then it hit me in the orphanage - the lack of strong, masculine character at all, not only a positive one. It came through my head, why all the male characters we meet are girly, so it wasn't even about the balance between amount of guys and girls. The only truly strong, 'regular' (not being a fused mutant, or a demon of questionable sex, or a kid), memorable male characters are Solaris and maybe Arclight. No offense, but back then in orphanage, when I wasn't even on forums, my thought was like 'gee, the creators here either hate men, or are heavily brainwashed by pathological feminists'. 

  7. 21 hours ago, Commander said:

    As for character names, that is an interesting scenario. All league leaders are names based around their type so I'd say keep it, but changes to names should revolve around that idea


    While, say, ''Samson'' is not an issue, translating ''Shade'' is just too tempting. Also, there is not much here to be lost in translation, I dont think there is a point in changing 'Florinia' to a variation of 'Florentina' or so. And to translate ''Charlotte'' with reference to the fire means coming up with totally different name for me - not all languages are that flexible when it comes to names, so I guess it would be the translators decision.


    On 2.07.2017 at 11:48 PM, Elanir said:

    I mean it's not that easy to translate something (it's a job actually :P)


    Sure, it will require a lot of effort, the volume of text is... challenging. Also, at last two people per lang would be good, for cross-check, liaising, proof-reading, etc. As for me, I`d do it in my free time - I used to translate abstracts, articles, speeches and such, both ways, so translating this would be actually relaxing and entertaining. 


  8. You, guys, have my sword.


    When it comes to this, we should probably stick to the convention of our native country: character names are usually not translated (and they shouldn`t be, but sometimes publisher decides to go for full localisation), but it is different when it comes to mon names. Moves also usually have 'official' translation, but their quality is often disputable.


    This will all generate questions when on one day we will gather and decide to translate this game.

  9. Great idea. Early Meteor fights are in totally different atmosphere than, for example, storming the peak of the mountain while the air units try to delay us. That shit was intense. Or when they breach the mansion.

  10. 4 hours ago, Just2Reborn said:

    Amethyst is probably reading this and thinking, "Oh, you are all so wrong...". I guess we just have to wait and see!


    I think it is the otherwise, she reads it through, then when we get accurate on something, she changes it, just to prove she is so unpredictable xD


    3 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:


    I think this was also mentioned around people speculating the two Lins thing. Unlike Amarias scene which was fairly ambiguous, having your body falling apart is quite hard to survive. Maybe shade isnt counting it as a 'death' because the young lin is still alive. Maybe Old Lin isn't even a proper person, which would explain why Anna (with her special sight) couldn't see anyone riding hydreigon above tanzan. Annas mysterious dialogue when it comes to these things is basically always spot on, even if it doesnt seem all that significant. (Still wondering when Cains "pitch black eyes" will make sense)



    Shade at the end of WTC clearly said that only two deaths from the screens are on spot, and since we have seen Kiki and Corey dying, and we also witnessed what has happened to Amaria, we can safely assume exploding Lin will also take place - but if it is not death, in addition to Anna not seeing her, we can safely state that it is some kind of an impostor, robot, clone, illusion, avatar, you name it.

  11. On a side note, what about from any leaks or hints from the development? Development slowed down abruptly (yeah, I know, not all % are created equal) It is over 50% and we still beat over and over the same topics on the forums or discuss some useless shite. We are running in circles, it is like, 5th time I see this topic, we need fuel here. Or am I missing something? ;/

  12. 5 hours ago, Zarc said:


    I'm only saying fact.


    So , if you would like to visit south of France , i can recommend you Montpellier ( where i live ) it's a student city side to the mediterranian sea. Then you have Bourgogne region( next to the center of France ) ,  Aquitaine region ( next to Bordeaux ) , and Pays Basque region ( Biarritz ). In general , for the landscape , the entire France is beautifull to visit.


    On the north you have Bretagne , Normandie and of course Alsace Lorraine. For Toulouse well yeah you can , but there are not so much things to do here.


    Okay, thank you for the tips, I`ll surely take them into consideration. I had some hopes for Toulouse, cos it has outrageously cheap flights, and since I like mountain hiking, I`d make use of the fact it is close to Pyrenees, but nothing is certain so far.

  13. Home Country Appreciation:


    32 minutes ago, Zarc said:

    - me.


     and then


    32 minutes ago, Zarc said:

    now there many negatives things like everywhere in the world , frenchs have bad reputation about hospitality , bad attitude , expansive prices etc...


    That`s the most french thing I`ve seen in a while xD Besides, is there anything you can recommend to visit EXCEPT the Paris? I was aiming towards Toulouse trip this year (or generally somewhere over southern France).

  14. On 3.05.2017 at 10:12 PM, Sirrobert said:

    You made it all the way to Corey without a full party?



    It is something unusual? O_o For halfway of my every playthrough I don`t use full squad.

  15. On 29.04.2017 at 4:07 AM, Valyrym said:


    I never input my real age or birthday on anything, I'm a super weenie and am scared of someone find me out irl.


    It is not a phobia, it is a sense of privacy. I understand it, I also wouldnt like anybody to easily find out who I am, using google only, it feels, say, uncomfortable.

  16. 2 hours ago, DreamblitzX said:

    With Shades statement in the treatment plant, could it be implying that we prevented Amaria's death (thank goodness) and in doing so also inadvertently prevented Lin's death from happening in the future?


    I think you are going too deep into that - on Shade`s screen, we haven`t witnessed Amaria dying - only jumping off, exactly the same way it has happened. We haven`t prevented jump nor her death.


    Every event from those screens takes place (or will take place), but it is not what we briefly think it is. With every episode closer to the end, we find more and more hints that Lin isnt ''real'' Lin, in this meaning or another, and thus, exploding Lin`s (body? avatar? decoy?) not necessarily means she`s dying there.

  17. I`m doing monotype fire run, and I just can`t wait for Amaria gym fight. I expect commiting suicide, or at last going crazy. Except that, I haven`t met unusually hard obstacles yet, will see how Terra fight goes.

  18. On 10.04.2017 at 8:36 PM, Commander said:





    Oh, I guess nobody informed you. Well it had something to do with this:



      Reveal hidden contents
















    ...well, that`s exactly what I expected for some time, no suprise here.

  19. 10 hours after creating thread and still nobody posted this pic with Fern standing on a rock saying ''they can wait another week'' or something like that. Who has it, and why is he flashing from duties, I ask.


    Anyway, we all prefer well-done episodes, made with love and understanding and inspiration than rushed ones, filled with obsolete senseless deaths, am I right?

  20. 1 minute ago, Dr. Exorcist said:

    Yuup i know, like sableye event :3 Thanks a lot! I just didn't know what move to use


    There are more moves able to do this, Power Gem and few others can also work, I dont remember all of them right now, just check which moves alter Crystal Cave into normal Cave field.


  21. 13 minutes ago, Dr. Exorcist said:

    So i use EQ on pokemon in the cave?


    You need to do this in a battle, random encounter. Basically, if upon entering to any location you get a message like this, you need to use certain field-changing move during a battle to alter the location.

  22. On 22.03.2017 at 9:16 PM, bobthebobby said:

    what would you say is the most ideal team suited for whatever challenges may be in the new episodes?


    First, we gonna face steel leader Titania, she gonna probably use the Fairy Tale field, where Fire type loses its power against steel and she gains a lot of offensive boosts for her mons, plus she surely gonna have a lot of coverage. So, the best option seems strong ground types, I believe. Wait for experts for certain sets, there are also quite accurate predictions on the forums on her team, aces and mega.


    Except usual stuff like Meteor fighting, saving the kids, future episode may bring us second leader fight, which isnt that certain, but Amaria is an option, and she looks like possible monstrosity, so have fun with her on water fields.

  23. 9 hours ago, StrangledFish said:

    Actually, that's one of Ame's patron rewards.


    Could you elaborate? Never heard of it, nor I can find anything about it on forums?

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