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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Egzample

  1. 1 hour ago, ShadeStrider said:

    To be fair, Eli already has one of the gems, and He's working for team meteor. So, The MC really only needs the pendant.

    That being said, wouldn't Lin... know not to underestimate us, since, we are taking the league challenge, and have proven to be stronger than DJ Arclight and Victoria. Is she being overconfident? We only need 2 badges before we reach the point where we can use Level 100's, but even then, It's not unreasonable to take on a team of Level 100s with a team of level 90s.


    As for convincing us, we are supposed to side with the people in reborn. Will they make it a player choice?


    Furthermore, wouldn't it be easier to take it from DJ Arclight or Victoria, since they aren't as strong as the player?

    Making the mother of all omelettes here, kamu. Can't fret over every egg.

    She needs us, obviously. Or uses us, that's why Lin didn't get us killed earlier in one of the many opportunities, not to mention letting us grow stronger. Maybe there is some ''magic'' in these stones preventing her from taking them on her own, maybe she needs a rival too (you know, ''the balance'' stuff, she has to have an equal enemy that she will beat or sacrifice, or she just wants to have a fair fight for once. Who knows.) or she needs us for some another magic trick that wouldn't allow her into the Arceus's domain alone - with this being the most probable.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Commander said:

    While it would be possible, graphics would have to be made and every tile would have to be an event. That many events could end up making that area lag quite a bit. But there is the whole meta joke about how fields don't affect the overworld. There are fields that do affect the overworld such as the sableye event, Serra and Adrienn's gyms, and Telkinite Cave.

    Yeah, I know that, was just wondering what it takes to make one of these areas. On the technical side, what about places like Shade's gym? Lighning the area doesn`t need an event-tile?

  3. 47 minutes ago, Tacos said:



    26 minutes ago, Commander said:




    Thx for your answers guys, this gives me some insight into how the whole thing looks - doesn't seem like something I would regret, and giving a feedback and reporting isn't much of a problem to me.

  4. 4 hours ago, GS BALL said:

    Whole game. You can start anew, from the beginning all the way to the end of the tested episode's content, or import any save file you may have already.


    What parts of the game you test, is up to you.

    Can't decide now if I should apply - I like the technical side of any process, testing, creation, but on the other hand I know it will take some part of the joy out and will kill the atmosphere, and this episode is story-driven. On the other hand, some kind of a new experience.

  5. Really, difficulty of those fights depends too much on your team and your playstyle, it would be hard to distinguish easiest and hardest leaders. For me, Ciel, whom most of the people find easy, was often a nightmare, when I was fighting Amaria for the first time, I only wanted to do a test fight without chosing specific mons and tactics to see what she is up to, and accidentaly I wiped her without a lose of a mon, but again I struggled with Noel. There are very few leaders of which we can say everyone beats easily, like Samson or Luna, but I wouldnt be so sure about Radomus or Kiki.

  6. Bennet (bugs), El (normal), Anna (psychic), Laura (grass), Heather (flying) are possible and strong candidates for E4, maybe Arc (electric) too. To me, the final roster will depend on our choices, but who knows. There are fields, like starlight arena, that looks just perfect for Anna and her Jirachi, or this one with plants growing under certain conditions and changing the effects, that would fit Laura or Bennet. I'm not expecting any of them to be fixed very strictly to their typing.


    That's pretty much all we know, I can recall stuff like Ame not liking the need to beat all E4 members in a row without stops, but I'm not sure about it.

  7. 1 hour ago, Trevore said:

    But how many people has Lin killed?  We have technically only seen her kill two people.  One, if you think that Titania was the one who killed Taka.  I would think Sirius is up top, but then again, Lin did kill Ame the Champion.

    She is behind all of the dead (both people and mons) in Wards destroyed by plants, in the earthquakes or by pollution - her killcount is higher than those few killed directly by her hand. Also, I'd take into account not only outright kills, but overall 'being prone to murder' stance - Lin or Sirius have no problems with it, Titania will hurt anyone who stands in her way to save others, same goes for Sapphira (means justify the ends, right?), while Solaris seems like not willing to kill anyone on sight, rather only when he thinks it is neccessary. I'd put Amaria on this list too. She is destructive as f*ck. 

  8. Since it's the time for some unraveling, I guess the story/sidequests will throw us all over the map - also in order to make it easier for us to explore rock-climbable areas, similar to what we saw after the renovation of the city. For example, Iolia Valley has this one pretty long rock-climb path that by-passes the the entry via Castle garden and we know Luna will play big role soon, maybe it is her time to shine at last - what means, Radomus et al. will appear again.

  9. Now when reading about the last episode stuff, the time it all takes etc. one thing came to my mind - dont you guys have a feeling like there is too many legendaries to be introduced at once? Each of it deserves a huge sidequest, sometimes the story of a whole game revolves around them, plus we will gain access to a big-ass sort of firepower at once (postgame, I know, but still, where is the joy of catching Dialgia when it is just a position in the middle of my list, right between Mewtwo and Kyogre?).


    While mons like Johto Dogos or Legendary Parrots (Trio and Duo) don't have this kind of history/reality altering vibe and could be introduced in the same way as Phione was, I cannot see the room for folks like Yveltal or Giratina, unless their lore powers/roles are diminished. I'm curious now what it takes to make it look reasonable and interesting, without neglecting their overall themes.

  10. 12 hours ago, zelazko said:

    I noticed lately (around after beating Noel)  we get fewer and fewer neutral trainers to battle. In the old games your road would be shit piled with them. All you get to battle with others are Team Meteor and gym leaders. Needa Moar!

    Level cap issues. There are rebattlable trainers to compensate and level up when you need it, not when you just want to proceed. However I agree a trainer here and there would be good for the sake of diversion and entertainment, like in the Iolia Valley.

  11. The very next day after the legendaries are introduced into the game, everyone has one of each, shiny, no matter how complex the sidequests are. Online features have their flaws.

  12. 10 hours ago, Marcello said:

    Ame's abroad for a while so, while there's still progress going on, not much updating the devblog at the moment. But we're still moving forward, don't worry, stay tuned! (And I just finished the semester so hopefully AI progress can start moving again!)

    Thanks for the answer. Congratz on the semester, dont forget to celebrate and drink up to the every passed exam. Gee, I'm glad all of this is behind me already. On the other hand, I must be addicted to suffering as I'm on the brink of starting another faculty.

  13. And we know we will meet a human connected to a PULSE device. My bet is, it is going to be someone who seeks to seize Arceus - I'd say Lin, since there is a high probability she is some kind of robotic impostor, she can sacrifice this vessel. And after we destroy PULSE, she explodes, as seen in Shade's Power Plant. On the other hand, they just may want to torture somebody or experiment on someone.

  14. 13 hours ago, murloc_rampage said:

    Now that we're 17 episodes in... I have to wonder what gave birth to the idea of 'Reborn'?

    As per the comments above, also keep in mind many of the in-game events happened in real life, or were inspired by such events. Suicide (Corey), amnesia after an accident (Amaria), custody battle (Radomus-Luna-El), etc. - there is a story and a real person behind each of these events. It is sometimes small, like the TV news about Amaria 6 - 0ing a certain opponent, or big, like a romance story. People who participated in all of this may tell you more, or you can search the forums.

  15. 12 hours ago, GS BALL said:

    Reborn's main attraction, is complexity, challenging gameplay and the regularly repeated by now: "To force you use underrated mon".

     ^ This cool

    12 hours ago, GS BALL said:

    HM-slaves are also a special category of underrated mon and Reborn does a damn fine job, in making you utilize them

    ^ This not. Those are two different things, to force you to think how to make a progress with limited access to mons and TMs, and to utilize completely ancient and annoying mechanism.


    12 hours ago, GS BALL said:

    The developers also have a tight schedule and quite the workload, i understand, since Reborn isn't the only project being developed... I wouldn't want them suffer with extra, needless workload, especially when and where they already offered a middle ground solution

    This is not an excuse, we are waiting for years for a new episode to come anyway, things like implementation of Gen7 makes it longer, I'm totally cool with some extra waiting in exchange for improved gameplay.


    12 hours ago, GS BALL said:

    I know it's a matter of perspective and tastes, ultimately, so there will be polarization. I sincerely hope we can keep it civil, though and cooperate, in order for everybody to somehow get as close as possible, to their ideal iteration of the game.

    We don't need polarisation, what I propose is, to avoid completely redoing parts of the game, to give us certain HM-items after certain points in the game - basically, after the city is refurbished, this is the moment when the biggest exploration begins I think, with some exceptions, like RockSmash-item somewhere before Iolia - upgraded mining kit or dynamite or so. Once again, with area-altering moves the amount of moves that are necessary to explore is way too high.



  16. 43 minutes ago, GS BALL said:

    Sorry to interrupt and interfere... Again... But not "everyone" admits that it would improve the gaming experience of Reborn by a mile (HM system changing)...


    I like a lot my HM-slaves, thank you very much! Plus, i always preferred the older generations' mechanisms...


    I somehow bet that i am not the only one, either...

    Not only you, I've seen such approach in this topic, but all I see there is ''our grandfathers were doing it like this, and so we will do, we don't need those blasphemous 'electricity' and 'engines' when we have our faithful horses''. You liked it? Cool. But that's not an excuse to cease the improvment. Again, I maintain my view that at some points we could have been given some items allowing us to leave HM-slaves behind, especially for Rock Smash or at last 2 water-type HMs.


    By the way, HM-slaves are the best proof that HM-system isn't working well - if almost every single player comes up with such by-pass to the whole HM-mechanism, that means it is a nuisance. Even Nintendo after this many years finally changed it, cause even such... resistant to changes company like them figured out this should be changed, and they did.



  17. 3 hours ago, Lord Drakyle said:

    Have we not considered the possibility that Laura or Bennett being E4 might vary with our decisions?

    Wow, that would be nice, haven't thought about it.


    And btw, at what point Elias was confirmed as an eventual E4? I mean, I know he is an E4 member since start, but was it confirmed that the old man isn't likely to die or so? Also, could Bennett effectively utilize the one tailored for Laura?

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