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Status Updates posted by Anstane

  1. Favorite song from my all-time favorite video game. Don't know if all-time favorite video game song, but definitely in the top 10.
    1. Monochrome_Complex


      It's a really good piece of music. A good portion of favorite VG music would come from sonic games TBH

  2. http://prnt.sc/c59so9 Gotta love Berserkers in FE6. Seriously, this never gets old.
    1. YinYang9705


      It's gonzales, he tends to do that.

    2. krim


      Swordmasters are even better. Rutger can reach 102% Crit.

    3. Anstane


      Highest crit I've ever seen Rutger reach was 97%. I would love to see him with 100+% crit.

  3. Off to parent's garden I go, so will be gone for large part of day. At least I get to be productive for once.

  4. I honestly want to make a post explaining how I feel, what I'm thinking and such things, but I dare not because I'm worried about what a response, if any, to it might be, especially for something as seemingly silly as what I'm feeling right now. Maybe sometime later, but I just can't right now...

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      Sometimes talking about something is the way to go

  5. Woo, Lithuania's Olympic basketball team is 3-0! I know it happened a few hours ago, but I only just saw the news.

    1. Hect


      There's people who actually still care about the Olympics. That's surprising. :D

    2. Anstane


      I only care about our basketball team, as Basketball is basically our national sport.

    3. Shamitako


      I normally care about the Olympics, they're really cool, but I'm tired and hot and they take forever

      But nothing can keep me from the winter Olympics and the awesomeness of curling

  6. You know, I like Blizzard and their games. I really do. But I sometimes really, REALLY don't understand what they were thinking when they release certain pieces of content. Exhibit A: http://prnt.sc/c4ifny

    1. Hect


      I'm not exactly a fan of Blizzard, their games and so on. Nor am I a fan of Overwatch, but I'm well aware that this picture: https://cdn1.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/E8_LX9Rxz-C6huFETXUCll9hIeo=/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/6297131/Screen_Shot_2016-04-06_at_9.30.27_AM.0.png. created a lot of controversy, too. Let's just call it "Exhibit B". :P

    2. Cepheus


      oh come on... 4 Mana 7/7 is balanced! :P

      I mean you can get 0 Mana 8/8!! (Giants)

      and the new Priest Card "Purify" from the new adventure is OP as hell!!

      I mean 2 Mana "SILENCE a FRIENDLY minion. Draw a Card!"


      *sarcasm off*

  7. Come on Terra, stop always trusting the first person you see! It's bad enough that you trust Xehanort...

  8. I heard about the Command Board in Birth by Sleep. I did not expect it to be Fortune Street of all things.

  9. I think I prefer video game music over real life music.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FraRPetO


      I dunno. Classical music is way better.

      Video game music is excellent, though.

    3. Bluewolf


      Classical music was my first love. The most epic piece ever is Mars from Holst's Planets suite.

    4. Lilleen


      Any instrumental music works for me. I prefer piano music, though ~

  10. I think it's about time I returned to the original PMD and actually try and make it through the Grand Canyon. Starting to regret choosing an Eevee as my character now...only slightly, though, and that's only from a gameplay perspective.

    1. AuthorReborn


      For the original PMD, I always try to choose an elemental starter and have a partner that covers my weaknesses. Example: Totodile with a Treeko.

    2. Cobalt996


      Eevee worked well enough, tbh. Breaks stuff, but no moves.

  11. 99% done with a main quest, need to scan one more thing. Problem: No idea where that "one thing" is.

  12. Tfw you die deep inside a cave system and then die 5 times trying to get back to where you died.

    1. Hect


      Well, that's Starbound for you. I generally try to avoid dying.

  13. That was a bad sandwich. Ugh, now I feel nauseous...

  14. Ever fight a boss and were like "Nope, screw this" and wanted to just quit the game?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverJakler


      I love the Ansem-Riku fight now that I know how to do game gud. But I HATE DATA XEMNAS (mostly cuz of the reaction gltich but STILL).

    3. Shamitako


      Freaking Bongo Bongo in OoT. I cannot for the life of me kill him, his patterns aren't even that complex...

    4. krim


      Data Vexen takes the cake for me. Shadow Sora makes that so incredibly painful, and on Proud Vexen has a ton of HP. Firaga spam doesn't work x_x (I have beaten it, but it took ages)

  15. Wow, it really has been a while since I last played Starbound. So much has changed, yet so much feels the same.

  16. Sometimes I wish I had someone to play games with. I really do.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hect


      How does multiplayer in Starbound even work? I'm a bit curious.

    3. Anstane


      I have a half-working DS I got for cheap and PC, that's it, sadly.

      I'll have to see if I can catch any of you to maybe play around a bit.

    4. Hect


      Sent you a PM.

  17. I...genuinely have no idea what to do now. I finished Generations and Reborn, don't want to start on Rejuvenation yet, but...I have no clue what to play now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Another Felix
    3. Anstane


      I think I'll start playing a game I've bought but haven't played yet: Dark Souls. PC Steam release. May Arceus have mercy on me, because the game sure won't...

    4. Anstane


      As for the Sonic games, I don't actually own Sonic Colors. Sonic Adventure 2, I honestly couldn't get into it (Which is weird as Sonic Adventure 1 is probably my all-time favorite video game)

  18. TFW when you start to feel drowsy at 3 PM but you can't go to sleep until 11 PM and feel sleepy all the way through.

  19. Finally completed Sonic Generations. Almost 100%'d it too, still got a few challenges and hard mode boss battles to S-rank and that would be that.

    1. Anstane


      The last game I completed was...huh, Dragon Age: Origins over a month ago.

    2. Felicity


      origins is gud

      not sure if I ever 100% a game

  20. *internal calculations intensifying* Alright, got a plan, now to try and carry it out.

    1. Jacobliterator


      Or use the 'Jacobliterator' strategy. Pay someone else to carry out the plan.

  21. Okay, now that I'm basically done with Reborn until E16, will most likely wait a few days before starting PMD: Explorers of Time. Until then, should finish up Sonic Generations as well...

    1. Anstane


      Hopefully it will give me a chance to put my thoughts and dreams in order...ugh, I swear I'm like a 9-year old...

    2. Garnet.


      you post too many statuses i can never read tem

    3. Anstane


      Okay, sorry. I'll try to tone them down.

  22. Just had pizza. Now I don't feel very good...

    1. Cepheus


      the feeling of not having Pizza anymore...

    2. Anstane


      No, I mean I feel a bit ill from the pizza itself.

  23. Bors vs Oswin vs Gilliam vs Gatrie: Which is the best FE6-FE10 general?

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow






    2. krim
    3. Hect


      Gilliam..? :P I liked him a lot.

  24. Small thing I find funny: Terra's Garchomp is 2 levels higher than Solaris' Garchomp.

    1. Garnet.


      wow its almost like terra is stronger than solaris but due to her nature she doesnt have a high ranking

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