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Everything posted by Skeleton

  1. shit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, u look so anime
  2. ' '.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      explain please I thought it was a face

    3. Skeleton


      its loss.jpg

    4. starkidcosmo


      skeleton.... please.............

  3. back at it again with those fucking snail memes

  4. im married to every single female dragon age romance but thats just wives i guess i personally think of "waifu" as a character somebody likes like you just have a harem of characters you think are cool?? but its most likely not that and probably mostly associated with bullshit sex stuff that i absolutely hate in anime and fuck those body pillows (please not literally thats my point) tl;dr terrible also im gay
  5. AKA the thread where Skeleton starts typing like she does in English class. It's gotta look nice my dude!! Anyway this is just a suggestion/request thread. I'm trying to practice the arts more regularly, especially since I have some more time on my hands right now. I prefer doing Homestuck and Steven Universe stuff, that includes Troll- and Gemsonas! I will make a list of the types of art I do. feastings' sprite edit edits of the sprites that were used in [A6I3] Ministrife! Homestuck style the general style of homestuck panels Steven Universe style the style of the Cartoon Network show Steven Universe Own style basically me drawing in whatever style seems to fit for the thing you're requesting/suggesting Lyricstuck storyboarding only as a suggestion unless you pay me all the rupees there are on this god damned website no example Got Tiger!! I love drawing people's god tiers!! You can request these in whatever style you prefer. Don't know what your god tier is? Here's a useful generator. dont let this thread die ill lose it
  6. why all the rip prince statuses locked

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bearadactyl


      Either that or to avoid a fight about music taste. Could be one or the other. But, those are just my thoughts; could be a whole other reason.

    3. Neo


      Watch your mouth fam

    4. Bearadactyl


      Nah, he was pretty much universally viewed as pretentious and arrogant.

      Just because he's dead, doesn't mean that changed.

      I will say, he's at least nowhere near as pretentious and arrogant as Kanye.

  7. why do people cast white actors as alistair for a potentional dragon age movie

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skeleton


      his biracial bc fiona is his mother but she got whitewashed in inquisition :^)

    3. Skeleton
    4. Halloween


      i'm so fucking upset @ scarjo as Kusanagi and I love scarjo- but lately pretty much all whitewashed movies have flopped, so hopefully ppl will fucking learn soon.

  8. im bi but i only like 1 dude but i love every single girl

  9. when i was 14 you were chill now im 18 and youre still chill my temper has changed im just an asshole by choice i dont deserve a star
  10. just murder us all go for it

  11. if i made a homestuck sprite edit thread would people even care

  12. thats the biggest fucking anticlimax im not satisfied

  13. your name is giving me war flashbacks hi tho
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