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Status Replies posted by Samalet

  1. #justicefornatu

  2. Thick fat is nice but it doesn't quite cover whole lot of Ice type weaknesses, what if there is an ability for ice type akin to Solid Rock in Rock type

  3. No one ever expects the sap sipper azumarill when they bring in their contrary serperior :]

  4. No one ever expects the sap sipper azumarill when they bring in their contrary serperior :]

  5. Say what you want about colder climates, but at least we don't have to worry about Alligators in our back yard.

  6. why do people hate sharks???

    1. Samalet


      Something about coconuts killing more people than sharks.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  7. why do people hate sharks???

    1. Samalet


      I'm not even kidding, that's what multiple people told me when I asked them why they don't like sharks.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. It's amazing how many people in the Anything Goes Tier think that legendaries are a substitute to skill. Just slam a rayquaza and a few more mythical stuff and you have a team.... That's quickly swept because all of them share lots of common weaknesses and the opponent recklessly attacks...

  9. Dragon Tail Dragalge with Toxic Spikes. Nobody really seems to expects that one in OU, and I'm having enormous fun spreading the venom and Toxic-shuffling with it. Of course, it can always drop a Draco in a pinch and blow something back, too. My idea of a workable underrated set...

  10. Dragon Tail Dragalge with Toxic Spikes. Nobody really seems to expects that one in OU, and I'm having enormous fun spreading the venom and Toxic-shuffling with it. Of course, it can always drop a Draco in a pinch and blow something back, too. My idea of a workable underrated set...

  11. The Nation of Atlantis is basically the SpongeBob Nation.

  12. It seems like blessings keep falling in my lap.

  13. *licks your face*

    1. Samalet


      If you got wrecked by a 30 BP Lick you're probably a Shedinja

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  14. I wish I could like Mega Garchomp. I really do. But I just can't get with the torso spikes, and that chin.

  15. If two parents in an anime have a child with pink/blue/purple hair, do they immediately think "Oh s***, my kid is the main character"

    1. Samalet


      If they're lucky they'll just go on an indefinitely long business trip.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Perfection is overrated, beauty is overrated, normality is overrated, everything is overrated



  19. Yo but like Silver is the best main series Rival

  20. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-376600430 could someone tell me what a random deuser is or what made this guy forfit? i feel like he rage quit but im not sure
  21. mods are asleep post manly memes

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