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Everything posted by Chrixai

  1. Take your time Jan! I can wait forever if I have to! Also hype: 75%. 100% when sneak peak comes. Good luck!
  2. Looking forward to it, Jan! Also will there be any ultrabeasts events like in Sun and moon? (Just asking. If they aren't there that's cool too! This game is still pretty cool with or without them!)
  3. It nay be fun to use island dexes since they were pretty helpful in Sun and Moon instead of having tl go into the bags and have to look at the maps. (Not saying I didn't like having maps in our bags hahah)
  4. Looking forward to it, brother! The wait is worth it and always has been so take your time and best of luck!!
  5. You never fail to please Jan! Keep up the good work! My bad I messed up the quote but we all know who I was rooting for xD
  6. Looking forward to it my friend. C:
  7. Yes that is "Emma's" theme in version 8 in Blacksteeple Castle. In version 7 it was Team Aqua/Magma leader's theme. Just like team Xen's admin's theme.
  8. Wait I thought in version 7 that Melia had Silver's theme and Madame X had the dimensional rift theme? Because I have played this several times I don't think I heard Cyrus's theme in version 7. :/
  9. Will the protagonists appearance change even when we get the outfits that Irvin leaves for us in the past? Like their hair or different clothes or will it stay the same? And this is bugging me for a weird reason and I feel silly for asking but what age are the protagonists? XD Love the updates Jan by the way Jan!!! And you too Zumi having awesome drawings!!! You're the best!!!
  11. Woah Nim looks a lot cool like that not that she wasn't cool before but damn o.o Amethyst mines graphics and the arena SO MUCH HYPE!!!!
  12. Omg Jan. Is there anything you can't do bro?!?!!? You are just full of surprises!! Makes me all the more hyped up for version 9!!!
  13. Dude that update looks so awesome that I might cry tears of joy. :') So hyped for version 9!!
  14. They only appear during the day and they aren't there at night.
  15. Oh I think I see what you mean. Because like you said before the whole Team Xen thing, we saw the real Melia and not the leader Melia when she has to be leader since she may not be taken seriously when she acts likes herself right?
  16. Hey guys! SukaiChris here! I am rather curious to know something about Melia. Like she seems to hold the protagonist in high regard and a lot of trust for us and I don't quite understand why. I mean she really seems to trust us more than anyone else. Like almost or more than Venam or Kamon, maybe. I mean we only met her once in the first episode of this for a like maybe an hour or more not entirely sure and yet she really trusts us above all else even when we saved her once. Like in version 6 she said "I trust you the most (player). Because no matter what I am, I know you will be by my side." I am not saying that it's not important in the game because Melia is one of my favorite characters but still. I mean why is it that she relies on us the most? I know we are pretty important in the game because of the prophecy of light, but why is it that we are so important to her? I have played and beaten version 7 a few times and version 8 once, but I am still a bit stumped on this. Any thoughts? Note: I am new at this, so sorry if something similar to this question was answered.
  17. Oh nice! Version 9 thread! I loved the new themes too! Hyped for this!
  18. So much HYPE! IDK WHY!

  19. Sorry I am a bit confused. The pokemon following you and the pokemon about to battle. Is that for v8 or later or not yet ready? Sorry if this was pointed out. I think this is awesome btw!
  20. Axel is my favorite mainly because of I like the way the hair looks and how he and Melia have the same colored clothes. Aria too if I could vote twice because she has one of the best sprites cx
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