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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Combat

  1. I had a hard time with the level cap when I first started playing, but found that as the game progressed, the level cap became a little more "fair" the further you went. Not to say it got easier of course. God help us when we have to take on the champion/final boss who has a full team of level one hundred Pokemon.
  2. Will this video explain why I haven't been On Reborn lately? No. No it will not.

  3. As someone who doesn't listen to rap, this was quite a surprise when this started playing in my game. Not that I'm complaining though.

  4. How much different is Fire Emblem Echos compared to Fates/Awakening? I'm considering keeping an eye on it, but I'd like it to be a tad bit different than Fates since i got kind of sick of Conquest (mainly because I had to grind on the EXP DLC) which is why I want to know if it feels "Fresh".

    1. EndearingCharacterTrait


      Mechanically speaking there are some significant differences

    2. Zargerth


      It's not required to, but you can definitely grind in Echoes too. To go into further detail about changes:

      • Less supports
      • Archers have a much larger range and can attack in melee range
      • Class changes work differently, there's less variation in classes than in Fates, for example
      • Magic costs HP


      Echoes is quite different from Awakening or Fates. The biggest complain I've heard of Echoes is it's map design. The story however was generally well-received.

  5. The two most consistent things I do in a Pokemon Game, be it fan or official, are... -Give my Pokemon unique names, personalities, and backstories. This is just to add more spice to the game, and make battles a bit more intense. -Only use Pokeballs. Yes, that includes catching Beldum in Reborn. Unless the Pokeball looks cool and is supposed to be used on a specific Pokemon (i.e. Beast Balls) I always stick to the classic. Probably because that's what Ash did for the majority of the anime, which is where I got the inspiration to add the aforementioned personalities and backstories. Plus Ultra Balls look super ugly.
  6. It brings me an infinite amount of joy to see that someone made a wiki page for Mr. Plinkett on the Villains Wiki.

  7. Fun Fact: I'm still to embarrassed to go on Showdown after I accidentally spoiled something on there. It's been at least four or five months I think?

    1. pyrromanis


      Showdown is slowly dying. Only a few (and awesome) people are still there. I'm pretty sure no one will care what you've done before, is always nice to have more people :]

  8. Wow, the sequel to the Emoji Movie looks great! 


  9. I really stop need to stop doing Miss Piggy impressions when watching nature documentaries. 

  10. Frankly, what I'm going to say goes against what some of the others have said, but of course its all just an opinion. Reborn is most definitely the more complete game, but sort of suffers from its cast. I found some of the characters to be either dull or annoying, and ended up having way to much time focused on them. (I'm looking at you Titania.) Reborn's world also feels a bit bigger, but sort of lacks the spark to it. I really don't care about what happens to some of the characters (Cain excluded) which hurts the plot. Gameplay wise, it's great and super difficult for a casual like me, which makes up for the story. Rejuvenation in my opinion has the superior plot. I'm actually very interested in finding out what the heck is happening, what the character's motivations are, and how your character deals with the messed up stuff that happens to them keeps me going. Plus, it has difficulty levels that let you choose how hard it is. Come on, that's freaking amazing. The help canter also makes me love it even more, as a side quest might end up leading to something much, much darker in the main quest too, while also reminding me of the help center in Paper Mario. If you want my advice, try both until the first gym. After that, make a choice on which one you want to play to its current completion, then go and play the other.
  11. Well, I guess you know what this means...
  12. I'm back from my vacation to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. So expect to see me slightly more now.



  13. I try not to judge other people's Role Plays to harshly, but when I make a character for a low quality one, and get accepted for using this as my appearance, I can't help but wonder. http://imgur.com/a/OOVco

    1. Shamitako


      WTF. Lol I can't... This sounds like a glorious character

  14. I've been playing the stuff out of Miitopia lately, so that's a recommendation. The Bravery series (Bravely Default and Bravery Second) is also a real good one too.
  15. Doom Train.

    Doom Train!

    Doom Train.

  16. Yeah... As far as designs go, I think this looks pretty lazy. Now I'm starting to wonder if all the "new" Pokemon they're going to be adding are going to be designed with such flair, or this was just the really bad one they leaked so they could get it out of the way. Though I was never hyped for the Ultra games, so this only furthers my uninterest in them.
  17. Right now my brain has the consistency and most likely the taste of chocolate pudding...

  18. Yeah, I'm done with FE Heroes. If your friend-ed to me, feel free to remove me since I won't be active any more. After five consecutive rolls and no five stars, I finally hit the point when I asked myself what I was doing, and I didn't have a real answer.


    One the bright side, I haven't spent a cent on it, so ha! Petty victory to Combat!

  19. "Role Plays are like hot pockets, they're filled with garbage and cheese!"


    "Though that's not exactly a bad thing."

  20. I mean, I have admittedly low standards when it comes to sprite work, but believe me when I say this is pretty good looking. The left hand looks a little scrunched to me, but other than that I think this looks pretty decent.
  21. "Remember Luigi! Where there's old memes..."

    "There's a lack of creativity!"

    I'm sorry, that was terrible. My original punch line felt to hardcore though, so I had to go with a softer approach.

  22. Never mind my previous post, I seem to have found the right file location and all that. It was odd once I started running Desolation on Reborn's engine, but I wasn't about to mess with that... Mess.

  23. So... Where can I find the data for the Reborn so I can transfer characters? This is a new computer, and I was a little shocked to see my character missing.

  24. I think my dog might have broken her tail because she wagged it to hard... She's recovering now, but really?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HongaarseBeer


      Is that really a thing?

    3. seki108


      When a Dog dogs too hard....

    4. Combat


      I should mention she's a hound, which doesn't make her very smart. At least she's a real sweetheart. 

  25. If you replace the words soul and souls with pudding in Dark Souls 3, the game takes a very different turn.

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