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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Honchy

  1. I have a box of shinies. (hands box)
  2. I'm a sheep, I guess. I guess it matches me sort of, as my personality differs due to situation, but I am most like the monkey, but I also have some sheep. Maybe I'm analyzing it too much. XD (sighs) I can't figure out my own personality. XD
  3. I bought Street Fighter IV a year ago. So, uh, know you know my history :^)
  4. See, we're all forgetting the important part. Which is that there is no art of a Honchkrow cooking pop-tarts on it's specialty made honch-toaster. This is clearly discrimination against our kind.
  5. I'm thinking about helping the reborn game. Too bad I missed my opportunity to do animations.

  6. Congrats on your new staff job, mde. (waves hands)
  7. LOL, I got this error on RPGmaker: Exception: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass PokemonField:1755 PokemonField:1748:in `call' PBEvent:54:in `trigger' PBEvent:49:in `each' PBEvent:49:in `trigger' PokemonMap:618:in `setMapChanging' PokemonMap:595:in `setup' PokemonLoad:365:in `pbStartLoadScreen' PokemonLoad:335:in `open' PokemonLoad:335:in `pbStartLoadScreen'

    1. Spineblade


      And other funny things that only programmers understand

  8. I've never played Yo kai watch before. :/
  9. Does anyone know a picture with the FRLG trainer sprites, but has the arms and legs de-attached

  10. This is the greatest thing... ever. LOL m2k
  11. I will use this later on, but I cannot understand why your earlier topic died. It seems very helpful.
  12. When mapping, do any of you use different grass tiles on an outside map??

  13. I don't know you. But from the looks of things, you seem pretty swell.
  14. I feel full, I ate a calzone x.x

  15. I guess I'm going to eat something soon

  16. Congrats for having your warning points expire!
  17. I always come at the wrong time. Micky?
  18. Hi, guys. Welp, I'll probably just leave after posting this. Juu?
  19. Woah, that seems like a high level for Corey, but I guess you could get some grounds.
  20. Froslass, I'd choose it for high speed.
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