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Everything posted by Rezilia

  1. In case any of you were wondering where I went... I've been playing Cubic Castles non-stop. It's so addicting. So addicting... x.x

    1. Peepeepoopoo


      Come back and say hi some time.

  2. Just started watching Stitchers. It's awesome.

  3. Perhaps it would allow the Ranger to force Mega until the task is fulfilled?
  4. Aren't Pokemon made up of a unique form of Energy that they exude, assimilate, convert into moves and evolutions, and can be condensed into? I don't think we'd be able to make them just with genomic changing.
  5. You just haven't Physics'd right yet. Did you know that two solid objects CAN occupy the same space, contrary to popular belief? It's based on geometric spacial dimensionality. Multiple two-dimensional objects can exist in the same three-dimensional space and therefore multiple three-dimensional objects can exist in the same four-dimensional space (which is actually a thing in Geometry)! This means that you can have a house at the same dimensions as your house in the same place as your house by moving from the layer with your house to the layer with the other house without ever leaving your house! #YoDawg #Hyperspace #Biggerontheinside Back in my day, VR was done by sticking cords into people. You of the VR visor generation have it so easy. ---- I just noticed this. I apologize. Right, so! Pokemon Rangers are awesome. >.>;
  6. Science isn't boring. IT'S SCIENCE!!! Also note how the entire Pokemon world relies on Science, even if it's Poke Science. Think about it this way: You can use Quantum Physics to play a game with Simulated Physics that relies on Poke Physics. Physicsception!
  7. YOLO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      Everytime someone says this, a devil gets its horns.

    3. Vinny


      WOLOLO \o/

    4. Peepeepoopoo


      YOLO; famous last words.

  8. I know. What I just described was how Virtual Reality worked. Unless you're talking about something like the Oculus Rift, which isn't actually VR. True VR is full-immersion to the point that you become unaware of our reality and are completely dependent on the new (the game's) reality. This requires complete sensory immersion and a lack of consciousness in regards to the outside world. This will be obtained through the use of quantum technology during forced REM sleep.
  9. Since you're doing 5 types, does that mean that dual-type pokemon must have both types within the five?
  10. Quantum Mechanics will actually allow us to do it. All we'd have to do is go into a state of REM sleep and wake up in a simulation where the parts of our brains that handle our senses react to the simulation in a similar manner. Quantum technology can create this simulation and cause our brains to react in that way.
  11. I assume you mean FFXIII-2 since that's the one with time travel. There's nothing confusing about it. The main antagonists changed time and thus started a chain of paradoxes to occur which caused the timeline to decay. The heroes simply had to correct the timeline. Don't think of time as a single line. Think of it as a web. Every connecting point on that web is a major point in time. The strings in the web come from each point based on what happens in that point. If you change the details of the point, you change the strings. You end up creating strings that are unable to properly attach to the rest of the web. The strength of the web decreases, the strings themselves fall downward instead of connecting to other points, and the web itself completely falls apart. In the web version of time, temporal paradoxes would be changes to those points. By changing one point, you'd affect other points that themselves would change and create more malfunctioning strings and so on and so forth until the timeline falls apart and everything ceases to exist. This is what happened in FFXIII-2.
  12. Speaking of which, when the only items that act as a suitable cash flow have a quantity or weight limit. Dragon bones in Skyrim are this.
  13. Random mass bug invasions. Within a period of 3 years: I've had flies come from the AC and just land and die on my sink without me ever seeing them alive. I had a tick invasion when I was bedridden. THAT was fun. I had another one when I was living at my uncle's for a time. Ants and termites decided to invade my second bathroom a little bit ago. Note that these were all in different buildings; hell, while the first two were in the same city, the third was in a different state and the fourth was in a different nation.
  14. Am I the only one that thinks pokemon rangers have more natural swag than pokemon trainers?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Avatar of Grima
    3. Peepeepoopoo


      Am I the only one that thinks the spinoffs are better than the other games?

    4. Rezilia
  15. I remember when I was sent to Pokemon Ranger Boot Camp. Ah, those were the days...
  16. This for #1, except in a Chess Room. #2: Terrain Master (Field Effect expert with a few pokemon that can use any terrain) #3: Mega Master (uses various all-powerful megas; weak to pokemon that cause powerhousing to backfire) #4: Wild Card (uses abilities that can alter the battle in crazy ways) All of these would have advanced AIs, meaning that their pokemon will actually react and strategize based on my actions.
  17. Complete with rap music AND his fists growing large when he punches!
  18. Splash has the potential to be the best Smash move ever. Every time someone is about to land an attack: Splash parries it. Once you build the Splash meter, Summon Wailord causes a giant Wailord to crush everyone on screen.
  19. Gameplay is going to be the biggest issue. They did well with re-inventing turn-based in Lightning Returns but that was only with one character - not an entire party of characters. From what I've seen, the Versus model wouldn't work right with FF7 either. I honestly don't understand what Squeenix is thinking by remaking this game PS4 style. All they're going to get upon release is flak with people disappointed because they expected impossible standards.
  20. Damnit Square Enix, why won't you tell me what happened to Genesis Rhapsodos?

  21. I don't. If there's a no-sex-with-others rule, sure. Otherwise, no.
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