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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by SilverAngelus

  1. How does one speed up Pokemon Rejuvenation on Mac?

  2. TFW you wake up and immediate depression

  3. What do you call a sleeping rhino?

  4. What do you call a sleeping rhino?

  5. Who plays Pokemon Reborn at 3 am?

    Anyone sane enough to play Reborn. :3

  6. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  7. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  8. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  9. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  10. When a wild Organic Chemistry test appears and you can't escape...

  11. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  12. Why is it that sometimes I feel as if someone is watching me? I then turn around and no one's there. o_o

  13. Yesterday I got 6 whole hours of sleep! I didn't know sleep count could go so high.

  14. Yesterday I got 6 whole hours of sleep! I didn't know sleep count could go so high.

  15. TFW some jerk says something rude, and you know you shouldn't let it get to you, but you do anyway...

  16. Do I have to do all this homework?

  17. Why must playing games like Reborn be so difficult on Macs? Wine has been giving me nothing but trouble - serious problem this, terrible issue that. *Shudder* I can't even afford a new Windows computer anymore.

  18. Why must playing games like Reborn be so difficult on Macs? Wine has been giving me nothing but trouble - serious problem this, terrible issue that. *Shudder* I can't even afford a new Windows computer anymore.

  19. Tired of my dad lecturing me and telling me that you have to be able to make a living off what you like and if you can't make a living out of it, then don't do it! Ugh I hate him.....Am I wrong?

  20. Tired of my dad lecturing me and telling me that you have to be able to make a living off what you like and if you can't make a living out of it, then don't do it! Ugh I hate him.....Am I wrong?

  21. If I can't fix my computer, should I just start Reborn all over in my laptop?

  22. I just realized that with my hard drive failure and my complete loss of data, my Mono-fire run of rejuvenation is lost forever. If only I wasn't too lazy to train sp.atk on volcarona and beat valarie :(

  23. If I can't fix my computer, should I just start Reborn all over in my laptop?

  24. If I can't fix my computer, should I just start Reborn all over in my laptop?

  25. Toucans have two cans.

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