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ZEL last won the day on September 1 2019

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360 Altruist

About ZEL

  • Birthday 12/02/1994

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  1. Y'know what I find lacking about status updates now? No longer being able to delete answers we make to them. An edit or delete function would be sweet.

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    2. ZEL


      I always believe it's better to have mods deal with other user's posts, so I never understood deleting status comments by others, either. All I want is to be able to delete my own content as I please, or at the very least edit comments like I'd edit a post. I know editing status stuff wasn't a thing on the old forums either, but I'd certainly appreciate it as an option now. And for deleting to not be an ace thing as it appears to be now. Because there's no reason for that to be an ace privilege (if that's even on purpose).

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      I agree about the ace privileges. I think ace privileges should just be the soup or secret forum and beta testing. For deleting status replies, I've never done it personally but my friend does it sometimes because there are some things she can't talk about. 

    4. Commander


      Thinking about Ace privileges, I actually feel bad about having them due to it basically being impossible to become Ace (as hell, I can't even gain any exp). As for deleting posts, it has the same effect as editing and deleting all content from a post. I don't see why all users shouldn't be allowed to do it.

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