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Status Updates posted by Hexagoen

  1. ok, thanks juu for suggesting me SAO... time to see this shitshow of anime chiches...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CURIE


      Just like Steven Universe, that was a show I thought I would like, but as I kept watching I realized more and more that it wasn't any good. And when I was done, I was ashamed that I had really watched the entire thing.

    3. Omega_Ra1der


      *adds in list of reasons to not watch SAO*

    4. Juniper


      You're welcome x.x

      I don't even know what an anime cliche is.

      This was THE FIRST anime that I ever watched and I happened to love it so it's a favorite of mine.

      If it's not your thing, it's not your thing.

  2. /me needs a new anime to watch

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grizzlybrand


      Did you hear about our lord and savior One Punch Man?

    3. Shamitako


      What Hiss said

      It also helps to know what sort of things you enjoy

    4. Juniper


      My friend just recommended I watch one-punch man. So I added it to my stupidly long list. I'll stop commenting now, this is probably a discussion more suited to the aforementioned anime threads.

  3. i just love how everyone is freaking out about not noticing sheep was on showdown when he left lol

  4. ok, so at this store i frequently go to, the manager there knows me. so as soon as he sees me going towards the door to the store, he runs into the back. so that was confusing, until i step in, when, at that exact second, the regular music stops and suddenly i get rickrolled. gg XD

  5. ONE.... MORE.... POST....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShadowStar
    3. Arkhi


      No but really, posts in the Wasteland and Onyx Arcade don't count. If you're looking for the last, I suggest a post in the music thread.

    4. Shamitako


      So I cross my heart and I hope to die~

      That I'll only stay with you one more post~

  6. thank you thank you thank you! bear lord :D

    1. mde2001


      Only 7 more posts then you can become Ace.

  7. ...What is this RWBY you guys speak of?

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. dragoniteborntacoz


      well its something so amazing that someone like me (who really dislikes anime) is obsessed with it

      pretty much its an amarican anime made by a company called roosterteeth and have great animation, awsome music, and great twists on the usual overused character tropes (they even made a catgirl i dont hate)

    3. KingRyan


      it's just the best thing ever....of all time.....r.i.p. monty.

  8. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    1. BlueMoonIceCream



  9. ...im bored again

    1. Juniper


      You stopped being bored? :o

  10. comment if you think shia is more adorabler.

    1. zimvader42


      Adorabler than adorable? Nah I'm not commenting this time.


    2. Juniper
  11. I don't care anymore.

    1. zimvader42
    2. RaymondNotRay


      We still care about you.

  12. first 5 year old noob in crappy cosplay who rings my doorbell for the purpose of getting free candy is being hunted down by me.

    1. zimvader42


      Oh, I'm 3 year old, I'm getting candy!

  13. /shower

    1. Fumble


      -- Jеricho is now shower.

  14. Guys. Ame has over 100,000 views... PANIC!!!!

    1. Red_Chaos
    2. Vinny


      "Oh no, I didn't expect this at all." -> 2013, Ocelot

  15. the 'future' is now. where is my hoverboard?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      Only semi-working, but in development

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I don't know where'd you leave it?

    4. Grizzlybrand


      Tbh a lot of things in Back to the Future exist, but a lot of them just aren't commercially available for mass consumers

  16. oh yeah. i passed 700 posts. QQ give ace QQ

    1. Vinny
    2. Hexagoen


      posts-kun give me like 50 posts to do ore somethign please ;;--;;

    3. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      The ace of spades

  17. i need a new status idea...

    1. BlueMoonIceCream


      You just gotta think... What's on your mind?

  18. why u always rhyming? stop fucking rhyming

    1. anethia


      calm your tits and your lady bits

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