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Reborn Development Blog

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Posts posted by Monochrome_Complex

  1. The part where




    she chomped off ame's head

    had me like 0_0


    Out of all the Meteors, Lin is easily the most threatening one. Sirius and Solaris feel like Fern and Blake compared to her.


    Good analysis but I never really got the impression cut scenes like this ever really played into actual gameplay stats. Also you assume we'll max out at level 100, despite an NPC already hinting we might go beyond it(like Insurgence).



  2. ^Yup. In episode 14 typhlosion had energy ball(which it shouldn't have since it can't learn it) and flash fire which made it insanely powerful. Episode 15 nerfed it by replacing energy ball with solarbeam and it having blaze instead of flash fire. I want to say either it or darma were scarfed at one point too but regardless if they were or not they aren't in the current release.


    Charlotte was ridiculous in episode 14. Didn't help 14.1 or whatever had that doubles glitch where you'd send your next pokemon out before the turn even ended :/ You could literally lose half your team in one turn.



  3. Shade used to be the hardest early leader but he's moderate at most now.

    Shelly I feel is the hardest early leader now as you can't reliably set her field ablaze anymore, unless you use like fake out and a rock move to one shot it. She had the most notable jump in difficulty between episodes 15 and 16 so far.

    Charlotte is still pretty tough. Sometimes I've done well against her but last night she took me an hour to beat :/ I still say she's the hardest

    Noel is either moderate or pretty challenging, but I wouldn't say hardest. It comes down mainly to how well you deal with Cinccino , Fable and PZ.



    Julia, Flobot, Radomus and kiki are probably the easiest leaders.



    On 05.02.2017. at 4:16 PM, hope4896 said:

    For now Ciel is the only Gym Leader that took me more than 2 tries due to Meteor Mash and Dual Chop getting low damage rolls (ugh Big Top Arena y u do dis) in pinch situations. 


    For Charlotte I managed to pull off a Rain Dance with my Greninja and pretty much start a sweep with a Shell Smash Omastar so it's a direct victory. Energy Ball Charizard was quite a shock but thank god I have that Light Ball Pikachu.

    Wait what? Charlotte doesn't use Charizard...

  4. Hard to narrow it down to one. I'll list my 5 favorites instead.


    Faves: Hardy - positive outlook, cool look, good attitude and one of the most down to earth and "believable" personalities among the cast. He isn't overly cartoonish or tropey but isn't dull or flawless either. 

    Sapphira - unlike Hardy sapphira is more of an escapist character but she's easily the most badass member of the cast. I love no nonsense women who can kick butt and sapphira is definitely that without crossing the line into tryhard territory like a certain somebody. But I'll get to that later. Funny how her ace is the adorable dragonite. I like her hair too.

    Charlotte - she's made one of the biggest impressions out of all the gym leaders with her memorable dialogue, cool backstory and infamously being of the hardest leaders in the game(moreso in episode 13-14).  Her type matches her character moreso than any other character perhaps, and it's interwoven into her really well. However I must make a complaint: BRING BACK THE CIG. Her vs portrait was better with it. No one is going to accuse Reborn of promoting underage smoking because of it.

    Radomus- this guy is awesome. Lots of personality, mysterious, charming, nice use of the Mad Hatter theme, and it helps that he debuts in one of the game's most memorable segments. This guy is totally cool and there's still a lot we don't know about him yet. My only complaint about him is that he's too easy in battle which doesn't feel appropriate for a man of his caliber.

    Amaria - she has some serious guts despite her friendly personality and insecurities, and it's a pretty jaw dropping moment to see her bust out a high level Lapras against Meteor goons. I do dislike that she's with Titania if only because she deserves so much better.


    I like all of them to some extent except for Terra and Titania. Terra just kills immersion and goes too far despite being funny sometimes. Plus she reminds me of Tinty tina from borderlands and one of her dialogue (the timmy one) sounds like it was ripped straight from tina's. As for Titania aka Edge Goddess, she's just completely unlikable and the epitome of tryhard. Actually I suppose i don't like Luna much either. She looks too much like Alice(or maybe it's the opposite), her battle is a bit forgettable, Iolia valley is one of my least favorite chapters in the game, she probably has the worst Reborn chapter overall and a lot of characters cream themselves over her making her more trouble than she's worth. I also suspect she's a bad guy due to being a dark leader and her obsession with living her life as a fairy tale. She seems very irresponsible and even selfish too.


    Also I have to laugh at "murdering defenseless grunts." Won't someone think of the poor terrorists! Meteor deserve NO sympathy considering the people they hurt and the ways they went about it. Also Sapphira killed the ones that were planning on assaulting her home in the first place so while simon was sad Tara died I could never feel all that sorry for him. Meteor apologists FTL.






  5. Spoiler




    -dragon dance

    -dragon claw

    -heat wave

    -air slash




    -stealth rock

    -rock slide

    -wide guard




    no shiny

    -ice shard

    -iron head


    -icicle crash



    no shiny

    -leech seed






    no shiny

    -sludge bomb

    -shadow ball

    -destiny bond




    no shiny

    -shadow sneak

    -dark pulse







    Kuro card, team cfvy

  6. Hayley is back in B2...but she's going to be even tougher than season 1. This B2 looks scarier than S2's B2. Hayley was notorious as the wake-up call boss so to speak in season 1.


    Though yeah the brackets aren't always consistent in terms of actual difficulty. Like Mira is seemingly better than Alicia from S1 despite being B1 instead of B2. Ninia was like B3 in S1 despite having worse W/L ratio than some of the lower brackets. It's more leader skill > type but at the same time some leaders don't always match up to their bracket placement. Really Hayley had zero business being in B1 last season. There was a notable gap  between her and Nick/Olivia. Should've had Alicia there TBH, but I suppose that's why Mira is in B1 now instead.



  7. 3 hours ago, Isa.phoria said:

    Perhaps that's a good thing, then my happy memories of it wouldn't turn to bad ones haha. My favorite level at that time was Town square, probably mostly because of the banging soundtrack for it. Funny, I replayed this game some time ago but eventually got fed up with how slow it was running (Could have been the TV)... And the issue with hitboxes you mentioned earlier. Did you reach the final boss?


    Also, if we're being too OT for this thread I might just PM you, cause I don't think I've ever talked to anyone else that has a past with this game lol

    I reached the final stage but the last level, momentopolis, is basically a boss rush(5 bosses I think) and a pretty difficult one at that. I never made it to the actual final boss himself but I did look it up on Youtube and he's actually kind of badass haha. He can use time powers as well and shoots out a bunch of bombs, it's actually a well designed  fight. Funnily enough he's not even the hardest boss in the game, though he's probably the most interesting. I think the hardest one was the Everwinter one. By the end of that fight you're surrounded by death and he hardly turns vulnerable, plus he has a lot of health. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, Isa.phoria said:

    Yeah, perhaps ''hidden gem'' isn't exactly the right word but moreso Underrated, hehe. I have mostly good memories playing that game as a kid, so I'm curious as to what experience you had with it. I remember having difficulty in finding the monsters at times tho (I didn't get further than Hourglass caves)

    Actually, Panzer Dragoon sounds a bit familiar. I might just check that series later :)

    Haha see you never got to the later stages which is where the game started getting brutal. Hourglass caves was actually one of my favorite levels(dat music, in fact the game had a pretty cool soundtrack) from from Forgotten City onwards there was some degree of BS in every level. Also the freakin water spirits which took like 8-10 hits to kill unless you used the fire sweeper. The first 3 levels are actually really fun.

  9. ^I used to play Binx a lot when I was younger but that game is extremely rage inducing in how difficult it can be. It's not exactly good difficulty either, but more like jank, bad hitboxes and poor level design(you shouldn't have to find yourself in an unwinnable situation yet it's happened several times playing it). Despite this the game has its merits and the time system is legit cool. I still liked it even though it nearly brought me to tears a couple of times lol.


    I'd say the Panzer Dragoon games which are some of the best games among Sega's roster(particularly Zwei/Saga/Orta), although they're not as appealing to today'd gamers I'd imagine as on rail shooters aren't too appreciated these days(Starfox being like the only exception and it's seen better days). While they're very solid gameplay wise I really want to note just how beautifully this series is crafted artistically, with a world quite unlike any other game.  It's abstract, bleak, yet somehow enchanting as well, and despite the limited resources of its time manages to convey the work and soul the devs put into it  quite nicely to the audience. The game even had a language written for it and has two beautiful songs sung in it as well(for the end credits of Saga and Orta). Speaking of which, the music for this series is great(well I think Zwei onwards is nice, the first game's ost I'm not crazy about myself) with one of my favorite final boss themes  that's notable for being actually pretty chill yet still possessing an appropriate feel of power and wonder. In fact, Zwei's final boss is pretty rad and even now is pretty impressive  despite its primitive(by today's standards) graphics.  It's kind of trippy yet intense and the second phase in particular is epic.


    I actually shouldn't say Saga is underrated because it's literally one of the most sought-out games and regularly gets sold at outrageous prices online(easily more than an actual modern console). It's also considered among the best RPGs of its era, though I've never played it. Orta has aged the best in gameplay I feel out of the typical Panzer Dragoon games and is the easiest to get a hold of, also it has a nice amount of content. Overall I feel this beautiful series has too much soul put into it to be forgotten and deserves to remembered by all gamers.

  10. I feel like Decibel looks the most out of place TBH. Their clothes kind of clash with Reborn's grit  as they're too flamboyant and elegant. Decibel is a good design but my least favorite of the 6. Also Ame looks too much like xyr now.


    Vero looks boss. Has a street aesthetic which fits perfectly with the environment of the game and has personality as well.


    Alice looks too much like Luna though that's more Luna's fault more than hers. She's fine otherwise.


    Lucia's top is a bit weird but she looks cool. Took me a bit to figure out what her hair was doing though lol. 


    Kuro is cool but his color scheme is too monochrome. If he had a second color to break it up he'd be top tier.


    Ari is actually my favorite, though their portrait sprite needs some work lol. Xe fits Reborn's dystopian feel really well and looks badass, plus a bit more distinct than some of the others.



  11. 2 hours ago, Sarun said:


    Pretty much. Electric-types often have very poor coverage in general so this means that basically any Ground-type surrounded by a good core can easily wreck an Electric-type team, meanwhile Grass-types have several weaknesses and aren't that strong offensively, creating a lot of opportunities for sweeping.

    Grass types' biggest issue I feel is their limited ability to deal with their weaknesses. Megazard Y especially is a massive pain to deal with and every grass type that can deal with him is really slow. Like it's possible to beat a flying team with a grass team but beating  fire with grass is like really really hard to pull off.


    Thing about grass is that you can't rely on simply overpowering your opponent since it's likely not going  to happen. Usually you need to wear them down slowly with status/life drain/hazards then have your heavy hitters clean up if possible, but regardless the type demands a patient playing style. Grass can actually be quite resilient  when their weaknesses aren't exploited due their recovery options and ability to hinder opponents with status, helps that a few of them have reasonable bulk too. I think Megasaur is a good rep of the grass style and it helps that his ability lessens some of grass' defensive weaknesses, though he still falls victim to some of the bigger threats to the type.

  12. I remember calling Nick the Brock of Redemption long ago...lol. But nah Nick actually got some really cool strats later on and while he started off rough...(his win rate was like 20-something percent at one point)  he got better as Redemption went on.  He was best in doubles I feel and my last match with him I nearly lost but Sylveon pulled a miracle and wiped out literally half his team. I think with Meganetric as his ace Nick is going to be quite a bit more challenging. Didn't know he worked at silph co, that's pretty cool.

  13. I feel like the grand hall guys shouldn't pay you anything at all, or maybe just once a day and not a whole lot. You're absolutely right in that they're too easy to abuse.


    Now Radomus is a rich dude so TBH I feel he should pay up quite a bit but I'm not sure why Meteor grunts would be paying much.  Personally I don't buy that much anyway so I don't pay that much attention to my savings after early game but I can understand and agree that the game doesn't emphasize resource management as much as before, to its detriment.

  14. Where in the railnet exactly is the move lady's house key? I smashed every wall in the aron beam area and there's no key.


    EDIT: Nevermind, found it. It's not in that room at all, but the one directly after the Yureyu building(with the rail puzzle)on the northernmost wall at the far right.

  15. Don't drop Blaziken for good though...it's one of the best starters in the game supposedly. I'd keep it for Metagross at least


    But yeah 5 mons against a Reborn leader is usually a terrible idea first playthrough. Amphy is good against his Malamar with signal beam and Gardevoir should be able to handle Gallade with help from a partner. You kind of messed up evolving Honchkrow before it learned sucker punch though. Night slash will likely not OHKO anything that isn't made of paper without a crit or a moxie boost, plus Honch is slow. However you can play that to your advantage as Honch can utilize trick room. It should be able to easily take out Gallade/Gardevoir(after a moxie boost) with brave bird under trick room.





  16. Seathe would be a great dragon legendary just saying. Dragon/psychic maybe? Or just Dragon? Also the prisoner girls in his home look like Marenie a bit.

    Gaping Dragon would be poison/dragon with gluttony

    Sihn would be Dragon/poison with Corrosive

    Duke's Dear Freyja would be a bug type of course.

    Quelagg would be fire/bug.

    Smelter Demon is fire/steel, with flame body as his ability.

    Sif would be normal/steel.

    Ivory King would be ice/fire.

    Demon of Song would be water/dark with liquid voice



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