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Daniel Blackworth

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Daniel Blackworth last won the day on April 30 2019

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279 Altruist

About Daniel Blackworth

  • Birthday 03/09/2001

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Divergent, Dive
  • Gender
  • Location
    Reborn City, Reborn
  • Interests

    ~ Books - Divergent Trilogy, Percy Jackson Series, Heroes of Olympus Series, Mortal Instrument Series, Hunger Games Series, Maze Runner Series, Endgame Series, and many more not mentioned

    ~ Video Games - Pokemon (Obvious isn't it), Pokemon Fangames like Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, Ace Attorney Series, Professor Layton Series, Fire Emblem Series, Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Golden Sun, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory 3

    ~ Manga - Barakamon, Otomen, Shokugeki no Soma, One Piece, Relife, Fairy Tail, Detective Conan, Yamada kun and the 7 Witches, Battle Royale, Black Clover, Nijiiro Days, Reborn, Magi, Shingeki no Kyojin, LDK, Your Lie in April, Enigma, Liar Game, Heroine Shikkaku, Nisekoi, Naruto, Orange, Assasination Classroom, and others not mentioned

    ~ Movies - The Day after Tomorrow, Interstellar, X-Men, Your Name, The Girl who leapt through Time, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, Avengers, Thor, Train to Busan

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  • Discord
    Meteor Admin Divergent #9501

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  1. "Be more confident despite your weaknesses and failures." - Tsunayoshi Sawada

    "It's not an issue of what you should do, it's an issue of what you want to do." - Yamamoto Tsuyoshi

    "You won't know if you don't give it a try." - Yamamoto Takeshi

    Katekyo Hitman Reborn was an enjoyable manga first for its comedy, but it became even more entertaining when it became a serious action series around a quarter of the way. It features, Tsunayoshi Sawada, a generally cowardly and weak kid, who is told by a mysterious baby that he will be the Tenth Vongola Master. Of course, he wouldn't want to be the Tenth Vongola Master, but he is continuously taught by Reborn to be the Vongola Master, and with the help of the Dying Will Bullet, he becomes a stronger and braver person throughout the series. It begins with small, non serious conflicts, but it becomes slowly serious with the Mukuro Rokudo arc and then it becomes a full-blown action manga with the Varia arc, which featured Mafia members who wanted Xanxus, to be the Vongola Master instead. He acquires friends who become his Vongola Guardians and with their training, they are able to overcome the Varia. The manga becomes heavier with the introduction of the Future Arc, as they try to overcome Byakuran, who intented to make every timeline one where he ruled and destroyed it. The series becomes a bit uninteresting with the Shimon Arc, which was kinda underwhelming, but its plot was still good though. It ends with the Representative Arc which reveals the true nature of the Arcobaleno and it wraps up the characters and the story quite well. Katekyo Hitman Reborn was a manga I enjoyed for the unique powers wielded by the characters; the actiom scenes were well executed and most of the villains were not the types to easily be defeated, except for Enma that is. The overarching plot, which centered on Tsuna's development as a person, was also well exhibited in this manga. All in all, I'd probably rate this an 8/10, I guess.

    1. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Favorite character would have to be Yamamoto Takeshi for being both cool and calm-minded.

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