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Daniel Blackworth

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Daniel Blackworth last won the day on April 30 2019

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279 Altruist

About Daniel Blackworth

  • Birthday 03/09/2001

Profile Information

  • Alias
    Divergent, Dive
  • Gender
  • Location
    Reborn City, Reborn
  • Interests

    ~ Books - Divergent Trilogy, Percy Jackson Series, Heroes of Olympus Series, Mortal Instrument Series, Hunger Games Series, Maze Runner Series, Endgame Series, and many more not mentioned

    ~ Video Games - Pokemon (Obvious isn't it), Pokemon Fangames like Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, Ace Attorney Series, Professor Layton Series, Fire Emblem Series, Dragon Quest IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, Golden Sun, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory 3

    ~ Manga - Barakamon, Otomen, Shokugeki no Soma, One Piece, Relife, Fairy Tail, Detective Conan, Yamada kun and the 7 Witches, Battle Royale, Black Clover, Nijiiro Days, Reborn, Magi, Shingeki no Kyojin, LDK, Your Lie in April, Enigma, Liar Game, Heroine Shikkaku, Nisekoi, Naruto, Orange, Assasination Classroom, and others not mentioned

    ~ Movies - The Day after Tomorrow, Interstellar, X-Men, Your Name, The Girl who leapt through Time, Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, Avengers, Thor, Train to Busan

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    Meteor Admin Divergent #9501

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  1. "I've decided to keep painting. Originals only, of course. I suppose I'll have to see a bit of the world outside to find out what to paint. But, I know there are good people out there, now. I've met them." - Vera Misham from Ace Attorney: Apollo Justice


    I played Apollo Justice alongside Awakening and completed it first. I find Apollo Justice as a good way to connect the first three games with the fourth game. I really enjoyed the cases and the several unexpected twists gave much more beauty to the story itself (especially the part wherein Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright are half-siblings and Lamiroir was their mother).

    1. Rev


      Ayyyy I didn't know you were an Ace Attorney fan! I love those games. I also hope you enjoyed Awakening! 

    2. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      @Rev Yeah. I've played the first four Ace Attorney games and the two Ace Attorney Investigation games. I want to play the three 3ds games of Ace Attorney but I'm not sure where to find it and I'm still currently saving up for Echoes. I'm still not through with Awakening but I'm enjoying it


    3. Rev


      Well when you do get to play the 3DS games, I have to say that they are all enjoyable. Among the 3DS games though, Ace Attorney versus Professor Layton would have to be my favorite entry, mainly because the music is fantastic and it was a very novel concept.


      Glad to hear you like Awakening.

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