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Shadow Sketches

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Everything posted by Shadow Sketches

  1. Outside- Alecks He wasn't too impressed with the new kids introductions, he never thought much about kids in the first place. Though he had to admit that the shy Tara was adorable, like a little puppy. But he reminded himself that they were now all rivals to him, he would make sure to prove he could take them all on no matter what. Especially the blue haired one, he barely knew him for five minutes and he already didn't like his attitude. He would have to challenge him later, for now Apollo was on his shoulders and pulling at his cheek pointing right at Roy and Katie. Alecks nodded slightly, his determined gaze matching his partner's "All right, I get it buddy." He walked towards Katie, both him and Apollo had a fire in their eyes as they got closer to their first challenge. "I'm obligated by my honor to prove Jason wrong, so I guess I'm going to have to beat you and Roy" holding his hand out to her, waiting for her to shake it in acceptance of his challenge "Come on, let's have a fight for the ages! No healing items or anything, just us and our skills!"
  2. There hasn't been much activity the past two days, I thought we were waiting for the two other younger kids to introduce themselves. Are we or we should I try to start going on ahead?
  3. One day I'll earn enough rupees to change my name! *determined pose*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shadow Sketches

      Shadow Sketches

      Thanks Star, I'm halfway there now! >:D

    3. ShadowStar


      Tfw I misread the Shop Items

    4. Jacobliterator


      It fills you with determination

  4. I don't know what is abut electro swing but it makes me want to have an old timey party.

  5. http://prntscr.com/9u2p6q I should have finished this a while ago but I procrastinated too long, I didn't even end up liking it but I might as well have finished it, bleh I'll get better with practice hopefully~
  6. Trying to get back into League, not sure how well it'll be since before I stopped playing League I only played PBE but welp, we'll see~ NA Forum Name: Shadow Mankey Summoner Name: Shad0wArcher
  7. Juniper's Lab- Alecks Once Apollo saw the Timburr, he half hid behind Aleck's head and glared at Roy. Seeing this, Alecks was confused at what troubled him "What's the matter buddy?" he asked his new partner. Apollo replied with a short cry then jumped down from his shoulder to land on the floor a little bit away from Roy. He then puffed up his chest and smacked a fist against it once, looking right at Roy challengingly. Alecks followed behind Apollo to stand beside him, apparently there was some sort of rivalry between the two of them. He wasn't sure whether they were already rivals from before or whether Apollo just decided to see Roy as a challenge, either way Apollo seemed to want a fight. "Looks like Apollo wants to test his skills against Roy, so what do you say? Want to test our strengths?" Alecks smiled at Katie, a teasing glint in his eyes.
  8. Alecks: Apollo Chimchar ♂ Level: 10 Experience Points since previous level: 4 Ability: Blaze Moves Known: Scratch, Leer, Ember, Flame Wheel Bag: Normal Items: Pokeballs (x5) Potions (x5) Repel (x1) Antidote (x1) Key Items: XTransceiver Skateboard Sketchbook Mysterious Pouch
  9. System Shock 2 definitely has some of the gameplay mechanics that would later turn into the first Bioshock, it's pretty interesting to see how similar the two are

  10. Professor Juniper's Lab- Alecks Alecks looked around at the science equipment as he entered Juniper's Lab, they didn't really interest him that much nor could he tell what most could do. His sister, Alice, would love looking at all the equipment and could probably tell more about what some of the equipment did, but perhaps he was overestimating her scientific skills. He suddenly kind of wished his twin could be beside him on his journey, just now realizing he was going to miss her more than he thought, but he pushed on as he was eager to meet his new partner that would surely help keep him from feeling loneliness. Once they reached Professor Juniper and he got his Pokedex he immediately went in and changed his Pokedex's color to black to set it apart from the others. Once that was done he set his sights on the cradle with his name on it, walking over to it he tried to keep his excitement from showing too much as he did not want to embarrass himself. But in the end he reached the table with a silly, exited grin on his face. Wasting no more time, he threw the pokeball slightly in the air over him as he pressed the button in the middle of it, waiting in anticipation as to what pokemon he had gotten. Suddenly a Chimchar appeared after a bright flash of white light, he was facing towards Alecks and it took him a second to realize he was in the air but he quickly adjusted and dropped towards his new opened armed trainer. Alecks caught the pokeball falling down in one hand then caught the Chimchar in a hug as he fell too, carefully avoiding the flame at his rear. "Chim!" Chimchar cried out adorably and climbed onto Alecks shoulder. "Hey Chimchar, I'm your new partner in crime, Alecks!" Chimchar giggled slightly as he covered his mouth with his hands "We're gonna have to give you a name huh?" Alecks said as he looked at Chimchar. Chimchar cocked his head slightly as he looked at his new trainer with big grey eyes. "I know, what about Apollo?" Chimchar pumped a fist into the air and nodded, satisfied with his new name "Chim!" he responded.
  11. Oh no! It's Scissorman!!

  12. Route 1- Everyone Alecks walked beside Katie but wasn't much for conversation as he kept looking around, sometimes admiring the pretty green colors nature had, but mostly looking out to see what kind of pokemon he could spot. Though the Patrats challenging them was surprising it ended up being quite easy to take care of them and Alecks was kind of disappointed. "Too bad they didn't put up more of a fight.." he whined a little as he scratched the back of his neck. "Still, nice job on taking care of them, I'd have no idea how to deal with a scary Patrat myself~" he joked, it was hard for him to take those lil chubby creatures seriously.
  13. 8:55 AM - Route 1 Entrance Alecks raised his eyebrow at the strange blonde girl, an amused grin on his face but he gave in and put an arm around Katie's shoulder as well "Why couldn't I be the son of a Mad King that exiled me from my kingdom because he was given a prophecy that I would overthrow him and now I'm going on this adventure to prepare myself for the oncoming revolt I will lead against him?" he teased, Katie wasn't the only one with an imaginary mind! "And yea, I wish the Researcher would be here already, I want to get on my way and meet my new partner after all!" Alekcs complained a little, still trying to be lighthearted.
  14. http://prntscr.com/9scnbo Sketching on the new intuous, hopefully the more practice I get with it the less messy my sketches will get.
  15. 8: 53 AM- Entrance to Route 1 Alecks smiled and rolled his eyes as he walked up to Katie, holding his fist out to her to give her the normal fist bump greeting he used with most of his friends. "Please don't group me in with boyscouts, I don't want to turn into a camper" he joked. "I'm Alekcs, and I don't have much of an intro to give you, sorry~"
  16. Icarus, Isolda Grace, Iidrra. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 1:00 PM Icarus exhaled slowly, his eyes turning a dark shade of red as his anger was starting to flare up at being scolded at like some impudent child. He has heard about the short tempered master of books throughout his stay in the castle, especially since when he first heard about him there were rumors about him being the Spymaster of the castle. Because of Icarus's "profession", a spymaster is something that held high interest for him, not to work under him and to give him information. No no no, he would have loved to use the Spymaster for his own advantage and perhaps have him as a sort of ally in order to gain information from him rather than giving it to him. Unfortunately he learned quickly about the damn bookkeeper's temper and realized that if he WAS a spymaster, he would have been a thorn in his side at best. So he left the over-glorified bookkeeper alone and instead focused on staying out of his sight. But this... this was something that Icarus wouldn't forget anytime in the near future, he was not about to let him get away with his audacity. It didn't matter if it happened tomorrow or ten years from now, Icarus would repay him for his insolence. So he headed to the door with his head held high, the only sign of the boiling anger withing him were that of his dark red eyes that caused others around him to be wary. The fool is hiding something obviously, this isn't ending here. I will find the information I'm looking for, either in that damn book or some other way. I WILL find it! he thought to himself as his provoked tail swished back and forth beneath his cloak, threatening to reveal itself.
  17. 8: 45 AM- Jack, Jason, and Alecks Alecks laughed lightly, petting the top of Rascal's head before scratching the back of it's ears. "The cute ones are always the biggest troublemakers, right?" Aleks liked petting the Minccino, although it was so adorable it just made him ache as he still had to wait before he got his own pokemon. "I'm sure they will, it'll be interesting to see who else is participating."
  18. Icarus, Isolda Grace. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 1:00 PM Icaurs continued to give the child his charming smile but stood upright once again. "Patronize"...the child knows big words, perhaps she's smarter and more mature than she looks, he thought to himself "Sorry about that lil miss, I didn't mean to patronize you." he said, other than him not knowing much about the girl she didn't seem to be able to cause much trouble. But yet, something in the back of his mind kept nagging at him, he could of sworn he's seen or heard about someone similar to the girl but still his mind couldn't bring up the right memory. "I'm looking for a book that I believe is called The Great Construction of Castle Dour" the book he's referring to was recommended to him by one of the castle denizens. He was told that the book was written by the head architect of Castle Dour when he had completed building it, but he had written it mostly to brag about his skills in building the castle rather than explain about every piece of the castle's foundations. Still, there was a possibility that the architect could have given information about the castle's waterways and how one could enter it, and even more importantly, how one can travel through it if they so wish.
  19. 8:45 AM- Jack,Jason, and Aleks "Yea I'm one of the participants, my name is..." just then the boy with a Poocheyena next to him yelled out Aleck's name. Alecks recognized him as Jack, but only barely. Alecks has always had a a bit of a rough time remembering names, and the fact that he knew Jack from match class didn't help as Aleks was always dozing off and doodling rather than paying attention to anything that happened there. He's lucky that he managed to pass the class but only with help from friends. "Yea, I remember you bud. But I have to say I love both of ya'lls pokemon, they're absolutely adorable!" Alecks said as he picked up his skateboard in one arm and then approached Jason and Rascal, holding out his other hand slowly to try and pet the Minccino.
  20. 8:00 AM- Alecks Hunter The first thing Alice noticed when she walked into Aleck's bedroom was that it was extremely dark, the windows into his room being blocked by heavy curtains, though that didn't shock her as her brother has always preferred to keep his room dark as night. Once her eyes adjusted to the dark she made her way to the bed where Aleks was sleeping, the covers only covering half his body as his chest moved up and down slightly with each breath. He always looks so much younger and cuter when he's asleep she thought to herself as she shook his shoulder slightly "Alekcs wake up, you don't want to be late." Her attempt at waking him had no effect as he continued to sleep, shaking his shoulders more roughly she tried to wake him up again "Alecks! Wake up!" Still nothing happened, then she noticed his sketchbook on his nightstand next to the bed. The sketchbook was opened to a page filled with many messy drawings of a Chimchar and Ralts doing normal poses such as sitting and standing, nothing incredibly special except the amount of detail he put into every separate drawing. Sighing, she raised her hand and brought it down to slap her brother's chest as hard as she could. "OOOWWWWWWW!!!!" Aleks raised himself, rubbing his chest like a bruised kitty. "What the hell...ugh, man that stingssss" Alice let him go on like this for a little bit before he calmed down and finally acknowledged her "What did I do to deserve that?" he whined to her, Alice stood over him with her arms folded and held his gaze "Maybe if someone didn't stay up all night drawing you would be able to wake up normally!" she scolded him. "How do you know I was drawing all night?" he said as he slowly got up and stretched his arms "You left your sketchbook open and beside your bed, idiot" she replied, rolling her eyes exaggeratedly "Now hurry up and get ready, you slept in long enough" she said as she walked out the door of his bedroom. Once she left, Alecks went to the bathroom in the hall and took a quick shower, afterwards putting on his clothes and taking a minute to look into the mirror and see his two green eyes look back at him as he checked how he looked. His black hair was cut shorter at the sides and back, while the top remained slightly longer than the rest; he ran his hand through his hair once then left it as is, he's gotten used to having his hair look messy so it didn't bother him too much. He was wearing his usual outfit of a plain black shirt underneath a black unzipped,hoodie with dark, grey jeans. On his hands he had his finger-less black gloves on that would usually match his beanie but he decided not to wear it for now as it wasn't that cold, instead choosing to put it in his bag for later if he needed it. Before finally stepping out of his room for good he put on his Running Boots that were black with grey laces (from the makers of the Running Shoes, the Running Boots are specially designed combat boots that were made for those that wanted the perks of Running Shoes but the practicality of combat boots), and stuck his sketchbook into his bag as well. As he walked down the stairs he took out his XTranceiver from his dark grey messenger bag that he wore around his body and strapped it onto his right wrist. Key Item picked up! XTransceiver added to BAG. He met up with his mom and Alice as they waited for him in their living room, his sister stood up and hold out her fist once she saw him, "Good to see your looking as edgy as always" she teased. "Right back at you sis" Alecks replied as his twin sister was wearing wearing similar colors to him, bumping her fist with his own before their mom came over and drowned him in a hug. "Oh, I'm so proud of you Aleks! You get to go explore just like you always wanted!" she beamed at him "Just remember to call, you can't forget about us!" Alice reminded him, patting his back after Alecks separated himself from his mom's death hug "I know, I know! But I got to go, I don't want to be late" he said as he grabbed his skateboard from beside the door "I'll call you guys later, byee~" he cried as he walked out the door. Waiting at the edge of his house's front yard, he listened to Professor Juniper's message on his XTransveiver. After listening to it, he smiled in exitement and jumped onto his skateboard as he headed to Route 1. "This should get me there quickly!" he laughed as he went faster and faster. Quest started! "First Steps" added to Journal. - Meet the rest of the group at the entrance to Route 1 before 9:00 AM. 8:45 AM- Alecks Hunter Alecks has almost reached the sign that meant the entrance to Route 1, slowing his skateboard to a halt once he reached it. He stepped off and but kept a foot on the edge of his skateboard as he noticed others already there. "Hey, what's up?" he asked. BAG: -Potions (x3) -Repel (x1) -Oran Berry (x1) -XTransciever
  21. I would honestly not mind if two PC's got into a fight already, although unless I'm mistaken I think Crimson doesn't have his weapon so it might be a bit more one-sided than normal. And you probably don't want to maim each other too much yet, we still have many more fights in the future. Although a couple bruises and scratches wouldn't kill anyone
  22. Icarus, Isolda Grace. Time: 1st day of the Year of Rebirth. Afternoon 1:00 PM After he had finished his breakfast, Icarus was making his way through the castle halls with a destination in mind. In the castle there was one large library that housed many of the castle's books, most of these books are written by the countless generations of the Dark Denizens that inhabit Castle Dour and the Underdark. Some of course were also written by authors of the Free Races, these books were usually not given by them willingly but were most likely stolen or taken by force. No matter how the books got there, all that mattered was that the library was the place where if you looked hard enough, you could find useful information you needed. So that was Icarus's objective, to find information. In his travels throughout the castle, he found hints that there was a way for one to enter the Castle's Waterways, normally Icarus would have no interest in finding out how to travel to a place filled with filth and grime but perhaps those waterways were a way to escape out of the castle undetected. But, Icarus did not know how he could enter the waterways, and even if he did, he was smart enough to know he couldn't travel down there without learning more about the crumbling passageways he would have to travel. So Icarus found himself in front of the large wooden door that lead to the even larger library, opening the door he entered confidently and with purpose. He's only been here a couple times throughout his stay, although he would have liked to explore the great majority of books that were already here he could never find the time to do so unfortunately. As he walked past the front desk, he nodded his head slightly in greetings to the demoness as she nodded back, recognition in their eyes at what they both were and the mutual respect they shared the for the other. As he was not familiar with the library, he would have asked her to show him where they would have kept books that dealt with information about the castle and how it was built. But he knew from experience that a fellow demon could easily be an enemy as well as an ally, she could have asked why he was so interested in the castle's structure and perhaps used this information against him if she chose too. Telling the higher powers of Castle Dour about his curious inquisitions about the castle, this was just one reason why demons preferred not work with each other unless they had to. So he decided to search for information on his own, that is, until he saw a little girl sitting next to a window. She somehow managed to look elegant as she sat there reading her book, blond hair flowing down her shoulders and back as she seemed to outshine the embellished chair she was sitting on. Icarus was curious about this doll-like child, something about her seemed... similar, perhaps he had heard about her but couldn't quite remember when, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't put a name to the face. Either way though, the small stack of books next to her made it seem like she was probably already comfortable with the library and could perhaps help him in his search for information about the castle. After all, this child probably couldn't be much of a threat to him and most likely wouldn't use this information against him unlike the demoness, or so he hoped. Icarus approached the child slowly and gave her a confident smile, speaking in a warm voice that he reserved for charming others. "Hello lil miss, sorry to bother you but would you mind helping me find a certain book if it doesn't trouble you too much." he said as he crouched down slightly so the child could be eye level with him.
  23. Slime monsters are the best~

    1. Hiss13


      inb4 Monster Musume recommendation

    2. Shadow Sketches

      Shadow Sketches

      I've watched it and read the manga, and Suu really is the best out of all the grills. And I'll fite anyone that says otherwise

    3. rustytengo


      yes yes she is.

  24. Lmao omg, with my adorable maid slime and Hukuna's giant, fat manchild Father Babble, I think slimes/jellies are starting be my favorite monsters in the story XD
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