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Shadow Sketches

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Everything posted by Shadow Sketches

  1. Does anyone else wish Undertale had an option to choose to stay with Toriel and live a long, happy life with goat mom?
  2. Hello everyone, I might as well and start out by saying I'm a pretty shy person so talking about myself isn't easy for me but I'll try my best. Haii (again) I'm Shadow, a 16 year old guy in my junior year. I'm very shy and not very good at expressing stuff through my words but I do consider myself "artistic", art and music is my life and I hope that it always will be. At the moment my art only goes as far as practicing drawings in my sketchbook but hopefully one day soon I'll get a Wacom tablet so I can draw and share my abominations with the digital world. As far as music goes, I have my headphones plugged in 24/7 to help keep me going and sometimes block out the rest of the outside world. As to my taste in music well.. I wouldn't consider myself a "metal head" but recently I've really gotten into listening to Avenged Sevenfold and Fiver Finger Death Punch, that being said, I really enjoy all music and switch between listening to all kinds of music including techno and alternative (on a side note, I highly recommend "The XX" as they are a great band). Now although my life consists 80% of art and music, video games is still a big part of my life. My favorite games being the Fallout games, Dark Souls, and League/Smite a little bit. Unfortunately even though I like playing games, my shitty laptop, that is the only PC I have, barely has the capacity to run the simplest of games so a better desktop is on my list of things I need to buy in the future. Well it looks like we've reached the end of our small journey here so this is where I say my goodbyes for now. Hopefully I'll be seeing ya'll around here in the near future, bye bye peoples, Shadow is blasting off again!
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