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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Motorteo

  1. oh rigth for me it's 3 p.m. now anyway three hours from now
  2. yeah i'll be on at 6 p.m. invite me my name is MotorTeo i'll wait
  3. yes all of them oh wait azurril i freed a pokemon with my sea incense sorry, i can give you a marill
  4. i can give you one still on?
  5. They are the last one to complete the pokedex and for the fossils i blasted all the rock so i can't find them anymore and bounsweet i didn't know how to find it and evolved the glameow...lapras if possible thank you EDIT: even evolutions i can breed them myself
  6. It should be in route 4 but i can't seem to find it day and night nor using headbutt...is it just a rare encounter or is there a precise area? EDIT: after another hour i found it in the grass night
  7. everytime there is an update i go in hype continue the good work! this is becoming something really...really incredible
  8. section "on the hunt" there is everything you need
  9. it was one of the merchant's pokemon to buy....if you want a vanillite buy it from the vending machine(vanilla ice cream) but for the mission you need the one from the merchant of 7th street
  10. yes do you want something in particular?
  11. I'm not interested in IV it's only to complete the mission. My username is MotorTeo
  12. I have rowlet and totodile but in need of froakie and snivy....if you wait 5 minute to make the egg for myseelf i can trade them...even mine are not IV checked but if you want i'm here
  13. I saw her multiple times the one with the ill husband but i can't go on with her sidequest so i'm starting to ask myself if that's really a sidequest or what....anyone can help?
  14. Motorteo

    Joltic Help

    oh....and i found grubbin....thank you
  15. Motorteo

    Joltic Help

    I'm in the area where the joiltik should appear but i tried night and daytime without success...i need radomus badge or what?
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