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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by BBD

  1. Stuck in E 16,where's Victoria?

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Beryl Cemetary @ Kiki's grave

  2. I'm kinda confuse with the updated site :/

    1. Spineblade


      Eh, it's a little disorientating, but I'm sure you'll get used to it.

    2. Shing


      Don't worry. You will get used with it soon or enough.

  3. can I ask where today livestream gonna be at plz?

  4. replaying Reborn,did gyms leader became easier?

    1. AuthorReborn


      A lot of them have been slowly changed over time. I would call them nerfs, but everyone perceives these things differently.

  5. so um,how to quick reset again?

    1. Anstane


      F12 is for soft reset.

    2. BBD
    3. Juniper


      Up, up, down, right, left, up, square, circle, circle, triangle.

  6. tomorrow I'll go on camping,a military training camp,no I'm not going to work as soldier I'm going there because I don't wanna be a solder...confuse?well it's a bit confusing to explain.

    1. Shing


      No need to explain. BBD i hope you take care yourself at the camp!

    2. starkidcosmo
  7. So I bought Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen today and then Blade and Soul is out as well,2 game to play right now.

  8. *sign*to be honest I kinda jealous.my country don't take Christmas seriously so it just another regular day at school for me...it's alright tho,hope everyone enjoy their Christmas

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      It's okay I still have to work on Christmas, though at least it is my short day

  9. NOOOO!I missed the Arceus event T-T

    1. Hiss13


      What Arceus event?

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      Yeah it was like 8 years ago :|

  10. just got cold here,I mean climate,it should be cold by last month but well atleast winter is still a thing here

  11. Charizard vs Greymon?look like someone gonna get own tomorrow

    1. Cepheus


      well... one can Mega-Evolve... the other can evolve twice...

      so I'm expecting M-Charizard vs WarGreymon...

      and then I have to say WarGreymon (it's just badass)

    2. Felicity


      Wargreymon wins. The dude cdoesn't just summon the sun, it CREATES one.

  12. I think I am a Pikachu,in PSMD when I take a personality quiz I'm a Pikachu I didn't think much that time but now I take quiz on Play.nintendo website I even pick Solar Beam for one of my answer and I got a Pikachu again...am I really a Pikachu?

  13. just finish the main game of Super mystery dungeon and man I didn't expect it to end like that AT ALL!Spike Chunsolf did do something different with this game

  14. Today is school sport day so yay?nope it's hot,terribly hot and this morning I forgot to take my meds,crap

    1. Shing


      Damn, sad to hear about it BBD.

  15. I have a fever...and I hate it

  16. Alright I'm done with Life is Strange

  17. About to watch Pokemon the movie in teater and...I know Pokemon isn't that pop in my country but thereonly me and about 5 more people in here...I feel weitd

    1. zimvader42


      Aren't there even kids or anything? that's weird


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BBD


      opp!I mean Ipad,anyway,do anyone know how to fix this?

    3. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      I think I heard somewhere that you can't download anything on an ipad or iphone anymore

    4. Sunbean


      the new update dun messed it all up

  19. 20 October.Life is Strange hype!

  20. 800 meters in 4 minutes I gonna die

  21. I donno why but I got a nightmare last night,it was PSMD got cancelled ;(

  22. downloading MGSVTPP!YAY!


    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Yeah. Apparently he got lost in Hall C.

    2. CURIE


      Yeah... With a bunch of comics that aren't the one everyone cares about...

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Well, Space Cat is pretty cool, tbh.

  24. There're fucking Mulware bullshit in my computer and I have to reset everything on my chrome,ugggg!have to log in everything again

    1. Shing


      Shit man, that's sucks.

    2. Cyaloom


      That's the worst that happened to your PC? I always log in everytime because other people use my PC.

    3. Sutoratosu


      Woah, woah... how the fuck did you manage to get a CHROMEBOOK infected with malware? There's like... no actual os to run on compared to traditional platforms like windows or mac...

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