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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Helios2

  1. Good, that i dont read manga in common, but the second season started at least 1000x times better as the last one, also uncensored finally. Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love!
  2. Karen, is the Gold/Silver E4 Dark type member.^^ My favourite types are Fighting and Fairy.
  3. Atm my favourite is definetly FFXIV ARR, a good old MMORPG.^^
  4. Well, we have access to ditto and a trading thread so, if the winners arent to lazy, they could breed and spread them.^^
  5. I assume Eorzea the world of FFXIV, would be a interesting place ot live in, you can be everywhere you like everything you like, while being immortal and having fun with friends, also magic, who doesnt want to be able to use magic.
  6. Helios2

    mega evolve

    Fairy types are pretty helpful against Darks too btw.
  7. Yeah Spring season looks awesome as hell.
  8. The easiest way would probably be Pokemon Global Link, it should have a tab with your secret base, wich also includes a picture of your QR code.
  9. I mostly listen to OST´s, Anime OP/EDs and a great range of classical and instrumental music. Just a few here:
  10. Well, the first comment under the video explained why it cant be real pretty good I think.
  11. Anna is the one who lost reality, she is speaking with puppets as if they were real, also yeah she holds the Amethyst pendant. About the last one I´m unsure too, thought I recall it was talked about at some time in the story.
  12. So far every song in the Audio folder is in the game (at least I heard every one), you wont hear the Nightclub ones thought, since they seem to be in a ingame event place for Ace members or something. And the KH part is, because as stated earlier the most songs are remixes from GlitchxCity a youtube channel you might want to check out, she uses KH in many of her remixes.
  13. Yeah Route 1 is the most tedious thing atm, well you can live without it, it just makes live easier you could say (also I didnt solved the upper part of the crustle puzzle at first which is atm a 50/50 chance dependend on if you go the right way at the start or if you like to explore everything before continuing). Still Fly never had any meaning in the Pokemon story anyway in OR/AS it is completly obsolent even, thanks to the Eon Flute. I also never understood why they needed to combine it with a badge, but thats just GameFreak.^^
  14. Yeah, a bit my bad there, still you only need it at the end of the episodes anyway to travel easier between spots, couldnt you allow the use of it after the episode ends, like you are able to travel through Agate?
  15. Hmm, if I were the developer I would probably have put Fly in around the 7th badge, otherwise I think everything is good so far. I mean just going from Ametrine to Apophyll Academy is taking me around 20 minutes at times (yes with all shortcuts). But I assume I´m by far not the first one with this idea, pls dont kill me.
  16. tfw you play Mundo and the enemy team keeps focusing you in team fights.
  17. God I´m happy this week is over tomorrow finally new Ep´s, why so ever every anime needed to take a break this week.
  18. I also loved the N´s castle remix and the music that played at the place where you fight Arceus, but in common I didnt found a single theme I didnt liked so far.
  19. Well, welcome didnt thought I would actually find someone from germany here (especially since at least I had some problems with registering, because I couldnt use german e-mail adresses for some reason). If you really want you could lose your whole day in this forum, that much i can tell at least from my time here.^^
  20. I had the most trouble with the special/physical split wich rendered my Gengar useless, still got her first try thought, Huge Power Diggersby with EQ is so awesome also Delphox did crazy dmg with Psychic.
  21. I cant compete with these fancy desctops, but well here is mine: http://prntscr.com/5nf799
  22. Sure just click on the You and "... ppl like this" and you get a list of everyone who liked it besides you.
  23. This was the best, i started Reborn at Ep 13 so I didnt knew it was easier available before, but as soon as that guys asked if I want a pokemon for money, I knew it had to be Magicarp, the more trolled I felt as I ran after that Magicarp for 11 badges, still going. lol Btw I never even once used Gyarados in any Pokemon game I played, I had no idea that it is supposed to be good. XD Also, yeah the next station is the Team Magma/Aqua guy on the right side of the Night Club I think.
  24. I still somehow dont have a decent flying type, i think dragonite would fill this gap pretty easily.^^
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