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Status Updates posted by Red_Chaos

  1. im never getting a switch am i..

    1. Maelstrom


      If you're a good little reprobate, maybe you'll get one for christmas. It's really not worth the money right now and it'll have a bigger library by then and probably be on sale.

      Even then, I probably wouldn't even get it for myself and money's not actually a issue, so.

    2. Red_Chaos


      it still doesn't solve my Zelda addiction XD

  2. treat you computers with loving care, they can easy get sweet revenge if you don't.

  3. eat your leafy greens and stay away from sick people

  4. Is it spring or winter?

    1. 5hift


      *Looks at weather app*

      *Sees high of 77 degrees on Wednesday*

      *Sees possible snow on Friday*


      Its swinter.

    2. Combat


      This is Wisconsin, it's always winter.

  5. to make brownie bites or not to make brownie bites that is the question

  6. Mother Nature used Icy Wind.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ironbound


      Happy birthday, Red!

    3. Alistair


      HBD Red! Enjoy being older ;)


    4. Red_Chaos


      thank you Cyaloom, Shing'n Streets, Viridescent 2.0, and Alistair :3

  8. one more day.....and i grow...

  9. what does one do for a birthday? its coming up and i haven't thought of anything....

  10. Merry Christmas everybody!



  11. Will trade freezing rain for snow

    1. pbood2


      You in Canada too because that's what we are having soon apparently making roads terrible? I really hate the winter/snow lol because of the danger it brings with more accidents, people in ditch like my dad and mom a couple days ago sigh...

  12. lol i found the site

  13. is it cold or warm outside i can't decide :S

  14. ;-; the dex says im only missing Meoetta and Genesect

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Meloetta... that's been since last December :c

    2. Spineblade


      Aren't both of those being released by Mystery Gift later this year?

  15. alright how do i unbreak the sever?

  16. 700 mons recorded on the dex, i might just make it before sun and moon gets here

    1. Plok


      if you want I can help you with tradebacks

    2. Red_Chaos


      looking with for a hooh and reshrim

    3. Plok


      I got both of them

  17. my head is going to explode

  18. Nope sever still broken on my end

  19. anime fail, its snowing and we get meadow villivion, where the heck are the polars :l

    1. Maelstrom


      I spawn them in my game since I set my 3ds to Alaska, which is where I was stationed when I bought it. Should I snag one for you?

    2. Red_Chaos


      no no i was refering to the pokemon anime, ash saved a bunch of pokemon and 6 spewpas evovled but came out meadow design even tho he was in a super cold area

  20. I think the world would be better if i didn't reproduce

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ironbound


      Name half of them Marlin Jr, and the other half Coral Jr, save one. There can be one Nemo.

    3. Sutoratosu


      I share the sentiment myself tbh.

      My genetics are kinda on the shittier end of the spectrum- all negative dispositions to various chronic ailments and no real benefit to speak of...

      I see little point in making a child put up with the Bullshit of this genome.

    4. Cepheus


      You know... the world could always use more red-heads. :D

      regarding kids, for me it's not "I shouldn't" more like - "I don't want to deal with their [the kids] bullshit"

      (the 3 year old of my cousin just NEVER stops talking, and he doesn't know the meaning of quiet...)

  21. im still alive

    1. Lits


      Keep at it

    2. KingRyan


      just sleep, it's like practice death with benefits.

  22. I swear my computer sucks running games at decent speeds is there anything I can do to fix this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      Unless you know it's important obvs

    3. Tempest


      What are the specs on the computer?

    4. Cobalt996


      Rarely, it's the OS being too intensive for the system; you should be fine (in order of increasing price) closing non-essential programs while playing, upgrading RAM, or getting a dedicated graphics card; be wary of the third, since it may heat your computer up a bit more than normal.

  23. Team Skull representing the gangster life?

    1. Cepheus


      They didn't choose3 the thug-life.

      Thug-Life chose them!

  24. RIP Bart ???-2016: May you sleep on your favorite cushion in a better place

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