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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Cornerman


    Banned for banning someone in that way
  2. Kingdra is pretty good just watch thes stats: HP 75,Speed 85 rest 95 so total 540 which is decent for a non legendary poke Also if you dont like breeding move's use these and toy around with it Moves Hydro pomp/Brine Dragon dance Dragon pulse Focus energy Agility (optional)
  3. I wanna know one which items are there look in the spoiler Also if you use the binoculars in the reservate building (building in the left) You can see something in the forrest to which you can go wont spoile more than that for ya tho
  4. Hey Rav nive having you here on reborn...welcome btw I hope to hear one of your stories soon although im not a writher I seems fun also do you have like a fav. sentence you like to use a lot or discribe yourself Let yourself be heard and battle with pokes and pencil's (swords are crappy) ^-^
  5. I would hope for 3 things 1. Mega spinda (for lols) and mega clamper lines, 1 for each game 2. Going to space with that rocket for like a event or something like deoxys 3. Getting confirmation about the black clouds on the newly released hoen maps before release or not It's also looked like if those clouds game straight out of a corrupted distortion world of that one poke movie
  6. Alright It's time to call him with pokesnax or whatever he likes ^-^ HERE VINNY,VINNY......HERE VINNY,VINNY.....
  7. I't was your fault.............or mine Space
  8. nope and srry rose I posted that just will you posted it and he called for you I didn't mean anything by it pls don't be angry (puppy eyes) We could unite together and form a awesome team..................................................................with oreo's So................where's vinny actually......
  9. supa jamaica man edit:was for the one before you but still fitting i think+i know you/pic aren't jamaican
  10. I wouldn't dare let fern touch mah cage made by the nuzleaf ............Because I have chatot ^-^ Edit: P.S. WELCOME to reborn and hope to see you lot here on the forums also have a great time and a good day
  11. For asghard (imagine in thor's voice)
  12. Yea sure then i will just have put next to the countries a +0.5 and people can freak out about there being 2 have people on reborn ^-^ so please yes
  13. -Shoves Rose away- I will defend you absol with all mah pokes and guns srry rose will you help as well mikzal....pls...
  14. 68 67 of course I would but this poses a problem with the rest, dont post next ashes stay alert goodluck
  15. Yea i'm still here.......I'm almost living here whenever i have time i'm online Now i think i'm not the only one, what do you think ashes......
  16. I didn't voted myself aswell because i dont believe in seperate god's but a unison between them (or ditto/mew) but if everyone thought this no one would vote and no one woul get votes.......(no pressure) Stil your chose tho
  17. I already have a joltik, so thanks and will try out the gengar ^-^
  18. Xenoblade chronicles is awesome and im currently playing it on my wii whenever i have some time also that white stuff is probably just white sand -ignorance-. But hi and nice to see and don't see that many nintendo lovers although i know they are hiding I also hope that you have a fun long stay, so see ya on the forums ^-^
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