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Everything posted by Cornerman

  1. Ethesian you are doing it right ^-^ now you could also speculate on the early ideas about those/what they meant or mean now
  2. -Looks at currents members online- Wow we have bing, google and jahoo on reborn Let me in, i want to life in that comfy backpack, pls. Or just try it out of course...... Ashes i see you.....
  3. Sure why not but im not enterily small you know im like 1.9 meters so yea Unless you have some fairy(shrink) dust laying around ^-^ Also where can you see whoever is online at the current moment here ETESIAN......
  4. Burn (what a sadist scream's or the status ailment, your choise) THAT ^
  5. I'm pretty good in math for some things i dont need my calculator i just use my head But whats is the real core meaning of ninja'ing here....Ethesian
  6. Yea I didnt know which word to use so tell me pls which word i do need to use At the place the mega claw is now there was once somewhere else either here on the website which showed el being trapped with his pyramid hat, a really long time ago (like year) Oh alright, i think i choose to not fight if that was possible or i just forgot it
  7. Cornerman


    Tauros/Bouffalant catchable Pinser/Heracross Not-catchable Also every poke can be shiny in those kind of events
  8. Today I Figured something out I asked myself sometime ago, What is that thing shooting a laser through REBORN XIII? It's a claw but not a normal claw but a pulse clawitzer. But what weird is in Ep.13 it is said it shoots as if in the manner of shots so not a continues beam. Now I remember of EP.10's one (whatever one radomus first appeared in) or it was EP.9, the banner was something like pyramid radomus under a snorlax sent out by EL, now this never happened and el doesn't even have a snorlax but a dito so is still possible but it still didn't happen (I could be wrong on the snorlax part and it could be debri but that also didn't happen) Now I ask you the reader's have these things happened before in older reborn forum Banners and what could have been the meaning/story behind them? Pls tell me about them and your theories/speculations behind them p.s. that pulse clawitzer might kill us all Edit; corrected fonts in banners corrected title fonts in banner (Thanks Dan ^-^)
  9. I'm here just chillin which some chips and your probably right about vinny but only vinny know Ashes dont you dare to ninja me (2 min. boundary)
  10. Dammit vinny, I was reacting to ashes and you posted something in the mean time. I had something real fun written as counter argument to him, I know your still here ashes......somewhere
  11. Cornerman


    Nope aint fair, i didn't bane you enough times for that+you banned me also some times Also Land of Banners would seem better, now i'm thinking i'm gonna meet bane from batman which is still horrible/cool Your banned for banning me to bannedom(baneland ^-^)
  12. How did you see me......I wasn't even here + ethesian I knew He knew it but still wanted to see if he would ask or if he had forgotten Seems believable....doesn't it zeph.....
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