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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by AeroWraith


  2. Holy crap. I graduate tomorrow...

  3. Our Nation got Water, does that make us Nation Sea?

  4. How is everyone?

    1. AeroWraith


      same. which is why I'm outside more during fall or winter

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  5. How is everyone?

    1. AeroWraith


      I only did one morning walk before, like earlier this week. Was nice, unfortunately it became humid real quick but wasn't much of an issue. ^^

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  6. How is everyone?

    1. AeroWraith


      Yeah, listened to some good music while the air was still damp.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  7. How is everyone?

    1. AeroWraith


      Just had a quick walk right after it stopped raining.

    2. (See 29 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hoopa eats cereal: Froot Loopa. Hoopa Unbound: Soopa. Hoopa is a turtle: Koopa. Hoopa x Miltank: Moopa.

  9. I love it when a pun comes together.

  10. yo guys, i'm afraid of stair cases. They are always up to something. :P

  11. So I finally drew something again. Was kinda bored. I'm really rusty so this isn't the best but thought I should share it. http://s32.postimg.org/58jqakrt1/Drapion.jpg

  12. Ame worst girl on reborn, y/y?

  13. Registeel is emotional: Regifeel. Registeel x Seel: Regiseel. Registeel fishes: Regireel. Registeel negotiates: Regideel.

  14. Saphira's hair looks like it tastes like cupcakes.

  15. Heracross in Starfox: Heradross. Heracross is a dentist: Herafloss. Heracross is Grass/Fighting: Heramoss. Heracross uses Vital Throw: Heratoss.

  16. Passed 100. Life goal accomplished

  17. I, uh, seem to have broken Youtube http://prntscr.com/b44pc9

  18. Excadrill rolls around at the speed of ground.

  19. Somebody once told that, eventually, the world was goimg to roll me, and that contrary to what I initially thought, I am not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  20. burn alll tha babiessss

  21. If you could eat any famous landmark, which would you choose?

  22. Blastoise makes windows: Glastoise. Blastoise is in school: Clastoise. Blastoise narrates its opponent's defeat: Alastoise. Blastoise is made of rubber: Elastoise.

  23. Why are there so many Space Jam remixes out there?

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