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Status Replies posted by KnightZhroud

  1. This is a great community and I'm glad to be a part of It. Have a nice day whoever reads this

  2. wow Charlotte is wrecking me... do I really have to train an Ice-Type doe destroy the field with Blizzard? *ugh*

    1. KnightZhroud


      Get Archen, evolve it with Rock Slide. Level it up to 69 and it should be able to outspeed everything and 1HK everything has well...to my surprise no one has mention this lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. #Waiting4Ep14

    1. KnightZhroud


      I'm doing the Wes sprites because I want to play has him...you have no idea, how long it takes to do just the sprite of walking, running...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)


  5. Fun Fact: After Charlotte, on my main save file I now have 32 TMs/HMs. I've only ever used one of them in combat. Pure-Physical teams get no love (or good TMs) :(

  6. Fun Fact: After Charlotte, on my main save file I now have 32 TMs/HMs. I've only ever used one of them in combat. Pure-Physical teams get no love (or good TMs) :(

    1. KnightZhroud


      WHAT? you already ahead of me that fast? Damn, I need to put my sh*t together. I in Agate Circus :(

      PS that sledghammer girl event was hilarious lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. A pie shall be backed for anyone who can figure out what this picture is!!!!

    1. KnightZhroud


      thanks for grammar check but its 3 am here mate, has long you understood my message I'm happy.

      I was just reminding you about that since everyone can do it lol.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  8. A pie shall be backed for anyone who can figure out what this picture is!!!!

    1. KnightZhroud


      How did I cheated? lol. I was just reminding you of how much technology have advance :P.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  9. A pie shall be backed for anyone who can figure out what this picture is!!!!

  10. A pie shall be backed for anyone who can figure out what this picture is!!!!

    1. KnightZhroud


      with today's technology, not only you can find instantly where that pic comes from but tracking down someone IP is easily has cake

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. Destiny Midnight Drop, I'm second in line and can count all present on both hands. I'm surprised.

  12. I'm probably the only person here and the world that will not buy Destiny. And problably won't buy it 'till MUCH later...

    1. KnightZhroud


      Nop, you are not the only one. I wait for reviews to come out.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. All these status updates and posts about E13, and I'm just sitting here with deleted save files and a missing Down Arrow key.

    1. KnightZhroud


      I can share my savefile if you want mate. I on the 7th though

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. El. Psy. Congroo.

    1. KnightZhroud


      I remember his name like it was yesterday...his name is Okabe Rintarou in English :P

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. El. Psy. Congroo.

    1. KnightZhroud


      “No one knows what the future holds. That’s why its potential is infinite.” -Okabe Rintarou

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  16. Tibetan Bulldog, god damn, never saw such an expensive dog in my life. Who would pay a 100,000 dlls for a damn dog?

  17. Tibetan Bulldog, god damn, never saw such an expensive dog in my life. Who would pay a 100,000 dlls for a damn dog?

    1. KnightZhroud


      Google pics of the dog...beyond gorgeous. I may if I win the lottery...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. There's nothing more reassuring than realizing the world is crazier than you are.

  19. It's... Really, really hard for me not to do something that would put me in jail right now... My fiancée's "friend" broke her nose today. Police are getting involved, but it's so hard for me not to just go and assault him... I don't know how to calm down and I'm having a very hard time containing me anger.

    1. KnightZhroud


      I have been in a similar situation has you (not has serious) and the best thing I did which I'm still proud to this day, was that I never left my sister side that day.

      I support her, and I got her help and that feeling of creating justice with my fist eventually fade away.

      Good luck mate and sorry if my post early sound rude, the whole post didn't show so you couldn't see the last part

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  20. It's... Really, really hard for me not to do something that would put me in jail right now... My fiancée's "friend" broke her nose today. Police are getting involved, but it's so hard for me not to just go and assault him... I don't know how to calm down and I'm having a very hard time containing me anger.

    1. KnightZhroud


      The last thing I told you which didn't show up, the best thing you can do is support her. If she have been abused, you know what needs to be done; support her and get her help.

      "Suck up" I meant at the feeling of getting revenge on him in a fist fight, you create more problems than solving.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  21. It's... Really, really hard for me not to do something that would put me in jail right now... My fiancée's "friend" broke her nose today. Police are getting involved, but it's so hard for me not to just go and assault him... I don't know how to calm down and I'm having a very hard time containing me anger.

    1. KnightZhroud


      I don't think you can read the whole post I did and I can't copy and paste it either so there goes that.

      I never said he was right on hitting her mate... I been there before with my sister's boyfriend.

      She can sue him, and having previous charges she will mostly likely win.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  22. It's... Really, really hard for me not to do something that would put me in jail right now... My fiancée's "friend" broke her nose today. Police are getting involved, but it's so hard for me not to just go and assault him... I don't know how to calm down and I'm having a very hard time containing me anger.

    1. KnightZhroud


      Don't do anything, I'm afraid to said this but suck it up. Him being in the military actually put's him in a advance in court. There a numbers of reasons but I'm just going to mention the most obvious one: He may have developed anger issues being in the war zone (This happens a lot). If he hasn't never been charge before, and his lawyer prove he may have encounter anger issues in war zone they will go easy on him, period. Worst case scenario is him getting therapy, and a...

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. Whoever thinks senior year is easy has another thing coming... AP Calculus, Physics, AP English... We're writing essays tomorrow and it's only day two... QQ

    1. KnightZhroud


      PS for my AP Spanish, we had to write 26 essays in 2 weeks...26 !!, I can even prove it with a damn screenshot lol

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  24. Whoever thinks senior year is easy has another thing coming... AP Calculus, Physics, AP English... We're writing essays tomorrow and it's only day two... QQ

    1. KnightZhroud


      Senior year was easy for me...only had AP English in Senior year because I had done every other AP during my HS year :P

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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