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Lord Bagel

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Everything posted by Lord Bagel

  1. I don'y really think the game will have split endings. Ame already has the story written and will probably want us to be having the ending she wants not a multitude of endings.
  2. Jelly? (totally not looking at who's reading topic)
  3. Cradilly+sandstorm VS NU poison monotype= Extremely sad breakfast food

  4. Here's the thing, it is that easy to update but you're missing something. 13.2 is the latest update, 14 isn't out yet.....
  5. Go ahead and close this The code is now sold and im richer than I have ever been before
  6. I am willing to give my code away if someone will trade me a pza core for it.
  7. Is this what you mean? http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/pickup.html
  8. I think you for this convenience Snap, it isn't going to change my vote but it will probably help us out.
  9. Well I think this choice is fairly simple. Sorry Snap Crackle Pop. Once again I must say sorry for Inactivity, I don't often do things like this with forum games.
  10. Bro i'm sorry your team is out but its not an exploit. The rules were you can switch to any team or leave any team at anytime, it's not like I would let an amazing opportunity to get rid of some competition pass.
  11. Well I might as well change my vote to Felix as I don't have any solid proof for him which isn't what I would usually do but someone who votes suspects for invalid reasons are never bad to get rid of no matter what they end up being.
  12. I'm not particularly trying to stall for time but in what way enough time for analyzing? I still have no Idea who a mafia member is and neither do you most likely because we don't have enough evidence. Sorry if I dont want to go after someone I'm not sure about....
  13. Didn't I vote myself as place holder week 3? well just in case i didn't ill vote Sir_Bagel for now until I actually can get some leads on who migt be mafia. I'm not posting much but I am reading and analyzing.
  14. I'm a little late for my input here but I also find that Hilda is probably town member though I don't know if she will last long due to inactivity.
  15. I have no idea who to vote for so until I find someone that's suspicious enough ill vote Sir_Bagel as a place holder.
  16. I will vote Sparky as I would rather wait until we have more evidence. This isn't against you spark i'm just making the votes even.
  17. I think I'll pass on voting day 1 for now because I would rather not ruin someones game just off of a hunch.
  18. Seeing as though the auction for types are today I will after the auction be setting up a list of sorts naming each pokemon of our types that are good for the playable tiers to help our team when it comes to team building.
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