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Everything posted by 5hift

  1. Nice to see some progress being made, keep up the good work.
  2. MGS V was fun but really wished it had a more concrete ending.
  3. Ah, a fellow Warframe player! Welcome.
  4. Destiny. Don't get me wrong, the game itself was actually pretty fun while it lasted. Except for the non-existent storyline, bullet-sponge bosses and painfully grindy loot system. Bungie took forever to get basic updates out and Activision literally butchered the game with DLCs and expansions. At first I considered buying the expansions but the moment the first DLC came out I instantly backed out of that idea. They literally replaced all the buyable legendary weapons with new ones that had better stats. So basically your old legendary weapons from the vanilla game you worked so hard to buy and level were pretty much useless if you wanted to do the new raid. Keep in mind, you couldn't (at the time) upgrade your old legendaries to be as good as the new ones so you were pretty much forced into grinding for new ones with better stats. Later I decided to give the game another go but when I did, the second DLC came out and implemented a system where you could actually upgrade your vanilla weapons to be as good as the new ones. At this point I was pretty much done for that feature was so goddamn basic it should have been apart of the vanilla game on the day of its release. Now I had just wasted hours of my time grinding for new legendaries and leveling them up. When all the expansions finally came out I felt like I had been cheated out of 60 bucks on half a game with the other halve(s) being resold at 20-40 bucks apiece.
  5. As somebody with 914 hours logged into Warframe, I can safely say the easiest way to deal with the grind is to wipe your memory of doing the grinding before so it feels like you're doing it for the first time. Again, totally safe.
  6. Give me my souvenir skin, MLG. I'm AFKing as hard as I can.

  7. Probably an apartment in Opal Ward.
  8. Boing. Its called peer pressure, mom.

  9. Bout to get me some vitamin D. PRAISE THE SUN.

    1. 5hift


      And no, that is not a sexual euphemism.

  10. Really? Reborn and Zeta work just fine on my PC but this is the only one that has problems.
  11. Still experiencing freezing/lag every few seconds or whenever I walk into an object. Been looking around and found I'm having the same problem as this guy: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19810&hl=%2Bgame+%2Bfreezing Any help would be greatly appreciated since I really want to play this game without it freezing ever moment.
  12. My SAT is tomorrow. Fingers crossed it'll be my last. Wish me luck fellas.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Simon


      Good luck. Hope you get a high score.

    3. 5hift


      TBH, the last few weeks of prep have been absolute hell for me. If I can get this annoying shit outta the way, that'd be swell.

  13. SAT prep is by far the most boring thing I've ever done. Please kill me.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Send coordinates. Will dispatch Seal Team 6 in two Black Hawks.

    2. 5hift


      My address is 123 - HELP Ln

  14. You thought it was going to be Micky but it was me, 5hift! Edit:Ninja'd
  15. New Peridot Ward looks amazing! I can finally take off my respirator and breathe the clean air.
  16. Is there any reason why the game lags whenever I bump into a surface or interact with something? I've got a similar problem on Reborn but it seems to go away after some time.
  17. Gallade has way better Attack, Sp. Defense stats and marginally better Sp Attack stats. Both have pretty nice movepools but statistically I'd go with Gallade.
  18. Emerald > FireRed > Black Played numerous hacks between FireRed and Black.
  19. TIL that my dad is possibly David Tennant.
  20. Blizzard warning canceled the SAT I was supposed to take tomorrow. Guess I lucked out big time.

    1. Hexagoen


      imo i would have gotten it over with. no need to worry about a big test. then again more time to study.

    2. 5hift


      Yeah they pushed it back into February. Guess I have another month to prepare.

  21. That moment when you think you know chemistry but then take an exam and flunk it. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWsa3nDWwAQs-kc.jpg:large

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