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Posts posted by Sheep

  1. 41 minutes ago, Wheat said:

    The real sad thing I can't really say either of your waifus are shit. I like Charlotte. I like Severa.


    I don't blame you, I like those two too.


    32 minutes ago, Wheat said:

    you know who the worst peg knight is?




    Absofreakin'lutely. For me Peg Knights go Cordelia>Fee>Elincia>Catria=Hinoka and anyone else is someone I don't care that much about. Just in terms of aesthetics alone though I can see where you're coming from with Palla. Believe me I can.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    Also, even if Azama retaliates, if he dies as a result of battle, whoever attacked him won't lose 10 hp. That's what I've noticed from beating cpu Azamas and using my own. Similar thing for Camilla and her savage blow, etc.


    Not true, I've used him enough to know that Pain activates even as a result of suicide attacks.


    11 hours ago, Wheat said:

    Also. Palla is the best whitewing, Tom what the-



  3. Reviving this to celebrate the fact that, after several people got their hands on the game for half an hour at the Dutch Comic Con, we have it confirmed that support conversations are indeed a thing in this game. They'll follow the example of the GBA games, where support conversations actually happen on the battlefield, and while it wasn't the most seamless system I've seen, it's a loooooong way better than no conversations at all.


    Image result for booyah meme

  4. 1 hour ago, Wheat said:

    --best Birthright girl man. Kagero's an overrated damsel in distress.--


    Get out of here with your nonsense. 70% Str and Spd don't lie.


    As for your Hinoka, well she's -Atk, +Spd so it's unfortunate. Hinoka in general plays like a knock off 5* exclusive Cordelia despite being worse. Well, I shouldn't say worse, she's bulkier and slower. Your +Spd nature brings her up to a speed tier of 35, which is the same as neutral speed Cordelia, but unfortunately her -Atk drops her back to 32 Atk. Honestly if you have Cordelia she'd be better, but if not then Hinoka will function pretty well. Just try and ditch the Brave Lance if you can, like Cordelia, Hinoka really doesn't want it, especially your +Spd one. With the Brave Lance+ she'll be sitting at 40 Atk (a bit too low to be viable if you ask me) and 30 Spd (also a bit too low), a stat line which combined with her middling defences will reek of average stats across the board. Without the Brave Lance she has the potential to be an offensive force.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Maelstrom said:

    In tangential news, I'm at over 19K feathers saved up and soon I will be able to make Kagero a 5* unit. I know I could turn a lot of 3* characters into better, more viable 4* inheritance fodder with all those feathers but Kagero just puts in the work in Lunatic and Arena matches. It's also not a common thing to do that I know of but I do plan on making a screenshot of her stats at lvl 40 at both 4* and 5*. I'm still not certain enough about this stat RNG growth thing to be completely sure she'll get the rolls that will make her at least a little bit better in every stat at max level.


    Take it from me, the wiki's got it right. My Cordelia grew exactly as predicted. 

  6. There are a few that I like, but my all time favourite class is probably the Nomad>Nomadic Trooper from the Elibe games. The way they dress is cool, their animations are smooth as butter, and it's an archer on a horse that can use a sword. That's like 3 times as good as a foot locked, bow locked, Sniper. And to top it off, the sword crit animation shows off the bond that the Nomadic Trooper has with his/her steed, unlike the Ranger from Sacred Stones or Arch/Bow Knight from games before and after.


    Image result for fire emblem rath critical hit

  7. 9 hours ago, Maelstrom said:

    I'm working on stahl but he doesn't exactly stand out.


    Stahl is the red-ist red unit in the game. He counters green units so hard he's often seen taking 0 damage from Hector and Minerva, and unlike Roy actually has the movement (and Swap) to abuse the weapon triangle. If you need a red unit to basically fill your obligatory red unit spot and safeguard your strong blue units from any green units you go up against then he's your guy. If you need a red unit for literally any other reason then he's not. I use him to guard Cordelia/Effie/Olwen/Reinhardt and he puts in massive work on my team, but that's because the role I use him for is kind of what he's designed to do.


    As for builds I've got a few I don't mind sharing.


    Hyper Offense Cordelia: (Works with anyone who has a decent combination of Atk and Spd).

    Silver Lance+/Ardent Sacrifice/Galeforce/???/Desperation/Threaten Spd.


    With a Silver Lance+ Cordelia's Atk reaches 50 while her Spd sits at 35, and she can use Threaten Spd to guarantee a double on a lot of stuff while combining this with Desperation to kill without taking damage. This sort of build epitomises the adage "the best defence is a good offence". Galeforce works well with the brave effect, and is generally good on any offensive unit that doesn't need extra hitting power. Ardent Sacrifice is used to drop her safely into Desperation range while providing healing utility for another unit. Viable options for the A slot are Atk +3, Darting Blow, Defiant Atk, Defiant Spd, Fury, Life and Death, and Speed +3 depending on what the unit needs. I haven't quite decided what I want Cordelia to carry yet, I'll set her up with the rest of the skills and then see what she wants most.


    Support Stahl:

    Brave Sword+/Swap/Ignis/Triangle Adept/Seal Atk/Hone Cavalry.


    Stahl is a naturally pretty slow unit so he much prefers Brave Sword and Triangle Adept to Ruby Sword and Def +3, though a +Def nature is preferred to keep his nice Def stat. Ignis works off his naturally high-ish Def and the Brave Sword charges it quickly, Triangle Adept is fantastic on cavalry, Seal Atk lets him use his Brave Sword to effectively beat other red units. Swap can get a unit out of a tight situation, and again coupled with Stahl's high movement is very useful, while hone skills synergise well with Swap as he's guaranteed to end the turn next to someone after using it. Feel free to use whichever hone skill you want most, though I like Hone Cavalry as he works VERY well in tandem with Olwen, who loves the +6 Atk and Spd from it.


    Generally Good Kagero:

    Poison Dagger+/Pivot/Iceberg/Darting Blow/Vantage/Hone Atk.


    The Poison Dagger is a beastly weapon so Kagero doesn't need any help with damage, but her natural Spd tier is lower than I'd like. Darting Blow gives her doubles on a lot of infantry units (38 Spd at neutral) which in turn means instant death on a lot of infantry units. Iceberg is mainly there as a quick cooldown skill that can help her to do damage to non-infantry targets, though if you're specifically worried about armoured units then Luna would be a better choice. Pivot is for those situations that find Kagero needing a quick escape (this does happen occasionally) and Hone Atk has synergy with it. You could also run a Rally skill to work with the Hone skill. Vantage is thrown in the B slot largely because Kagero often OHKOs mages with the Poison Dagger, and it could turn her into a mage killing machine with a bit of damage on her. Linde/Julia/Lillina be gone.


    Other Ideas:

    Brave Lance+ Bonfire Effie is ridiculous.


    If you have Reinhardt/Olwen give them Death Blow. +6 Atk on each of their strikes is mental considering they attack magically and with an attack range of 5 squares.


    A couple of ways to make healers relevant are Breath of Life and Wings of Mercy. With Breath of Life they can debuff and heal minor wounds at the same time, while taking their turn to solely heal with their Rehabilitate staff for more major injuries. Also healers that can teleport to any of your units that have dropped below 50% health are pretty cool. Unfortunately that second one costs them Renewal/Live to Serve so it'd probably be good to have one healer that can self heal (Azama's a great one for this because of his bulk) and another who is your more mobile healer, probably one with better offensive stats, Wings of Mercy, and Breath of Life.


  8. Alright so this was a nightmarish experience, comparing absolutely awful pokemon against each other to see which induces more rage in me. This is largely based off of competitive pokemon, and they're the 5 pokemon I hate seeing on an opponent's team more than any others.


    5. Darmanitan. This thing looks stupid. Not only does it look stupid but it also has like no switch ins in the entire game. None. I've counted them.

    4. Landorus-T. Please, everyone just stop using this pokemon. It's way too centralizing in OU (or at least it was in gen 6, which was the last time I really went there), and it looks like it's wearing a marshmallow hat. That's dumb. So's how good it is. You can just slap it on any team with 0 creativity.

    3. Rotom. I hate Rotom for much the same reasons as I hate Landorus. It's everywhere in OU and between the two I just stopped playing OU. Unfortunately unlike Landorus, Rotom was in literally every tier last gen so you couldn't even get away from it.

    2. Alomomola. First reason? It's name is too complicated. Second reason? It's a big fat fish who's just like "hey guess what guys? Toxic lol. Wish lol. Regenerator lol." Get the hell out of here with your Alomomolas.

    1. Amoongus. The only thing I hate more than Alomomola is Amoongus 'cause it too has a stupid name and stalls you until you die of boredom but it's also a freakin' mushroom pokeball thing. This thing's pre-evo even finds a damn way to annoy you in the overworld.

  9. Decent? I'd say her statline is probably the worst of the mounted healers, with less offense than Elise (as if that mattered right now) and less bulk than Clarine (their actual bulk is close but Clarine has higher Spd). She'll do better than a 4* Clarine though I'm sure. Now that skill inheritance has hit the only other noteworthy healer is probably Azama for dat balk.

  10. Nice idea, here's mine:




    And the justifications:


    Top row left: Evangeline AK McDowell (Negima). Back in the day, like 8 years ago or something my family went on holiday and my sisters borrowed a DVD with the English dub of Negima on it. I quickly discovered that this harem anime about a child teacher in an all girls school was my jam, and the OP as hell immortal vampire loli with a fantastic British accent was easily my favourite character from it. I actually read a fair bit of the manga after that, and even at the end of the story after our shounen like protagonist had gone through several substantial power ups Evangeline would still come back every now and again to kick ass and save the day. She's basically a top tier character as strong as the final boss but introduced in the first few episodes.


    Top row middle: Scathach (Fate). Scathach is amazing. Fantastic design, fantastic backstory, interesting personality, broken as hell in lore (what between being able to see the future, effortlessly read her opponents movements, create weapons at will, freakin' magic, summoning a door to the damn underworld, summoning other servants to fight for her, and her one hit kill spear), top tier unit in F/GO, and a character that I'd been waiting for for a lot longer than her initial teaser trailer. She needs to be in an actual anime adaptation of something ASAP.


    Top row right: Alice Nakiri (Shokugeki no Soma). Alice is an interesting character. What drew me to her initially was the fact that she enacted something that I've thought about for a long time, using science to cook. I've always wondered why we don't do more research into how our taste buds work, which naturally occurring chemicals are responsible for creating the flavours we recognize in all manner of things, from fruits and vegetables to meat and various carbohydrates. I figure if we know that we could make things taste like anything we want, and I mean really taste like them, not like those cheap banana flavoured lollies. Anyway that's what Alice does, using all of the latest scientific gadgetry she infuses sushi with the flavour of tomato without actually adding any tomatos to it, and so on. She's also a massive goofball and her comedic skits are always appreciated.


    Middle row left: Akane Tsunemori (Psycho Pass). This is a character that I really appreciate for a few reasons. Going into the show for the first time I didn't really think much of her, and figured she'd play the regrettable role of the inexperienced rookie who represents the viewer, a relative newcomer to the job and systems that she will have to navigate. Boy I was wrong. This character grows more than any other anime character I think I've seen in anything, and by the end of the show she's a gun toting badass detective who is out her solving crimes and I'm like "look at my baby girl all grown up". 


    Dead Centre (No I didn't spell that wrong): Cordelia (Fire Emblem). The one true waifu. Between stunning looks, abundant intelligence, and a surprising amount of humility despite her natural talent how could you not fall for her? Doesn't hurt that she's objectively one of the best units in Awakening either, with an early join time, strong bases, and high growths. I don't think it's any surprise that she continues to rank highly in popularity contests despite her relative lack of fanservice in a consumer base that is predominantly thirsty as hell for it. I suppose to me she represents the ideal woman, so ideal in fact that she's unrealistically ideal and I'm fully okay with that 'cause it prevents any obsession.


    Middle row right: Jack (Mass Effect). One of these things is not like the other~ Jack's here to shake up what is predominantly a line up of characters with animeish designs, hey no-one said I couldn't. Anyway, Jack's my preferred romance option out of the lot from the Mass Effect franchise for one simple reason, it's not the looks, the tats, or the lack of clothing, it's simply that she's the one who really needs help. Romancing other characters in Mass Effect is a reasonably natural progression of "oh hey as I get to know you more I'm finding you more attractive so let's become romantically involved" but that's not Jack. With her you start from a position of trying to work with this woman who's been hurt so many times that she's hidden herself away behind a tough exterior and she just starts whaling on anyone who comes within arm's reach for fear of being hurt again. Slowly bypassing all of the walls she puts up, and watching her character develop across the course of the last two games is a treat, and to me it's a much more satisfying experience than any of the others can offer. She's also just a fantastically written character in general, her frequent expletive outbursts allowing her to express exactly what she means in very few words.


    Bottom row left: Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad). I don't care what anyone says about Nagisa, Kyou, or Tomoyo, Kotomi's the best girl of Clannad. She's eccentric, she's brilliant, she's dopey, she has no sense of humour whatsoever, but most of all she's innocent. Oh and that picture is completely deceptive for anyone who hasn't seen Clannad, don't ever give her a violin. An endearing genius with a tragic backstory, she's number two on the Clannad feels express. The culmination of her arc was one of the parts that brought me within an inch of crying, and only one scene in both shows actually forced some tears out of me. Every scene with her onscreen was great and her personal arc had me wishing she was the main heroine of the story. I've got nothing against Nagisa, she's a great character, hell they all are, but I prefer Kotomi. 


    Bottom row middle: Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY). Pyrrha is like if you took Cordelia and put her in RWBY, no wonder I like her. Unrequited love (at least initially)? Check. Mad talented? Check. Red hair? Check. Confident but humble? Check. Nice to people she meets but wants to help them better themselves? Check. Feels pressure to perform to other's expectations? Check. The two are so similar (at least in my eyes) that I have to wonder if Pyrrha's character was at least somewhat inspired by the character of Cordelia. Needless to say she's by far my favourite character in the series and even though I'm not completely caught up I am somewhat gutted by recent events.


    Bottom row right: Yuuko Amamiya (Ef, A Tale of Memories/Melodies). Yuuko's a bit of a weird one for me to put on here 'cause I only remembered her character at all by trawling through MAL to see which anime might have best girl candidates in them. It's been a while since I watched Ef so I can't remember her as well as I'd like, but I do strongly remember liking her character a lot. To delve into spoilers about her character she was orphaned at a young age, and adopted by an abusive family. She might look happy go lucky in the picture, and that is the way she appears for most of both shows, but she's carrying some real baggage. I think ultimately I just felt really sorry for her, and she definitely didn't deserve the ending she got, but part of what makes Ef so great is that it doesn't succumb to pressure to give the viewer the ending they want. A really stand out character from a really stand out anime, if you haven't watched it I recommend it.


    Edit: And having seen Godot's I realized I forgot about Samus Aran. Dunno if she'd kick one of the others out but a honourable mention to her anyway.

  11. Take the +HP -Spd one imo, and then slap her a Brave Axe if you can. 


    12 hours ago, AuthorReborn said:

    I do shudder to think about which units people will end up inheriting his skills over to. 


    Yeah I'mma wait for Rath to come out in 6 years time and then pass him over Life and Death 3 from Jaffar, and a Brave Bow+ from elsewhere.

  12. Right now I consider myself to be the luckiest, and unluckiest person in the world at the same time. On the one hand in two back to back rolls I summoned Jaffar and Olwen. The former I don't care about, but the latter I had tried unsuccessfully to summon for the entire duration of the last banner. On the other hand Lucius (another one of my favourite units) has been introduced into the game, but not as the murdermachine offensive mage that I know and love, instead he's a healer. And a bad one at that. I'll still roll for him but I'm pretty damn disappointed that he isn't a mage. But I'm simultaneously hyped as hell 'cause I just summoned Olwen. Such conflicting emotions.

  13. My first Fire Emblem game was FE9, Path of Radiance, but as good an entry point as that one is I don't think it's the best one. Personally I think the best Fire Emblem game to start on is the 7th one, it has a tutorial which is purposely designed to teach players that are new to the franchise how to play the Fire Emblem games. I remember playing it after getting comfortable with Fire Emblem the hard way, and thinking "wow this really would have been a great place to start".


    I watched this video on the topic not too long ago and it does a pretty good job of breaking down some good starting points though. Maybe it'll help you out:




  14. 4 minutes ago, Fabled Asian said:

    As of currently my Reinhardt > Lunatic's Ursula, I'm not sure if thats just how it's set up but nothing I have can clear it. I really hope the solution isn't "have Hector in party". Anyways what banner do you guys recommend out of the 4 this week or should I save up?


    Honestly the only way I could clear it was to use Reinhardt and Stahl as my frontline as they don't get murked by poison daggers. Stahl was particularly useful as he could hold the chokepoint with his high HP and Def. Combine the two of them with a healer that uses a Martyr staff (Martyr is your best friend for this fight, as all of the area damage the ninjas do allows your healer to heal for tons), and a high res unit that attacks physically like Kagero or Felicia to deal with Ursula and you're golden. I'm not sure if there's any unit besides Stahl that could hold that chokepoint against the axe user and the two ninjas though, maybe Draug. The key is dealing with Ursula first though, as your non infantry high Def units can clean up from there with healing support.

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