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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Replies posted by Shamitako

  1. By the way , there's nothing worse than to send " happy New Year " to a girl you had a crush on and she answer : " who's this ? " 



  2. That Rebecca's disturbingly shiny eyes are staring deep into my soul.

  3. 17f392b7e96b65c1ddeace3d1be68c2f.jpg

    So... by this Logic Sarge is my Zodiac... Someone hand me a shotgun and an orange guy to hate

  4. 17f392b7e96b65c1ddeace3d1be68c2f.jpg

    So... by this Logic Sarge is my Zodiac... Someone hand me a shotgun and an orange guy to hate

  5. So my uncle may or may not be in the process of dying right now.

  6. Going to see the Stars Wars 8 again with my family on the afternoon. If someone is interested i will give my thoughts about it after ( yeah i have a lot to say :D ).


    Also merry Christmas again to all of you ! 

  7. Out of curiosity, what's the oldest Reborn episode you guys have actually played?

  8. *Rings bell* Last call for the Hattening!

    Tomorrow evening at approximately 6PM I will become unavailable to bestow festive apparel, so be sure to get your requests in before then!

  9. *Rings bell* Last call for the Hattening!

    Tomorrow evening at approximately 6PM I will become unavailable to bestow festive apparel, so be sure to get your requests in before then!

  10. Wait hold on, are there people who doesn't take off their shoes when entering a house? Who doesn't take off their shoes?

  11. Seductively swallows my antidepressants

  12. latest?cb=20150622144236

    Is it weird that this guy is my favorite character from Duel Monsters? and better yet that only 10% of the reason is because he's bringing Sexy back

  13. Hey. Settle a bet will ya. Does that thing kinda look like a Big Cat to you?


  14. TFW playing an RPG you find a successful build that's very different from the obvious path to success... And then it turns out that's the standard build that literally everyone uses.

  15. M-muh internet. Ajit Pai is going to singlehandedly kill off the internet in its entirety on his own and congress is totally going to let this slide just because!!! What will I do without the internet?!? Nobody will ever be able to use the internet ever again!!!!!!!!!!










    Yes, I hate Ajit Pai as much as the next guy, but overreaction to nn is really getting on my nerves too.

  16. Not sleeping tonight. I will have nightmares. Time to binge on animu. Considering a rewatch of Higurashi to help calm my nerves.

  17. I used to be such an immature, obnoxious prick. Makes me rather enraged to look back on a lot of the stuff I've said and done.


    I'm far from a perfect, or even really decent, person now. But at least I no longer have the mentality of a nine year old.

  18. I used to be such an immature, obnoxious prick. Makes me rather enraged to look back on a lot of the stuff I've said and done.


    I'm far from a perfect, or even really decent, person now. But at least I no longer have the mentality of a nine year old.

  19. I used to be such an immature, obnoxious prick. Makes me rather enraged to look back on a lot of the stuff I've said and done.


    I'm far from a perfect, or even really decent, person now. But at least I no longer have the mentality of a nine year old.

  20. So there's debate on whether pineapple goes with pizza or not. I don't have a real answer to that cause, well, I've never tried pizza with pineapple.  I know how pineapple tastes and I know how pizza tastes, but together? They are both pretty good on their own, pineapple is very sweet (can be) and pizza is just very scrumptious. (I guess that can be depending on where you get the pizza from).

    So my question is, how does pizza with pineapple taste?


  21. Here's a question I'm willing to ask to you: Is it dangerous that people see YouTubers as their "friends"?


    I look at this not only from a psychological perspective (mostly towards children in this regard), but also from a "professional" one. In regards to the latter, I look at it in the same light as how a student-teacher relationship SHOULDN'T be. You should not make friends with your teacher, just like you shouldn't make friends with some guy on the internet making videos, who is pretty much playing up a funny facade for your retention and ad-revenue. It's a one-sided relationship in that regard. When it comes to children, which comprises a huge majority of the demographics there, it's not exactly a safe option for them, from a sociological standpoint, to treat their favorite YouTuber as their friend.


    I could go on, but I'm mostly interested in how others feel about it, because it is a topic of debate that would be interesting to delve into more.

  22. So there's debate on whether pineapple goes with pizza or not. I don't have a real answer to that cause, well, I've never tried pizza with pineapple.  I know how pineapple tastes and I know how pizza tastes, but together? They are both pretty good on their own, pineapple is very sweet (can be) and pizza is just very scrumptious. (I guess that can be depending on where you get the pizza from).

    So my question is, how does pizza with pineapple taste?


  23. So there's debate on whether pineapple goes with pizza or not. I don't have a real answer to that cause, well, I've never tried pizza with pineapple.  I know how pineapple tastes and I know how pizza tastes, but together? They are both pretty good on their own, pineapple is very sweet (can be) and pizza is just very scrumptious. (I guess that can be depending on where you get the pizza from).

    So my question is, how does pizza with pineapple taste?


  24. Anyone else here like writing poetry?

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