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Shamitako last won the day on April 1 2019

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257 Altruist

About Shamitako

  • Birthday 08/21/1998

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    Not here, that's for fucking sure
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    Writing/roleplaying, cartoons, weeb shit, lolis, video games that are frustratingly difficult, Nintendo and indie games in general

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  1. "Is this for a grade?" - Half the students at my school any time they're asked to do something

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Garnet.


      thats because high school is bullshit and a lot of the work is ass

      its very different in college tho ppl shouldnt be asking that

    3. Shamitako


      Unfortunately, that is true Strat. Although mostly they just want to avoid doing work. If it's for a grade they tend to ask how they can get out of it

      I liked my old math teacher. When asked about why math was a necessary course, he explained how sine and cosine might never help you, but the problem solving skills would be invaluable. It didn't work often, but I can think of a couple people who started taking his class seriously because of it

    4. FairFamily


      @Sutorasu a lot of them think it will not benifit them at all. So they just do the graded ones. Can't say there is some grain of truth. My flute skills, nor my arts history knowledge, nor my knowledge about dutch literature will benefit in the ed.

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