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Ojama Yellow

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Ojama Yellow last won the day on January 17 2020

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  1. Holy shit. Apparently there were quite a lot of shootings and explosions in Paris just now. What is this world going to.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tringus


      I stand corrected. Friday the 13th is a horrible day, no matter what happens.

    3. Solarance


      Here is a live updating thing of the attack. https://www.reddit.com/live/vwwnkuplwr9y

    4. Hiroki Tatsumi

      Hiroki Tatsumi

      Copy paste here aswell

      So well, i'm bringing news from France. I would like this to be in a G Gardevoir Style, however this is too tragic to be so.

      So well, people were hanging in three places, a concert, a football meeting, and a restaurant. In the middle of the evening ~9pm some guys just blew themselves up in the concert, some guys just randomly shooted in the restaurant, and some sends "bombs" in the football encounter. They were hostages, but thanks to the policemen...

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