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Felicity last won the day on March 30 2021

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  • Alias
    Felix, wobbs
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    a smart place
  • Interests
    Animu, gams, reding

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  1. the most depressing superpower would be the ability to determine other people's powers.


    "Oh, you got super speed. Good for you...."

    1. FairFamily


      Wouldn't it be even more depressing to have the superpower to know what a person all can do better, not just superpowers?

    2. Tartar


      Actually, both those powers sound amazing.

      @FairFamily 's power could be used to so many instances. People would literally give you millions to determine their talents. You'd be a billionaire with such a power.


      And even if it was just relegated to determine super-powers, it's still incredibly versatile, and could be used both for consultations, where you could determine hidden aspects of other's powers. If the ability was further refined, you could help others improve on their powers, you'. And now just imagine how useful such a power is when fighting against supervillains, you literally just look at them and know all their strengths and weaknesses.

      It's a power that could reshape the whole Superhero scene overnight by its mere existence. Sure super strength may be cooler, but this just provides so much utility, and is in fact much more useful. 

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