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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Notus

  1. Oook then, this is probably the 10th time that I try to come back to being more active here XD. Anyways, the later half of last semester was a royal pain, and hopefully now I´m more free to check out my favorite place on the web! Hope you people are all doing well  =)

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      XD sure sure. l'll keep it in mind then muhuhu~ 

    3. Commander




      I swear it's only RP people who can turn a status in a long conversation. Alas, welcome back...again? Probably won't be part of UtH, but you know I'll be cheering you guys on for your success and moments of miserable pain, death, and despair

    4. Notus


      @Commander, sure thing hahaha. About the UtH stuff, if you´re interested in lending a hand some help would be really appreciated! Just shoot me a PM anytime ;)

  2. New site already done? Maaate, that was fast. And it´s looking great!

  3. Myriad RP back on track!Players, take a look at the CW forums!

  4. Ouch. And I thought Brazil had the worst luck with politicians. Stay strong guys, don´t let that crazy captain steer the ship off course.

    1. Vinny


      At least they had a choice. In Brazil it always feels like Trump vs Trump~

    2. Notus


      ...Pretty accurate Chara XD

    3. Vinny


      Psst, eu espero que a troca de nome não tenha feito vc esquecer quem sou eu, amigo :T

      ...Embora eu aceito ser chamado de Chara tbm, I suppose~

  5. Hello RPers old and new! There´s a new story in the making on the RP forums, check it out!http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21926

  6. Hey guys, does anyone remember where do I find the old Reborn League Hall of Fame?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cobalt996


      ...I almost expected Kam's quote to be ":]"

    3. Notus


      ^Kkkkk that would be awesome!

      Also thanks a ton Morshu

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      always been bibs or pineapple to you :]

  7. Oh hey. My post count just got past my year of birth. (random unimportant status, episode 1)

  8. Maaan I´ve been out for too long =(

    1. Sparky


      Come back Notus

    2. Notus


      I´ll try but... damned exams are coming /cry

    3. Rosesong


      We miss you!

  9. Rose´s recital is airing! Hop on your YouTube accounts, enjoy and hit that like button!

    1. Notus


      Think about a late status XD

    2. Rosesong


      Thank you Notus!

  10. Time to take the dust off my trainer card, it seems. =)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Guzam


      They hate us cuz they're Notus >~<

    3. Notus


      Puntastic... I´ll have to give you proper PUNishment for that XD

    4. Vinny


      Bro do you even have time for that? :T

  11. Crazy weekend, helping to organize and racing in my school´s Sailing Club anual regata. Lots of work, but well worth it!

    1. KingRyan


      you should paint your boat like the king of the red lions.

    2. Rosesong


      Have fun and be safe!

    3. Notus


      uhmn, not a bad idea XD. I do prefer some sort of seabird though, maybe an albatros (or a Wingull)

  12. Welp, after vacations and some two absolutely crazy weeks of classes, I´ve finally found some time to get back in here. Nice to see everything ok and the game getting better (online stuff OP =D).

  13. Ilhabela Sailing Week starting on Saturday. Leading a group of sailors from my school´s team... Takes work, but it´ll be nice ;)

  14. Oooooh yeah, it´s good to be back! Take a look at the RP forums, more specifically here:http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13806

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DarkLight


      *pokes head in* Hi!!! :D

    3. Vinny


      Notus is back; everybody, grab your boats.

    4. Yash


      YES>>>>>>>>>> He is back!!!

  15. New avi from this saturday´s regata. =)

    1. Simon


      Wow, quite a beauty. What place did you get it in the race?

  16. Well, just discovered Pokemon Glazed and it's very good! Still no match for Reborn, but I had the pleasant surprise to see some competitive looking teams there.

    1. roqi


      It was pretty difficult at times yeah!

  17. I´m slowly discovering that everyone and their mother in the academy plays pokémon... And aparently I´m one of the best here. Thanks Reborn =)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sparky
    3. Simon


      rofl Mael. And that's awesome to hear Notus.

  18. "Half despair, half jealousy. A dash of hope. In other words, that´s love." - Varona, Durarara!x2

    1. Notus


      When describing Ikebukuro. For some reason I really liked this quote.

    2. Arkhi


      Difficult to relate when an assassin says it, though.

    3. Notus


      Kkkk yeah, I guess so. XD

  19. New avy, and this one is a pic taken by me in 2011.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah... that nice reddish-orange sky.

    2. Notus


      It´s awesome right? Browsing old pictures can be rewarding sometimes.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I could sit our under a sky like that all damn day, a shame such a sight is so fleeting and only comes every now and again. But then, it wouldn't be so special and so beautiful if it happened all the time.

  20. Heyoooo Reborn! I´m not got much time, but just passed by to say I´m alive and well! ;) School is going great but the routine is crazy, so yeah, no more RPing for me for some time... But expect me to drop by the server every now and then to say hi! I really miss you all! Big hugs; Notus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      Good to know things are going well.

    3. Yash


      Hey! Drop by whenever you can. Also all the best for school!

    4. Simon


      Yo Notus, good to see you're doing good mate. I hope things continue to go well for ya.

  21. Last day of Reborn for some time... Hopefully I see ypu all again soon! Stay safe!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      you were the greatest friend online that I ever had.

      So make sure ya come back someday, aight?

    3. Notus


      Thanks everyone, I'll try my best to be back soon!

    4. Arkhi


      He made a typo in his farewell status ;_;

  22. Searching for someone to assume th EV Training Guide when I'm gone... Anyone interrsted?

  23. Happy new year guys! Dunno if I'll be here later,so I just wanted to wish you all a great 2015!

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