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Everything posted by WanderoftheColossus

  1. Ya'll forgetting what this weekend is for people that live in LA. Its anime expo weekend. If you're doing it this weekend i will most likely be a no show since i'm kinda gonna be at AX all weekend and saturday is the biggest day soooo :/
  2. Thank you based rito for changing nidalee
  3. I don't know if Amethyst took this out but I actually have two exp shares, one from seventh street and one from winning it at the game corner. Regardless the only time i used it was to train Blissey, otherwise it was throw out the pokemon that youre training in front of a bouffalant/tauros and then bring it back and one shot the enemy pokemon with something stronger. In the newest episode you can train in the maze before completing it, however if you complete the maze then you can no longer grind with the pokemon used in the maze to get from place to place.
  4. ^ she was having a shitty day and i was like 'here, look, skins. be happy'
  5. already used my 3 gifts for the day to gift my friend steel legion lux, frostfire annie and headhunter nidalee :x
  6. That LoL feel after winning a tournament. GGLife
  7. Story time! Have you ever been in solo queue and someone picks before you? Of course you have! Have they ever picked a champion that could go either mid lane or support and as soon as they lock in you immediately ask what role/position they're playing? I do! Normally, most people are considerate enough to give you a response with at least 5 seconds to make a pick however this soraka said absolutely nothing. Naturally because no one likes to play support I assumed she was mid, furthermore she was also carrying heal. Since the nerfs a few patches back, double heal bot has not been a thing so I picked Braum because I'm good with him. That being said after EVERYONE has picked and with 3 seconds to lauch, soraka says "I'm support." Not only did she feed (trust me, she only has that many assists because she ulted when she didn't need to) but she also fucked me over...or so i thought. So I went midlane as braum and absolutely wrecked Leblanc and me (and my duo) carried the game because every other lane was losing. Also that Soraka should never play soraka in ranked again, her avg kda with her is atrocious and going 0-9-24 as support is NOT good.
  8. Just google it, seriously. You might pass it up if you try to go through each pokedex entry like i did. :x
  9. What are you talking about? On average around level60 alone the tauros and bouffalant give ~1200exp that's still a lot of exp. I grinded there until my entire pc box of potential team pokemon were all level 65. It sounds to me like you dont want to take the time to do a little grinding which, may i remind you, you had to do in any other pokemon game (except x and y) anyways
  10. Draven at one point was 6-1 then i told my team to teamfight. I was 0-1-1 before grouping then this happened also hard engaging and using all your ults on kayle is bad idea and then this happens Kayle is mad strong
  11. TFW you're not even a jinx main but she's your most played champion in ranked
  12. Don't think its just on the EU servers either. NA has its fair share of racial slurs too. Mexican's, Brazillians and all that stuff is extremely high on NA servers. It simply comes down to the demographics racial profiles that they have for one another. Some people get the short end of the stick. For example: 'If' and I say if because I almost never let people know my nationality on LoL they'll sometimes call me a wetback and say 'should you be working in the fields instead of this jungle?' and shit like that. I just don't let it bother me and continue to play my game. Racial stereotype are a lot easier to throw around on the internet because you can hide behind a screen. The best thing to do with these people is mute em and move on.
  13. TFW you make a huge comeback and are on 6 game win streak in ranked after going on tilt mad hard.
  14. So glad karthus is finally getting a VU. Maybe ill start playing him more again now that hes getting a VU and doesn't look like a damn jellyfish
  15. Orrr that feel when you can't get a smurf account that is turned perma-account when your main got perma-banned for elo boosting in S3 out of gold and then you go on a hard losing streak because for the past 17 games you've had at least 1-2 afks along with a feeder and you drop back down into Silver 1 and have to do your promos all over again. Thank you based rito
  16. invest in some level balls (unless i'm not supposed to have access to that floor of the department store yet :l ) thats how i caught my beldum. lvl 1 beldum vs lvl 60 spritomb, one ball = caught
  17. I know the feel i'm actually on a huge losing streak right now as well. There's only a few things you can do 1. Go back to comfort pick champs: champions that you love to play/are good at regardless of how they fit into the meta 2. Stop playing ranked, you're probably on tilt and are only going to lose more LP and become unhappy: take a break, could be a day or week just don't play ranked for awhile until you feel your up to it. 3. Lose all sense of time: this sounds weird but a lot of people panic that they only have a certain amount of time to get to the rank they want. This causes unnecessary stress and negative thoughts about not making it or running out of time. Forget when the season is over, forget all about it. Focus on the game, you have plenty of time. Breath and relax 4. Focus on YOU: you cannot control other people's play style so focus on yours, what YOU can do, YOUR mistakes, what YOU can improve on. Feeders don't help a game, but you can always focus on you to improve your future games. 5. If you're playing against a champion that is better than you/you don't know the matchup or abilities that well play passively. ALWAYS. wait for them to make mistakes and get as much farm as you can without putting yourself at risk, ask calmly for ganks 6. We love win streaks we hate losing streaks: They happen, its a part of this game. sometimes you're just unlucky no matter how you play or sometimes you're just on tilt. Accept it and keep playing the game or take a break. My friend Roach Gigz (who's challenger) told me this: "Solo Queue is 40% skill 60% luck." Remember that there are some games (and sometimes they happen in streaks) that there is literally nothing you can do to stop from losing REGARDLESS of how you play. Don't give up on this game, you'll break your streak
  18. I solo'ed Arceus with my Spiritomb....hypnosis, dream eater until it died.
  19. so I normally don't post normal games but 2v1ing all game as shyvanna against a darius and jax without dying is easy mode.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=wZtr_KUSD2o Remix has been out for awhile and i've been listening to it for awhile but man its super chill, reminds me of earthbound a lot.
  21. Here's how you solve your problem "lol qq more" then mute them. There have been games where I've literally muted every player in the game. My ignore list is in the thousands last i checked. Don't deal with people like that, just ignore them and focus on your game. If they've got nothing beneficial to say to you or help you, mute em.
  22. I actually saved before every monitor to watch the scenes a few times. When i saw Corey fall I knew that the scenes on the monitor would be important. Then again I'm only playing through this once, I can't imagine having to recreate my team from scratch again, so I figured out Shade would be important throughout the story, also spoilers from the man giving the togepi egg also helped out since I did that before Shade's gym. So from what I've gathered, Shade is going to be extremely important
  23. Never have I ever instabanned Yi in ranked for fear of both A really amazing Master Yi on the enemy team and a really shit master yi on my team. Feral Flare Pls, y so op? Also this week is the worst week of my life...its riven free week. No normals for me. Like I get it, you want to learn a new champ and thats fine but you should have at least some kind of knowledge about the champ youre trying to play. At least look at a guide or something jesus. Ugh, riven free week is the worst.
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