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Everything posted by WanderoftheColossus

  1. When someone calls you a xayah one-trick and you laught it off but then you realize you might actually be becoming one :l
  2. People get mad when I play kindred top...not sure why.
  3. I've literally never played MF before these 5 games.
  4. my friends summoner name is a wild bidoof the others is a shiny bidoof
  5. Today was a good day for league. Wow its been awhile since i posted anything
  6. Just play Ekko. Seriously, start crystaline flask and 2 health pots and a mana pot and you can literally sustain for like...ever.
  7. Of course she did more damage than me. Do you see my build? Furthermore match history can only tell you so much. What it doesn't show you is a play by play of all her recaps. She would go into enemy jungle while she had vision that she placed and knowingly try to 1v4. She would miss ult or only hit 1 person when there were four in front. She would talk shit to vayne and talk shit whenever she died. She may have done the most damage, she may have placed the most wards but all that is meaningless if you're 1. A shitty teammate 2. never use that to your advantage and play like you're blindfolded. At least voli was a peeling machine and at least rengar would zone out/kill the carries. Cass would die in the enemy jungle which gave the enemy team the ability to snowball by controlling objectives and fights.
  8. you've got to be fucking kidding me. I don't think ive met anyone as braindead as this cass.
  9. Morello is actually around the high plat/low diamond level however because he's so damn busy with, y'know, making the game you play he doesn't really have time to actually okay ranked as much as he would like. So before you complain about them not being able to balance check your facts. Furthermore a lot of ap mids got stabbed in the dick by DFG being removed so quit whining, veigar aint special a lot of champs got hit hard by that. The delay on E is too long, hopefully they shorten the time it takes for it to actually stun (i believe someone already mentioned like .25?). Riot as of late has realized that a lot of their early champs (like veigar and now Morde) are very much point and click based. Not calling out veigar in particualr but this is provides inherently bad gameplay in PVP because point and click means a guaranteed hit as opposed to another champion who has skillshots. You could make the arguement that 'syndra has a point and click attack' or 'what about karthus?' to which I say syndra's ult deals such minimal damage without setting up for it through skill shots and karthus also has to deal a strong majority of dps through skill shot or risking walking up and dying while aoe dpsing. Veigar on the other hand went something like this: Q minions for 10 minutes Stun when appropriate Harass with W Q and ult and I insta kill with only two items under my belt. That's a huge issue. It didn't matter if you had a banshees or not. if he popped that and then ulted you, you were dead ESPECIALLY if you were an AP champion. Veigar could instakill you no problem. Youre talking about how bad players don't know how to counter this but the issue is there is no counterplay to it. You. Die. Instantly. Also what you're not considering is 4 other players on your team. sure you can't 1v5 but you can point and click champions and bring them to 1/4th hp. That's what theyre nerfing and thats why theyre nerfing him. You fail to realize here that veigars ult also deals an absurd percentage of the ap you've built if youre an ap champion so saying 'build magic resistance so you dont die' doesn't matter since veigars ult deals based on his + enemy ap champs AP which will negate and overpower what little mr the enemy ap champ has. Again you speak of counterplay but its not veigar versus the world. its veigar who can kill me in 2 hits even with banshees plus 4 other champions on his team.
  10. yo if you guys havent heard the tracks for this skin you really should. Some heavy hitters in the industry worked on these tracks and it really shows. I'm buy this skin 75% for the music, 25 for the skin.
  11. Not necessarily a super good match up but Aatrox can actually outsustain him since he can lifesteal through all of swains dps. Neither of you will ever die if fighting 1v1 unless one of you royally fucks up end of the day though Aatrox can force swain out of lane simply because without blue and poor mana management will force swain to back and aatrox can take tower and win lane so technically aatrox does well against him
  12. I'll give it a whirl IGN: W8 Aenima Preferred Role: Can play any role with proficiency however jungle is my weakest because i haven't figured out the new jungle yet.
  13. Preseason is cancer. avg deaths are ~11 and i only died once because apparently im the only one that knows how to position in preseason. the next game my team leaves dragon to chase a kill and i die because of it. preseason sucks.
  14. You know for somone that talks a lot about learning from mistakes and improving you sure did die the same way over and over again a lot.
  15. panth fed 4 kills way early on, ashe wasn't doing well in the early game and it was only until i could actually roam did they start coming back. I started to spread out the gold by helping push or giving kills to other teammates etc etc.
  16. last day before the season ends lets gooooo, ahri was afk for 20 minutes so i had to be in top and mid at the same time and things turned out well. Kha, darius and soraka tried to 3v1 but im aatrox so its k
  17. I would have had I been first pick and banning, hell I would've played riven she lost to a pantheon, is that even possible? how do you do that? shield his q and then he has no mana ezgame ezlife apparently, not always, but mostly
  18. I believe a name change is in order. thank you based riven for the lost series and for being toxic as fuck. More gold as support than the top laner gglife
  19. I accidentally panic picked LIssandra. Things turned out quite well.
  20. Build a dfg and target will die. Ahri's burst after dfg is crazy, not nearly as crazy as syndra's but still amazing.
  21. meh, I'm above that is all but the amount of negativity that was going on in that game before end game just got to me and when we lost I just kinda snapped. Team was crying gg from 10 minutes and I spent all game going 'we can bring it back' 'we got this' 'stop getting caught' 'ward here' 'theyre probably at baron we can fight this' only to be responded with 'this top lane is trash' 'this leona never wards' 'this wu just missed smite gg' and everyone yelling at each other and end game it all just caught up with me and I blew up on my team because not only were the negative all game but we lossed and I dunno, something snapped but I've had games like this before and I've never gone off like that. It most definitely wasn't cool of me to do.
  22. you'd be surprised at just how many riot employees say that riot hates them (twas mostly said as a joke of course an entire company isn't out to get me that'd be crazy), but regardless that has nothing to do with how much shit I was talking, it wasn't okay but I was really really upset (not an excuse just how I was feeling) and now that i've cleared my head I feel pretty bad about it. I normally don't react that way, normally I just kind of brush it off, jump back into queue and keep playing because solo queue is grind, just everything about that game rubbed me the wrong way and I kinda just blew up in end game chat.
  23. Yeah i don't give a fuck if i was toxic as all hell end game, this pissed me off beyond all reason. Why the fuck do you even play ranked if you're just going to feed like fucking crazy. Hope these morons fall into bronze because they sure as hell play like it I'm mad toxic right now but these idiots deserved it. I said nothing in game, was entirely positive until end game because i was so pissed. I deserved this win but no, Riot hates me and pairs me with morons like this. If it wasn't ranked i wouldn't care but i've had games like this way too much and just ugh
  24. I'm actually really happy Riot decided not to make championship riven available again. I know its kind of dickish but I just simply dont want people to freely buy that skin, not only would I feel terrible for the people that spent absurd amounts of money to get it (which I understand is not Riot's responsibility) but I feel like its one of the few things in the game that is exclusive. You SHOULD get exclusive stuff if you went to Worlds or PAX, its a reward for going to their events and supporting them. Its a touchy subject I know and there are a lot of pros and cons but it may be i'm just selfish and don't want people to have that skin because i'm lowkey mad possessive of Riven since i still main her.
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