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Status Updates posted by Tempest

  1. Eventually you need to realize, you're a potato.

    1. Maelstrom


      No, I'm a wizard, Harry.

  2. Passive Aggressive. Yay passive agressive.... oh wait. I think I being a hypocrite. Shit.

    1. Tempest


      I really can't type can I?

  3. I'm taking over Chicago. Team instinct represent.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. Red_Chaos


      could you do me a favor and apply chicago for statehood?

  4. Pokemon Go is actually so great. I love seeing people congregated around Pokestops and people chasing after Pokemon together. It's just really cool.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shamitako



      Scare him off with your spectacular muscles?

    3. Tempest
    4. Shamitako


      It's an offhand reference to Thor from the Smite Machinimas:

  5. There's 40 people standing by this pokestop cause it has a lure. I love this game.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fight Fiiiiiight!!! ʕง•ᴥ•ʔง

    2. Maelstrom
  6. I want to work on logos and get Spear Pillar, but I'm stuck at my brother's lacrosse tournament all day.

  7. There's a Dratini near by but I have no Pokeballs and have no pokestops near by. I'm pissed.

    1. AuthorReborn


      and that would be why they put in mirco-transactions, my friend.

    2. Jacobliterator


      Run for days. This is a Dratini man,run till you can't run no more!

    3. YoshiofRedemption


      At this point, you should take advantage of the micro-transaction feature

  8. The legend has returned... Spear Pillar is reborn.

    1. Tempest


      Anyone is welcome provided we know who you are.

  9. TFW You're driving by a gym you know you could conqueri but you can't stop to battle it.

    1. dragoniteborntacoz


      i need to try one of those

      my highest pokemon has 365 CP and the highest gym ive seen in only 100 something

    2. Maelstrom


      I know that feeling.

    3. Shad_


      I tried to beat one this morning but i failed miserably, i'll try again whenever i'll hatch my 10km egg and catch other strong mons

  10. There was a shooting in Dallas. Reports say snipers opened fire on police officers, injuring 11 and killing 4: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/protests-spawn-cities-across-u-s-over-police-shootings-black-n605686

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      Whoa snipers? Ugh i knew there was a shooting but freakin snipers?

  11. Go keeps crashing :c

  12. Pokemon Go comes out and I got good AP Scores. Fuck yes.

  13. Okay... so actually it looks like a tree is down and tore the cables dowm... but somehow I still have power... there's just a power cable laying on the ground just up the street. I feel like I really shouldn't have power right now.

    1. BlueMoonIceCream
    2. Sutoratosu


      chances are that it's just everyone who lives past that down line is SOL. You just got lucky

    3. Shamitako


      You're sure it's a power cable and not a phone line or something?

      I mean, not that it really matter, I'm just nosy

  14. My Internet has been down for 12 hours now... we have business class, this shit isn'the supposed to happen.

  15. Woo hoo! Post in ALL the forum games.

  16. Fuck. Medicom has an outage and my router decided to go full stupid at the same time, so I couldn't even tell what it was.... this is what I get from switching from pfSense to a shit backup router I had lying around so I could replace the server running it.

  17. Garbage pizza though...

  18. I love storms <3

  19. People keep trying to play victim... and they really, really aren't... or if they are, there's a damn good reason for it.

    1. Samalet


      What a narrow-minded view.

    2. Solarance


      With context you wouldn't think so.

    3. Tempest


      I mean certain people. Not all people playing victim.

  20. ...I just woke up and it's 12:30.,,

  21. Ayyy... I'll actually have time to go on the server again

    1. pbood2


      what kind of dog is that? It is super cute and adorable.

    2. BlueMoonIceCream


      I love it and it kills me that I don't have it

  22. Happy 4th of July... if you're in America in the CST...

  23. Yay for calling the cops on a belligerent drunk man who just showed up. A normal 4th of July weekend on the lake.

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