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Everything posted by Tempest

  1. Tempest


    Banned for making me give you $R to get Ace.
  2. Tempest


    Banned because that's actually a spartan
  3. The main theme is Atmosphere - Splash set at 80% pitch while the theme in the Opal WTC/Turbine Room/Where you battle the PULSE Swalot is just Atmosphere Splash at normal speed. I checked this in the game with RPG Maker XP.
  4. Tempest


    Banned for using that terrible emoticon
  5. Woah woah woah... did you steal my opening welcome? Anyways, welcome to Reborn! As Grizzly said, you should check out our Showdown server or our Discord server. It's a great place to check out the rest of the community and hang out with everyone. Enjoy your stay!

  7. Alright, since gen 7 dropped, it invalidated my old bots, and I was far too lazy to update them; so we get to start anew! N0ble Gamma is the new bot on the server, and it much the same as N0ble Alpha was. He can battle in any tier, provided he has teams... that brings me to my second point: The teams I had originally are for Gen VI, and I need some Gen VII teams. If any of you guys are willing, I'd love to have a new teams.
  8. How dare you doubt the meme

  9. Tempest


    uTube link recognition feature for Showdown ChatBot (Add-on) Raw youtube.js /** * Youtube Link Recognition feature for Showdown ChatBot * Install as an Add-On */ 'use strict'; const Rooms = ['youtube']; // here the rooms where this feature is available const Response_Text = "**%s**'s link: __%s__ by [[%s]]"; const Response_Text_Allow_Commands = false; const Youtube_API_Host = "www.googleapis.com"; const Youtube_API_Path = "/youtube/v3/videos?id=%s" + "&key=AIzaSyBHyOyjHSrOW5wiS5A55Ekx4df_qBp6hkQ&fields=items(snippet(channelTitle,title))∂=snippet"; const Util = require('util'); const Https = require('https'); const Text = Tools('text'); let chatHandler = function () {}; exports.setup = function (App) { App.parser.addPermission('youtube', {group: 'user'}); chatHandler = function (room, time, by, msg) { if (Rooms.indexOf(room) >= 0 && App.parser.can(by, 'youtube', room)) { let name = Text.parseUserIdent(by).name; if ((/youtube\.com/i).test(msg) || (/youtu\.be/i).test(msg)) { let id = getLinkId(msg); if (!id) return; let options = { host: Youtube_API_Host, path: Util.format(Youtube_API_Path, id), }; let request = Https.request(options, response => { let str = ''; response.on('data', function (chunk) { str += chunk; }); response.on('end', function () { let youtubeData = null; try { youtubeData = JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { App.log("Youtube application failure. Received: " + str); return; } if (youtubeData && youtubeData.items && youtubeData.items.length && youtubeData.items[0].snippet) { if (youtubeData.items[0].snippet.title && youtubeData.items[0].snippet.channelTitle) { if (Response_Text_Allow_Commands) { App.bot.sendTo(room, Util.format(Response_Text, name, Text.trim(youtubeData.items[0].snippet.title), Text.trim(youtubeData.items[0].snippet.channelTitle))); } else { App.bot.sendTo(room, Text.stripCommands(Util.format(Response_Text, name, Text.trim(youtubeData.items[0].snippet.title), Text.trim(youtubeData.items[0].snippet.channelTitle)))); } } } }); response.on('error', err => { App.log("Could not connect to Youtube: " + Util.inspect(err)); }); }); request.on('error', err => { App.log("Could not connect to Youtube: " + Util.inspect(err)); }); request.end(); } } }; App.bot.on('userchat', chatHandler); }; exports.destroy = function (App) { App.bot.removeListener('userchat', chatHandler); delete App.parser.modPermissions['youtube']; }; function getLinkId(msg) { msg = msg.split(' '); for (let i = 0; i < msg.length; i++) { if ((/youtu\.be/i).test(msg)) { let temp = msg.split('/'); return temp[temp.length - 1]; } else if ((/youtube\.com/i).test(msg)) { return msg.substring(msg.indexOf("=") + 1).replace(".", ""); } } }
  10. Tempest


    Banned for being vague enough that I can't tell if you're kidding or serious
  11. Tempest


    Banned for trying to teach someone
  12. I think I might try to edit some gen 7 Pokemon into Reborn. I love some of the gen 7 pokemon.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swampellow


      Takes one to know one :]

    3. Ironbound


      Edit in all the steels. Including the Steel UBs. Especially the Steel UBs.

    4. Jmanultrax1


      give me both lycanroc, but allow it to switch forms at will

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