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Tempest last won the day on April 7 2014

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  • Birthday 11/29/1998

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  1. Any one good with physics? I need an equation that can calculate the velocity of a particle as it approaches the speed of light, given acceleration and distance. I know it adds mass as it nears c but... I can't calculate it.

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    2. Tempest


      Limit? As in the limit of velocity? It's c, the speed of light. At 15 septillion m/s/s acceleration from a Plasma Wavefeild accelerator it would equal to near the speed of light. c-10^-22 I'd guess or somewhere in that range. I'll just have to keep doing research I guess.

    3. Maelstrom


      calculate velocity from the acceleration formula? Use the derivative and plug in the knowns.

    4. Tempest


      I've tried, except, it ends up exceeding the speed of light, which would take infinite energy. As particles approach the speed of light, there mass increases and their velocity growth decreases. I need to find the equation, probably somewhere in Einstein's relativity, that allows me to plug in variables or substitute kinematic equations in. I just can't find the relationship. I have the equation that defines mass increase but it's dependent on the velocity. So it's a loop...

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