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Everything posted by Fiammazure

  1. Get a kricketune with perish song, trust me, you'll need it later, because you can't beat a trainer with 1 pokemon otherwise.
  2. It's too bad the pidove don't evolve into powerful staraptors anymore.
  3. Out of all the shines I've met. Teh most fun one was the koffing. ... No, that sucked.
  4. All I can say, is that it's definitively higher than in a normal Gamefreak developped game.
  5. Pokemon Reborn.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fiammazure


      ^ I'm not sure whether I want to build the team before beating noel.

      Or just beat noel and finish the episode before building my teams.

    3. Garnet.


      Doesn't matter. If you beat Noel first you have access to five more levels. You get your badge immediately, unlike every other goddamn freaking time FUCK

      but yea.

      He's got a powerful Staraptor. Be careful.

    4. Fiammazure


      I killed his powerful staraptor first try though.

      I need to build up at least my 2 pickup zigzagoons for rare candies. because griding for 4 days left my brain as a liquid.

  6. Blood Lad? I think we will be friends easily.
  7. Hai' Are you sure you're gonna be fine playing the game? I heard it was tedious because of the fact that you can't overlevel a poke of yours and then sweep gyms.
  8. Ahahahahaha... Gyarados -.- The next shiney I'd ever have to meet was in a pokemon ruby hack. Scripted Aerodactyl, which wasn't supposed to be red.the next battle after that was a shiney graveler.
  9. Necroooooooooo~HouahhhaeaeaeaehaeaaaaaaaaaaaaHA.
  10. Considering, Under Really Serious Examples. ...Heh, making it 5 takes off the options of swag/yolo. henvc
  11. I don't realy have any exceptional feels, but I stll got a couple. That feel when you're going to sleep, you realize you haven't spoken in the past 2 days even after those 2 days you were going to school. It happened for me. I'm pretty much of invisible anyways .-.
  12. a world I hardly get by, because the utopia doesn't exist. and pretty much the hardly to get by world is our current one. Against a tedious trial. Would you rather give up early? Or Carry on until you've done it ?
  13. Eh. so much discussion about how to beat it, I just let myself be killed because I didn't have external damage at the point. Hope the ending won't change much... Heard from someone in the staff that it could have a true ending depending on whether you were able or not to beat the garchomp... Well, I did have an Idea, Just Curse. and some sturdies... /Unoriginal. Heh. Well might redo a run of reborn once the game is completed.
  14. Wingull. Even though I recently developed a torchic addiction. (which may be from when I had ruby. Since Torchic ALWAYS WAS. and ALWAYS WILL BE my starter.) Wingull. This little seagull wasn't really strong. On the other hand, we even lost to Roxanne with a dual combo Chicken and Seagull. But somehow, I didn't really want to release it. I wanted to keep the little guy with me. So, I persevered, and we beat Roxanne. After that was Brawly. which both of my bird pokemons could handle. And then. Wattson. O, Wattson. Nightmare would you say? Actually it wasn't. Wingull was somehow able to withstand any electric-type attack that was sent at him. Even against the magneton, I don't even know... I beat Wattson on my first try... and that sealed my links with Wingulls.
  15. This sounds... Long. I might do it if I felt like having an umbreon, although I don't even have the ditto.
  16. I already know you guys've one already. Don't start off like that ._. http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx?oldlink=1 Post your results?
  17. Ouch, I facepalmed because Noel's porygon-z had a slither of HP, and didn't use aqua jet, now I'm facepalming because I haven't healed at the nearest point.

  18. Granted, but your assistant will not be as good as you. ... Still can't think of a good wish. I wish I was better at cooking?
  19. Granted, but you won't be controlling them directly. Here's a munna. I wish I was able to think about an original wish.
  20. How the hell do I use the site shop? o_O"

  21. Well I thought this challenge would be fun to do. and since you can only get it by breeding, I suppose getting wild ones at level 1 is impossible :c Thanks for the luck but I don't think I will use it if I can't even have access to the challenge (> v <)""""
  22. Did you know? Using the Speedhack function of the Cheat Engine Program does REALLY speed up your P. reborn game from x0 to x20 speed! Useful for grinding!

  23. http://prntscr.com/1l5mhz ^ Nuff' Said?
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