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About pbood2

  • Birthday 11/05/1992

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    Ontario, Canada
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    playing and socializing with friends through chatting on skype and other methods, playing video games, watching my favourite television shows such as Once Upon a Time and Quantico for examples right now as they air. Learning about different things and about business topics.

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  1. I just got rejected but it just makes my fire burn brighter and to do my own thing and make it rock and to show those who dare to where they can stick their rejection. ;)

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    2. pbood2


      hmmm yes confidence is good but you would be pissed or let down if you tried multiple times for something and you just didn't get anywhere and would consider what's the point in trying anymore such as with job searching where this does happen. Hostility is bound to appear therefore when you've just had enough and it was caused by other people. Be careful about what though? I'm not worried if you're suggesting I be. ;)

    3. Arkhi


      How does the hypothetical gentleman wink whilst furious?

    4. pbood2


      I was winking because people know where they can shove their rejection (up their butts and where the sun don't shine lol.) Maybe winking was the wrong emoticon to use then.

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