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Everything posted by Milotic

  1. Yea, it seems like it was a bug for some of us when we updated to V6
  2. Magneton cannot be evolved yet
  3. Its easier to go catch a frisk user, it'll make soft restarting more bearable. Took me less than an hour to find magarizer on Magby. Edit: Oh if you already did the event, then its too late
  4. Or worse, Miltank might catch the axe lol
  5. Pickup refuses to work for me for some reason, but I have like 60 MooMoo Milk from buying oran berries, but I never thought to sell them for profit, this is a great idea. Thank you for blessing me with this beautiful website
  6. Well, I've started to mess with my game again and I noticed that I literally have no money, and I need money for my plans. Since I've completed V6 there aren't anymore trainers to be battled aside from breeders. I spent most of my money on treats, so my damn Eevee would evolve and I've sold most of my rare items (except my bluemoon ice cream, never know when you'll need it) leaving me with like 20,000 pokedollars. I'm also in need of coins, so I can buy from the Casino, but those games literally hate me lol. I usually just buy coins, but I have no money. But enough about me, I created this thread to hopefully exchange tips and ideas about how to be successful in the Casino, as I see most of you were because you all have freaking Helioptile lol, and also to see if there were another method to get money aside from battling breeders for 200 pokedollars with Amulet coin.
  7. While im sure not too many of us has played or watched any playthroughs, I did skim through a video and I can say that It looks pretty good. Just based off of info from serebii, this game might be even better than TDS
  8. Yea, I agree on some of your points. That's why I feel like there should be some type of test (more than just an application) or something for those who want to be apart of the leauge. Test their commitment and also their skills. If we want the leauge to be difficult to beat and everything to be organized I feel like something like this needs to happen, so the wrong people arent chosen. I would love to be apart of the leauge, but i'm more interested in being a challenger.
  9. hmm thats actually pretty interesting haha, I wish I had some Lv 40s and battled him like that lol, instead of blowing him back with Lv 60s. Idr him having a signature move, but I would assume it would be Keta's signature move tho
  10. For V6, the only hard battle for me was the Geara & Zetta Double Battle. If Melia's pokemon all die early on, you literally lose lol. And while Valarie was difficult, I would have beaten her a lot sooner if she didnt hax me every other turn.
  11. Klingklang, I caught a Klang just to have it lol, little did I know it would become a very valuable and powerful member of my team.
  12. You are the real mvp lol, so exicted to check this out. I'll just skip thru the vid to avoid too many spoils.
  13. I dont think it is Mega Greninja nor do I think that Greninija will ever get a Mega, its pretty OP as it is now, and If it did get a mega evolution, It would probably be inferior to regular Greninja, since the Mega form will most likely have another ability and Protean is literally like the best ability in the game. So I doubt Greninja is getting a Mega, which sucks becuase the other kalos starters probably won't get Mega because Greninja's not getting one.
  14. We got some new information guys, check out serebii. FLYING LAPRAS HAS RETURNED!!! Looks like we'll be heading into the sky again, so pumped for this game.
  15. This bug has already been found a while back, make sure you have updated to the latest version. Should be version 6.2
  16. What if it was somewhere in Venam's gym or the sewers after you beat the current version, not too many ppl would think to go back and check lol Edit: Or maybe somewhere the corrupted cave, there were a lot of rooms with nothing in them.
  17. Wait can we not do Pre evolutions, no offense, but its kind of stupid tbh. Its not like we'll keep the pokemon in its first form for the whole game, so why evaluate/rank it? Just rank its final form, and you can add a comment about how helpful its Pre evolution has been since you got it.
  18. Your better option is to just keep it like that and breed later, I dont think the dawn stone is even in the game yet.
  19. Umbreon is my favorite, it looks the best tbh. But as for locations and such, you can get Leafeon after the 5th gym, as for the stones you'll have to find them thru mining.
  20. My App (Just in-case) The Questionnaire (Just in-case) Alright pbood now for the specific information you asked for. Player Losing: "hmph, I usually only allow one chance, but I enjoyed crushing you. Return if your ready to receive my judgement again." (little Arceus ref lol) As for Ezel losing "NO MY KINGDOM!" I think works fine. Also, once you guys get along with the story a bit more, could you let me know if Ezel actually joins BN, it could impact the way I make his team and other small stuff.
  21. I think I got all this stuff down from the first questionnaire Commander created, should I just put everything together in one post? I could if it will make things easier.
  22. Call me crazy, but I feel like Nancy, Cresent, and Madame X are like all sisters of some sort or maybe old rivals, and they all walked different paths. Madame X probably didnt know Nancy had a child, and was gonna kill you believing you were just some trainer. Idk I think Jan would pull some craziness like this lol, but I guess we'll just have to see.
  23. Wow completely missed that, thanks Gore. And yea I agree, Cresent is turning out to be quite the character, I like Angie more tho lol
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