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Everything posted by Rosesong

  1. TNA is so much better than WWE at this point.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparky


      Oh shit. I haven't watched TNA in so long lol

    3. Rosesong


      You should, it's a lot better than WWE imo

    4. Sparky


      I mean it used to be so much better back before Hogan got involved with it

  2. Heartbreak?? Now, I know I reset Numbers quite a bit, but I try not to break hearts
  3. 16 Y'know, it would be a shame if something happened... Like, I dunno, a reset?
  4. Getting to conduct at my first band festival... Totally normal that I'm nervous, right?

    1. Ojama Yellow
    2. Cyaloom


      Yes... That happens to me as well :3

      You'll do great nonetheless, best wishes for that!

    3. Ironbound


      All the best

  5. Breathe in.... Breathe out....

    1. Red_Chaos


      one foot in front of the other , one day at a time

    2. Vinny
  6. Just a friendly poll to see which of us smells the worst.
  7. Have a wonderful day Morgan! I miss seeing you around the server, but I imagine that you're crazy busy and what not. Happy birthday, enjoy your day with Inuki!
  8. By request of Aaron himself, I ship Mike and Aaron forever more Also, I ship Aaron and Arki by Aaron's request as well
  9. Running change list so that Arki can do it when he gets back from Spring Break or another global can knock it out at their leisure: Godot's server tag and info needs to be changed in all instances in the OP, as he is now @ and not & Areas where this occurs are as follows:
  10. Happy birthday Sini! Have a wonderful day~ (I can't do the transparent background dealio, shoot me)
  11. Fall Out Boy concert tonight!

  12. The high point of this otherwise arduous day is that my hair is looking pretty red and actually super nice today
  13. Darn, 18 I'm with Bibs; I've reached 100 before the rules change, and it's so much more fun having to figure out how to work together and keep teamwork going to reach the goal
  14. For the record, this thread used to be able to reset by any mod at any time. The rules were changed because people were upset by how easy it was to have to start over. I don't see an issue with the rules, honestly, and I didn't see an issue before the 7 rule was implemented. 12
  15. Happy birthday Murdoc! Here's hoping you have a fabulous day
  16. It's never that late for the UK folk, I promise. We try to keep things at a relatively decent time
  17. I post on both! That way everyone has a fair shot at seeing it And ok Sparks, will do soon
  18. I need to get one going again during spring break... Keep an eye out!
  19. Reminder to all skeptics of this being gen 7: the UK press release for Sun/Moon said it was gen 7. Unless we hear something that says otherwise, you might want to just treat it as such
  20. The most hilarious thing about this is that Exlink doesn't do anything, tbh. He always ends up posting on a 6, and for whatever reason, I'm always the one to follow. It's legit coincidence, which makes me laugh like crazy. Have a 3 fellas
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