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Winter Angel

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Winter Angel

  1. I sided with El on my first file - I didn't want to fight against a Lv. 75 Dittoceus and I didn't feel like repeating the scene over and over. I came in with a plan to fight El on Radomus's side in my second one (my Angel persona) - I won, but I don't remember who I used for the fight.
  2. How would you describe yourself in less than 140 characters? What do you recommend as a good book to read/anime to watch?
  3. What do you see yourself doing in 10 years (other than playing Pokemon)?
  4. I laughed harder than I was supposed to at that theory. The US of A is doomed. Anyway, I thought Jan axed that event since I wasn't able to get Froakie in my latest game file.
  5. I've been wanting to talk about Amaria (soon to be Amanda I guess). It bothers me how she and Geara look so similar that it can't just be a coincidence, right? I keep looking at the graphics over and over and I just don't get it. Maybe Amaria is in leagues with Team Xen. Anything is still possible since we are at the halfway mark (we are at 10 badges and Jan said that the story will continue on a bit more after we get the next badge - whoever that maybe be?).
  6. If we betrayed Flora and Bladestar to Florin, does that give us a chance to meet Cassandra and see the behind the scenes of the government as a gift? I made two different files to see what the differences are when we get there and I like the idea of being a secret agent, but it might not be a good thing though. Well. It can go either way right? We don't know who is actually right here. We just assume that we made the right decision and get on with it.
  7. Well. It can't be helped. Anyway, I don't know how I feel about Angie so I'm staying neutral for that. I'm neither Pro- or Anti- Angie. I'm just here.
  8. Politics is sure an interesting topic... I've heard nothing but politics in the past 6 or so months from news media that breaks for the occasional disaster/shooting/whatever. In other words, it's making my head spin in trying to keep up with what our 'president' is doing and attempting not to release my anger on my pro-Trump friends. While I feel that I'm not actually contributing to the conversation, I would still like to give my two cents on how I feel since I find it better to post here where it appears to be a courteous and professional conversation unlike say Facebook or Twitter. I'm not a political science major, but it's good to be informed on what's going in with the world (and nation). I get my news sources from fairly reputable news medias like ABC, BBC, NBC, etc. (the list is kinda long so I'll stop there - I'll admit that I prefer to read the articles from non-American news sites since they seem to be less biased as opposed to places like CNN and Fox News). Anyway, I check the news almost daily and I have to switch between news places like Nat Geo or the political cartoons and the news to avoid getting myself too angry. I'm a Democratic by heart, but choosing between Clinton and Trump when it came down to the elections was painful with old high school friends choosing 'the lesser of two evils' so I chose Clinton since Trump's an idiot (for the lack of a better term). Imagine my surprise and horror when I woke up the day after the elections and see that our commander-in-chief was now toddler-in-chief as Eviora put it. Since Trump became president I've read how he 'tried' to put America first (what a complete load of BS) with issuing laws and executive orders that will destroy international relations and create inner turmoil. In all honesty, there would have been riots and all that jazz no matter who won the elections; the rest of the world just watched. On the matter of TrumpCare, I read that Ryan pulled the bill from the House this morning and I was kinda relieved in a way (my parents are covered under ACA in a way so at least they still have it for some time). While I agree with Hunter that it is GOP's fault that AHCA didn't pass through (Trump's blames the Democrats that that one too), I don't think universal healthcare is even possible in the US considering the population size and how many insurance companies are out there (and probably more factors are involved here too). I agree with Neo here that healthcare is still a fundamental right for everyone and I would not personally mind paying more to help others. Insert sigh here. I want to move to Canada now. Keep in mind that this is my opinion and that it is open for argument if I'm wrong with any information/logic. TL;DR: I hate Trump and the great US of A is doomed. On another note, what are some reputable news media out there with the least amount of bias compared to the rest?
  9. Her Yveltal had a Soul Stone? Huh. I didn't know that. She did kill Nancy/Yancy (can someone give me the correct name to the protag's mother?) so Madame X likely got her soul if that's the case. Weird since I think we battle her later on, ghost style. But what good would it have done for Madame X if she got Yancy? Swayed us to do her bidding?
  10. Okay. Both of you have a point about that. If Angie's obsession, then who's the pure evil one? Madame X?
  11. I've made my own assumptions on who the 4 people of darkness (is that the right phrase for it) after following the thread for months now. I made 3 run-throughs to check out all (almost all) possible choices. I have yet to try normal mode, but I'm not about to- I'll get my roommate (and the rest of the building) mad at me. Anyway: On different note, how is disinterest a good thing? Unless we are referring to Crescent, who wants us to stand down for our own safety and not get involved.
  12. Wild (and killed): I don't remember. I think it was a Lv. 79 or something. Captured: Lv. 76 Luvdisc from the Belrose Manse lake (post-Episode 16)
  13. Winter Angel


    It's in the gym and if you have all those panel thingys red, the door in the back of them should be open and in the back of the room, the ring is there.
  14. Since I was having no luck in getting one in game, I'll ask politely if anyone would like to give me an Eevee. It does not matter if it has good stats or not. I just want one please. I have a whole box of shinies (and some other goodies) that I'm willing to trade for an Eevee. I can negotiate, too. Like say you want a Topegi or a Ralts, though you'll have to say it in advance so I can go out a breed one for you (Can I trade Pokemon like that?). Thanks! Online Play Name: Winter Angel (like my profile)
  15. It's iOS 9 something something. Otherwise, the App Store wouldn't have let me download it.
  16. iOS. iPhone 4s (old model I know). Jailbroken: no. Why?
  17. gRRRR... I love Fire Emblem, but I cannot play 5 seconds without the app crashing. I want to cry (and throw my phone across the room). Any tips on what to do?
  18. Adrienn - Hands down. Xe is the first non-binary character I've encountered before I entered college and met several genderfluid/non-binary students. Titania - I feel like the she's realist-pessimistic with a rock hard exterior - makes you wonder what happened in the past. Charlotte - the scene where she burned Connal with the cig was the best in Reborn so far.
  19. Yes! I finally figured out how to change my username. Life is good. Living is better.

  20. No. It's there. Explore the Railnet now that it's fixed and I mean underground.
  21. No. It means you'll have to wait until the next episode to update the Slums to get the application for Maxie.
  22. That makes more sense on how they are within the league. Thank you. I'm a huge fan of Rejuvenation as well and have 3 different runthroughs (since the story does branch out). I'm super excited for the next update. No matter how long it takes to come out, I'll still be waiting (and checking daily for updates). Tbh, I have almost completely forgot about Karen (Terra 2.0) being part of the Elite 8.
  23. Wait. Now, I'm a little confused. If Tesla is one of the hidden Elite4 member, then why would she let it be known that she's an Elite Four? Wouldn't they not want people to know? Being a forum noob, how to you activate the spoiler slides/tabs?
  24. You are not alone and there are probably more out there that may come out sooner or later. Anyway, it's good to meet you, too.
  25. Thank you. Thank you. An even bigger one to ZEL and Ice for providing me with the names/TMs of the Reborn League. I've been writing little by little everyday (since the Reborn story is extensive and might change again - I saw some changes with my Angel runthrough) and hopefully will get up to where we are in Episode 16.
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