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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Magus

  1. I'm really not going to get Xenoblade if gamestop doesn't lower the price of a used copy.

  2. i know ive changed my status like 13 times in the past hour but i just have so many useless thoughts to share

  3. so how is everyone today :3

  4. mega salamence is the stupidest looking pokemon i've ever seen.

  5. so how is everyone today :3

  6. I've been playing some of these RPG horror games, and they are quite good.

  7. All the sharknado hate. Like I named myself that. Zipo, you've got some 'splaining to do.

  8. NO ONE ELSE IS HOME I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. *sits in bedroom on laptop with the door shut*

  9. Did anyone else play the assassin game in school, the one where you stab people with plastic spoons.

  10. PSAT's... Oh boy

  11. what's your favorite mythical creature?

  12. Currently sitting alone in a coffee shop like some kind of horrible cliche. What is my life coming to?...

  13. What??? No Trainer Customization in ORAS!!! And there goes all my hype for the games... I don't wanna look like Brendan, he's ugly >:'I

  14. And here I'am still waiting for Mega Flygon

  15. Death Note has quickly became one of my favorite anime.

  16. Death Note has quickly became one of my favorite anime.

  17. Lvl 69 Mechromancer. I WILL reach 72 before the Presequel is released


  19. I finally did it. The 4 bitches of Battle Maison are my bitches now. And all thanks to the Ferrothorn Shadow gave me. Thanks Shadow (to the guy that i give Diancie btw) I´ll always remember you

  20. I finally did it. The 4 bitches of Battle Maison are my bitches now. And all thanks to the Ferrothorn Shadow gave me. Thanks Shadow (to the guy that i give Diancie btw) I´ll always remember you

  21. Mega Kanga, meet scarf Lucario, we ain't having no of that shit.

  22. Mega Kanga, meet scarf Lucario, we ain't having no of that shit.

  23. I have never once played a Pokemon game as the male character ever in my life until today. Feels weird bruh.

  24. Mega Kanga, meet scarf Lucario, we ain't having no of that shit.

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