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Everything posted by T-Raz

  1. @Neo: Thanks!=D Squirtle was my starter of choice back in Blue so it'll be great to use him again in Gen.6.~
  2. Tch. Before I was "Insta get Froakie". Then Kanto starters are available at the get-go & I wanted Squirtle, then Chespin. & I saw the 1st evolutions for the new starters & thought "No way am I getting Chespin now.>.>". I guess Water is a type that you have 2 of on the same team, but I also REALLY love Fennekin's 1st evolution, like ALOT, & same with Frokie's. I've already pre-ordered X. I just don't know which starter to get anymore.-.-
  3. At the same place Noel is at (Hidden Cove they call it?) There's a lake there & I've been fighting Basculin's (Good Rod) that go into the 40's. Even though I beat Noel (hated that guy btw), thats where I'm doing my training to get ready for episode 10. Also careful if you use Scrafty, Noel's Hidden Power move is Fighting type, at least for me it was.
  4. WELCOME TO REBORN!!!!=D Joltik & Gardevoir are super cute.X3 I've actually seen Ky-nim's Nuzlocke comics, they make me really wanna try out a Nuzlocke, though I have yet to do so.=/ & woo!! A Vocaloid fan!=) Well I hope you enjoy your stay here at Reborn.
  5. WELCOME TO REBORN!!!!!!=D & yeah, hate that Fern guy to.>.> Hope you enjoy your stay here at Reborn. lol. Only a year older than me, but no one is too old for Pokemon!=P
  6. I sence a Creepypasta.=3
  7. I remember some guy, can't remember if it was on Twitter or Facebook, but he asked Sakurai if we'll either see "Megaman, Geno, or Issac" & Sakurai just responded "2 out of the 3", so I would love to see Issac playable. I know so far that when Pikmin 3 came out Olimar was announced, when Dream Team came out Luigi was announced, so I'm wondering if the main character from Wonderful 101 (always forget his name) will make the cut once the game comes out in Japan. Anyway my Top10: 10) Issac: Golden Sun was an amazing series, I'm sure there will be another Golden Sun game to continue the adventure of Mathew, but I feel like Issac more deserves the spot for making the game. 9) Lyn: when I saw Lyn on the Dojo for Brawl, I got OVERLY excited & hyped, then I saw the Assist Trophy symbol i the top corner, & I just screamed out "F***" as loud as I could.....I was in computer class back in High School.>.>; She's probably my most favorite FE character ever, she could be very fast & a somewhat powerful character if she was playable. 8) Ephraim: Another FE character I know, but Smash needs more weapons other than JUST swords & hammers. A spear would probably be cheap to use cause of its long range, but its something. I WOULD say Hector, who would be a BEAST in the game, but I doubt Nintendo would ever have an axe user on the game. lol. 7) Lloyd: I know Namco is helping with the game & I know Nintendo said that they don't want any of their characters in the game, but any Tales character from the Nintendo consoles would be a great addition, I just said Lloyd since he's the most popular of the Tales characters on Nintendo systems. 6) Mewtwo: I want Mewtwo to return to the game as well. I always pictured him as "A great Brawl character stuck in the Melee world", thinking that he would've been great in Brawl. Hopefully he'll make it & with his Mega form that could come into play. 5) Sylux: I actually only played Metroid Prime Hunters as the ONLY Metroid game I've played, but I really liked Sylux in the game. I very highly doubt he'll make the cut, but who knows. lol. 4) Waluigi: I highly doubt that he'll make the cut since he doesn't have his own game & is just stuck on some party games, but I'd still want him to make it. If Luigi has a mansion, then Waluigi's game should be "Waluigi's Trailer Park"! lol. jk. 3) ROB: I WANT ROB to return, I know everyone was very hyped for Snake, MK, & Sonic, but not really me (well I was hyped for MK), ROB is just.....awesome in Brawl. IMO, he was the most fun character to use & was pretty unique in his own way. Truly an awesome character. 2) Chrom: I'm kinda expecting Chrom to be playable. I already know Marth will be playable so I'm not sure if Lucina would be playable. If Lucina replaces Marth then woo!! Smash REALLY needs more female characters. If Lucina doesn't make the cut & Marth is still there, thats still fine by me. 1) Quote: Yes I am wanting Quote from Cave Story to be playable. I know it started out on PC, but it made its way to Wii, 3DS e-Shop, & an actual 3DS game, I'd really enjoy having Quote be playable, Honorable Mention) Reggie: Yes I signed that petition to have Reggie playable. lol. Thats all I could think of off the top of my head. I haven't really played Metroid or Zelda so other than Samus, Sylux, Ridley, Link, Zelda/Sheik, & Ganondorf I don't really know anyone else from those games that would make it.=/ Welp, thats all I could think of.
  8. PSN: ZartraZ Blazble EXTEND Street Fighter x Tekken King of Fighters 13 Injustice Divekick Darkstalkers Persona 4 Arena Soul Caliber V Arcana Heart 3 Playstation All-Stars (haven't played in FOREVER. lol.) For non-fighters: Modnation Racers Disgaea 4 3DS FC: 2062-9197-4895 Mario Kart 7 I also have quite a few DS & Wii games to, but I don't want to spam up my post with games & FC's. lol.
  9. Now I need to plan which starters I want: Definently getting that Torchic. I WAS gonna get Froakie, but since you can choose Kanto starters now, I'll have to pick Chespin. Choosing Squirtle, my childhood partner from the good old days.~ Thats half of my team done there. Still need the Dragonslayer Mawile as well, then the Dark/Psychic squid Malamar, & 1 more Pokemon.
  10. Bee's. They terrify the CRAP out of me, its basically phobia.>.> The buzzing, the looks, the stingers, they just....ugh.
  11. I think my best moment was against Shade & Aya way back then. I don't have a screenshot though.=/ Shade - A full health Scraggy (lvl.38), a burned Trubbish with a little more than 17 HP left, & a sleeping Magnezone was all I had left against Shades Spiritomb. Scraggy took it down to half health, but was put to sleep, he never woke up again & lost, I didn't want to send out Magnezone cause I was scared of Dream Eater so I sent out Trubbish, Sludge Bomb got it down to red health & poisoned, but being burnt it only had a little HP left. Spiritomb's Hypnosis missed & I finished it off before Burn took down my Trubbish, if it had survived I would've had Garbodor at the end. This was my 3rd try against Shade. Aya - Being derpy I forgot to bring Magnezone.-.- However my memory is slightly hazy here. After I took down Tentacruel Ninetails swept her team with Extrasensory, until Seviper & Drapion came out. Lets see, during that time Ninetails had red HP & I took out Drapion's HP down to about half, though Seviper's Sludge Wave took out both Ninetails & I believe Feraligatr was out to. Against a Seviper with full HP & a Drapion with Red HP after that Sludge Wave, my only Pokemon left was Garbodor. With 3 stacks of Stockpile & a few healing items left, 1 Sludge Bomb defeated Drapion & I spammed it against Seviper, it was still a close battle. That was my 1st time against Aya.
  12. Thinking of starting my very first Nuzlock sometime later on in September.

  13. I have a total of 59 hours & 56 minutes after episode 9.
  14. The same shop carries Rare Candies as well as other candies that cure status ailments, but the Rare candies are very pricy.....$20000 I believe.
  15. They lower a Pokemon's level by 1.
  16. If this does well, yeah I think we could see if its gonna be a whole anime. If it does get dubbed I'd very excited, just gotta keep it away from 4Kids or they will BUTCHER it like they do other great shows like One Piece for example.-.- If it doesn't get dubbed I'd still be very happy with subs. All in all, I'm very hyped about this.
  17. Everyone seemed to have alot of fun. I just spent time with friends. Though we all did go to a flea market. Bought Wario Land 1 & 3 thus completing my Wario Land collection.~ One of my other friends bought a gold cartridge Majora's Mask. & the other got the best game ever: Battletoads for only $20, we all played so much of it when we got back home.XD Too good.~
  18. Whatever names I come up with they tend to stick with me. Nom Nom: Named after the Feraligatr I used in my Crystal playthrough in April. She also "bites".=P Mio: I try to think up some cute names for Gardevoir. Tager: Just named after my Blazblue main.~ Lily: Trying to think up some cute plant names. Zuruzukin: I honestly couldn't think up any names for Scrafty, so I went with his Japanese name instead.~ Dumpster: Because the trash takes you out.=3
  19. WELCOME TO REBORN DOOD!!!=D & nice Wizard avi.=3 Dragon's Crown is pretty fun.~ I, to, enjoy alot of RPG's as well.
  20. Cleffa I think is the cutest ever!!!XD I also love Oddish to.=P
  21. WELCOME TO REBORN!!!=D Hope you enjoy the site.=)
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