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Dark Desire

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Everything posted by Dark Desire

  1. Well, Fizz could probably pass for something that looks like a pokemon League of Pokémon ftw
  2. http://prntscr.com/14svp1 That feeling when after a DFG active, your Q ohkos Varus <3
  3. http://prntscr.com/146wie Fizz, staph being op :c
  4. http://prntscr.com/141wg8 3rd game with Fizz, his Q was doing 1/2 of everybodys hp late game <3
  5. And people get scared over of a snowballing Akali when they should really be fearing a snowballing Katarina :I But i would've gotten way more kills if that Diana wasn't always pulling me when i was ulting
  6. http://prntscr.com/13rywx Tried to play support Lux but that didn't work out since i just killed people so i went full AP at the end qq
  7. http://prntscr.com/13mb7r ily Jax and your manly voice that i wish i had c:
  8. Haapppy Birthday Godot bby <3 You're totally my favorite auth so come on more often qq anddddd..that awkward moment when you didn't realize Mael already made a topic for you so I had to delete the one I just made
  9. That feel when you're just devastating the enemy top with Elise but you still end up losing the game cause your team just feels it's necessary to feed every enemy champ in sight :c
  10. http://prntscr.com/12wqre Liss' ult is amazing in teamfights but I still dunno how to build her qq
  11. Wow Ame, that was a terrific show qq.. But anyway, thanks guys o:
  12. >:[ don't be hatin' Ame, but anyway just finished this game with Neo, Suneshine, Sora, and Jory. Probably the closest game ever D:http://prntscr.com/11s0rf
  13. http://prntscr.com/11rqht Pfft, Ap Yi is the real god!
  14. Considering everyone elses scores and that i was soloqing with Ryan giving us higher level people that i'm usually not use to, i find it pretty special :>
  15. You hatin' on Katarina Pocky? I don't like haters >:
  16. Just got ninja'd, I wanted to post that win ):
  17. That feel when you're tired of playing assassins but can't play any other roles properly :c
  18. That LoL feel when Kha'Xiz goes on sale right after you buy him qq
  19. http://prntscr.com/116y8o Got 2 Triples and 3 Doubles during that game. << But that Zed on my team was terrible.
  20. Whenver i'm up against Xin, i cry inside qq
  21. Diana it is then, and that LoL feel when you get the leadership honor thingy when the only "leadership" you do is telling your team to stop feeding akali >>
  22. That LoL feel when you can't decided between getting Cass or Diana qq
  23. Blast is currently having trouble editing the Rmt, so he asked me to tell y'all to save the comments until everythings fixed.
  24. That feel while playing bots and you're about to win but then you notice no-one's guarding the base and find out that all the bots gathered around your base and just destroyed it. qq
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